PocketFi Ethiopia🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹

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Through #airdrops📈 We will build with you the largest no investment learning channel in Ethiopia✅

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300 🟥🟥🟥

⛏ Keep Mining!

Blum ኦፊሴላዊ ✔️ ፒን ከቴሌግራም ተቀብሏል 🔝 ፕሮጀክቱ በከፍተኛው ልውውጥ Binance ላይ ተዘርዝሯል.

👉የአበቦች ስራ👈

🕰️ በየ 8 ሰዓቱ የይገባኛል ጥያቄን መጫን ብቻ ያስፈልግዎታል።
ቀሪው በ @Bitcoin_Ethiopiaa ቻናል ላይ ነው።

💸 TOP-3 Airdrop projects like Notcoin:

1. PocketFi — Cross chain DEX in Telegram from Telegram team. You need to claim Switch every 6 hours after that your mined Switch will be burned. Set a reminder so you don't miss next claim. 👉Earn Switch👈
2 ChainGame — Top project from OKX exchange. You need to tap chain to earn. You can improve and restore your energy for free once in a day in Boost section.
👉On Chain👈

*️⃣All this projects will be listed in major exchanges so don't miss out!

🟥 Guilds and Alliances in PocketFi

We are excited to introduce leaderboards for $switch miners! Check out who is on top! Mine Solo or unite with your friends in Alliances!

Mine $switch to get on top of your Guild and move into the next one. Only top 1% of miners will get into the Cardinal guild!

There are 5 guilds both for Miners and Alliances:

Adept (top 50% best miners)
Master (top 30% best miners)
Magister (top 15% best miners)
Grandmaster (top 4% best miners)
Cardinal (top 1% best miners)

☕️ PocketFi Community

⛏ Keep Mining!

ወዳጆች ሆይ ከዚህ ሊንክ ካልተመዘገባችሁ፣ እባኮትን በተቻለ መጠን ተመዝገቡ፣ በቅርብ ጊዜ ውስጥ ተጨማሪ የቴሌግራም ስጦታዎችን እናዘጋጃለን።https://t.me/pocketfi_bot/Mining?startapp=683544264
Друзья, если вы еще не зарегистрировались по этой ссылке, пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь. Как можно больше из вас зарегистрируются, в ближайшее время мы организуем больше розыгрышей премиум-призов Telegram. https://t.me/pocketfi_bot/Mining?startapp=683544264
Friends, if you haven't registered from this link, please register. As many of you register as possible, we will organize more telegram premium giveaways in the near future. https://t.me/pocketfi_bot/Mining?startapp=683544264

ጓደኞች, ማንም ሰው በዚህ ፕሮጀክት ውስጥ በንቃት እየተሳተፈ አይደለም, ይህ ፕሮጀክት ሲያልቅ እናዝናለን እና ቶከኖችን ለመሸጥ እድሉ አለዎት.👇👇👇

"Information owns the world." Nathan Rothschild.

Briefly about Bitcoin.

Cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology was invented in 2009 by an unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto. Unlike gold and other national currencies, it is limited (21 million) and decentralized, unlike banks. Its system is powered by all miners around the world based on computer hardware, and they are incentivized for it (they are given bitcoins). Let me briefly explain his algorithm: he asks the computer a question in a mathematical example, and the computer solves it in a certain time interval and sends the answer, and this is how bitcoin miners earn money. But Bitcoin's algorithm gives more and more difficult mathematical examples and problems, as a result, one device is not enough for this, and you need a powerful and more device. And with your device, you get a small boost. Miners can earn by selling their bitcoins earned through these mining devices through exchanges. At the beginning, Bitcoin was known only to small groups and was very cheap. Even on May 22, 2010, a programmer named Laszlo Heinz ordered 2 pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins (currently worth $370 million), and this day is still known among "bitcoiners" as " It is celebrated as "Pizza Day". Over time, Bitcoin started to gain popularity very quickly and it reached $66,000 in 2021. Following this, people's interest in blockchain technology has increased, and now there are more than 10,000 cryptocurrencies that work on different principles. Recently, the world's giant investment companies "Blackrock" ($9 trillion), "Fidelity investments" have invested in Bitcoin.
($4.5 trillion) and 10 more (over $15 trillion in total) have shown interest and want to bring it to the US stock market in the form of a Spot ETF. Experts say that this will greatly affect the further popularity of bitcoin and its future price. Because after gold was placed on the US stock market in the form of a spot ETF, its price increased by 3.5 times. Bitcoin, on the other hand, can simultaneously act as a digital gold and a means of payment, and unlike gold, it is limited. According to statistics, 5% of the world's population has heard about bitcoin. The conclusion is from yourself!

Keep this chain is very well explained. BTC rises then ETH then altcoins start to rise, then mid-cap cryptocurrencies start to rise then BTC corrects and small-cap cryptocurrencies start to rise. Then BTC forms an "uptrend" and meme tokens start to grow. The price starts to drop, everyone gets mad, and the final price drop happens. Then it all starts again.

ይህ ሰንሰለት በደንብ ተብራርቷል BTC ይነሳል ከዚያም ETH ከዚያም altcoins መነሳት ይጀምራል, ከዚያም አጋማሽ-cap cryptocurrencies ይጀምራል ከዚያም BTC ያስተካክላል እና ትንሽ-ካፕ cryptocurrencies መነሳት ይጀምራል ከዚያም BTC አንድ "አፕtrend" ይፈጥራል እና meme tokens ማደግ ይጀምራል. ዋጋው መውደቅ ይጀምራል፣ ሁሉም ይናደዳሉ፣ እና የመጨረሻው የዋጋ ቅነሳ ይከሰታል ከዚያ ሁሉም ነገር እንደገና ይጀምራል

🟥 PocketFi trading volume on TON exceeded $4 million!

In just 11 days PocketFi trading volume on TON exceeded 600,000 TON ($4 million). In celebration of this, we have increased PocketFi mining boosts for swaps! 🥳

TON swaps: +4 switch/h ➞ +8 switch/h
EVM swaps: +2 switch/h ➞ +5 switch/h
ETH swaps: +10 switch/h ➞ +12 switch/h

Boosts are active for 24 hours after the swap. You can also get +5 switch/h for TON Punks NFT, boost is active while the NFT is in your wallet and not on sale.

ጓደኞች, በእነዚህ ፕሮጀክቶች ውስጥ ይሳተፋሉ, መልሱን በአስተያየቶች ውስጥ ይፃፉ, በፕሮጀክቱ መጨረሻ ላይ ተሳታፊዎች ሽልማት እንደሚያገኙ አይርሱ. https://t.me/pocketfi_bot/Mining?startapp=683544264

Giveaway of 1 subscriptions Telegram Premium for a period of 3 months
Participation terms:
  • All subscribers participate in the giveaway
  • You must be a subscriber of 1 channels
  • End of giveaway: 30.04.2024 12:00

The office of the stock millionaire at the top is the office of the crypto millionaire at the bottom.😂

Join our channel and win telegram premium🥳🥳🥳🎁🎁🎁

Friends, I advise you not to lose our channel. As soon as our channel reaches 100 subscribers, we will organize a winning telegram premium game here

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