4 Types of Mindsets for Success 🗣️
1) Growth Mindset
This mindset has been linked to success in numerous life domains. Our brains attitudes, beliefs, perspectives - and we, have the ability and capacity to change and grow through learning and developing new ideas & skills.
2) Positive Mindset
Through focusing on the positive like gratitude, reframing, meaning, purpose, and self-compassion - we gain health benefits, life satisfaction, and more constructive ways to deal with stress.
3) Entrepreneurial Mindset
Skills and attitudes make up this mindset including: comfort with risk, desire to learn, critical and strategic thinking, internal locus of control, initiative, future orientation, creativity, curiosity, innovative thinking, adaptability and mental agility, communication, and collaboration.
4) Challenge Mindset
Dealing with uncertainty can be stressful. However, considering the unknown as a challenge rather than a threat can improve our coping strategies, appraisal, motivation, and ability to deal with change.
@barruu_beektotaa 📔
1) Growth Mindset
This mindset has been linked to success in numerous life domains. Our brains attitudes, beliefs, perspectives - and we, have the ability and capacity to change and grow through learning and developing new ideas & skills.
2) Positive Mindset
Through focusing on the positive like gratitude, reframing, meaning, purpose, and self-compassion - we gain health benefits, life satisfaction, and more constructive ways to deal with stress.
3) Entrepreneurial Mindset
Skills and attitudes make up this mindset including: comfort with risk, desire to learn, critical and strategic thinking, internal locus of control, initiative, future orientation, creativity, curiosity, innovative thinking, adaptability and mental agility, communication, and collaboration.
4) Challenge Mindset
Dealing with uncertainty can be stressful. However, considering the unknown as a challenge rather than a threat can improve our coping strategies, appraisal, motivation, and ability to deal with change.
@barruu_beektotaa 📔