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I hope you can keep a secret because I'd like you to keep this information _____________ your hat.
  •   A- in
  •   B- under
2 votes

I think that three kilometres _______________ too far to walk. Why don't we take a taxi?
  •   A- is
  •   B- are
2 votes

The flight was cancelled due _____________ heavy snowfall.
  •   A- to
  •   B- for
3 votes

Between you and _____, that was a bad idea.
  •   A- I
  •   B- me
3 votes

She just wants to ______________ her new jewellery to everyone she meets, hoping they'll admire it and shower her with compliments.
  •   A- show up
  •   B- show off
1 votes

I was about to leave when she _____________ and started talking about her vacation.
  •   A- showed up
  •   B- showed off
1 votes

I have been interested in drawing _____________ I was five.
  •   A- after
  •   B- since
  •   C- when
2 votes

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Here’s a detailed guide to the uses of the tenses along with their structures:
1. Simple Present
To express habits or routines: "She walks to school every day."
To state general truths or facts: "The sun rises in the east."
To describe scheduled events: "The train leaves at 7 PM."
To give instructions or directions: "Add two cups of sugar."
Positive: Subject + base verb (add s/es for third-person singular)
He works hard.
Negative: Subject + do/does not + base verb
She does not like coffee.
Question: Do/Does + subject + base verb?
Does he play football?
2. Simple Past
To talk about completed actions in the past: "I visited Paris last year."
To describe past habits or routines: "He always walked to work before he got a car."
To tell stories or narrate events: "She opened the door and screamed."
Positive: Subject + past tense verb
They went to the park.
Negative: Subject + did not + base verb
I did not see him yesterday.
Question: Did + subject + base verb?
Did you finish your homework?
3. Present Perfect
To describe actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past: "I have already eaten."
To express actions continuing up to the present: "She has lived here for five years."
To talk about recent events: "He has just finished his work."
Positive: Subject + have/has + past participle
We have watched this movie before.
Negative: Subject + have/has not + past participle
She has not read the book yet.
Question: Have/Has + subject + past participle?
Have they completed the project?
4. Past Perfect
To indicate an action that was completed before another action in the past: "I had finished my homework before he arrived."
To talk about a condition in the past: "If I had known, I would have called you."
To show the sequence of events in the past: "She had left when we reached the station."
Positive: Subject + had + past participle
They had eaten before we came.
Negative: Subject + had not + past participle
He had not visited the museum before.
Question: Had + subject + past participle?
Had she seen that movie before?
This format combines explanations, examples, and grammatical structures to make learning easier! If you need further clarification, let me know!

- Use: Combining the present perfect with the continuous form allows us to talk about actions that have happened recently and are still in progress or have continuing effects.
- Example: "I have been working all day."
- Focuses on what has happened recently and is still ongoing.
#### Past Perfect + Past Continuous
- Use: Describes actions that were happening over a period of time before another action in the past.
- Example: "I had been waiting for an hour when she finally arrived."
- Focuses on an action that was ongoing in the past and the interruption by another action.
### 5. Future Tenses in Complex Sentences
When combining different future tenses, you can describe actions in sequence, focusing on completion, ongoing actions, or duration.
#### Future Simple + Future Perfect
- Use: Expresses an action that will happen, followed by an action that will be completed before a certain time in the future.
- Example: "I will finish the project, and by then, she will have left."
- One action will be completed before the second action takes place.
#### Future Continuous + Future Simple
- Use: Describes an ongoing action at a future point and another action that will happen afterward.
- Example: "I will be working when you arrive."
- Focuses on an ongoing action in the future and a future event happening while the action is still continuing.
#### Future Perfect Continuous + Future Simple
- Use: Describes the duration of an action that will continue up until a certain time in the future, followed by a future action.
- Example: "By next month, I will have been studying for three years, and then I will take the exam."
- The focus is on how long an action will continue before another event in the future.
### 6. Common Confusion: Future Perfect vs. Future Continuous
- Future Perfect emphasizes completion:
- "By next week, I will have completed the project."
- Future Continuous emphasizes duration:
- "By next week, I will be working on the project."
### Key Takeaways from Complex Tenses:
1. Perfect Tenses focus on completion (whether in the present, past, or future).
- Present Perfect: Actions with relevance to the present.
- Past Perfect: Actions completed before another past action.
- Future Perfect: Actions that will be completed before a future point.
2. Continuous Tenses focus on the ongoing nature or duration of an action.
- Present Continuous: Ongoing actions in the present.
- Past Continuous: Ongoing actions in the past.
- Future Continuous: Ongoing actions in the future.
3. Perfect Continuous Tenses combine completion and duration, emphasizing how long an action has been happening.
- Present Perfect Continuous: Ongoing actions with present relevance.
- Past Perfect Continuous: Ongoing actions before another past event.
- Future Perfect Continuous: Ongoing actions up to a future point.
### Final Thought:
Mastering complex tenses requires practice and understanding how time, duration, and completion interact. By recognizing the distinctions between perfect, continuous, and perfect continuous tenses, you can express actions with more precision and detail. The key to fluency is consistent practice and being aware of subtle time relationships in both writing and speaking.
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ses or examples

Tenses in English can become quite complex, especially when you look at the different aspects and their various forms. The complexity arises from the combination of time (when the action occurs) and aspect (whether the action is completed, ongoing, or repeated). Below, we'll dive into some of the more complex parts of tenses, focusing on perfect tenses, continuous tenses, and perfect continuous tenses, as well as their combinations.
### 1. Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous
Both the Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous refer to actions that started in the past and are connected to the present, but they differ in focus.
#### Present Perfect (have/has + past participle)
- Use: Describes actions that happened at some unspecified time in the past, with a focus on the result or completion of the action.
- Example: "I have finished the report."
- Focuses on the result of the action (the report is finished).
#### Present Perfect Continuous (have/has + been + verb-ing)
- Use: Describes actions that started in the past and are still continuing or have recently finished, with an emphasis on the duration of the action.
- Example: "I have been working on the report for two hours."
- Focuses on the duration or ongoing nature of the action.
Key Difference: The present perfect emphasizes the result, while the present perfect continuous emphasizes the process or duration of the action.
### 2. Past Perfect vs. Past Perfect Continuous
These tenses both describe actions that happened before another action in the past, but they again focus on different aspects.
#### Past Perfect (had + past participle)
- Use: Describes an action that was completed before another action or point in the past.
- Example: "By the time I arrived, she had left."
- Focuses on the completion of the action before another past event.
#### Past Perfect Continuous (had + been + verb-ing)
- Use: Describes actions that were ongoing before another past action, with emphasis on duration or the process before the second action.
- Example: "She had been working for two hours when I arrived."
- Focuses on the duration or how long the action had been happening before another past event.
Key Difference: The past perfect focuses on the completion of the action before a past point, while the past perfect continuous emphasizes the duration of the action before that past point.
### 3. Future Perfect vs. Future Perfect Continuous
These tenses both describe actions that will be completed before a future point, but the emphasis differs.
#### Future Perfect (will have + past participle)
- Use: Describes an action that will be completed before a specific time or event in the future.
- Example: "By next year, I will have finished my degree."
- Focuses on the completion of the action at a future time.
#### Future Perfect Continuous (will have been + verb-ing)
- Use: Describes actions that will continue until a point in the future, emphasizing duration up until that point.
- Example: "By next year, I will have been studying for four years."
- Focuses on the ongoing nature of the action and how long it will have lasted by the future time.
Key Difference: The future perfect focuses on the completion of the action by a future point, while the future perfect continuous emphasizes the duration of the action up to that future point.
### 4. Mixed Tenses: Combining Perfect and Continuous Forms
In English, you can sometimes mix perfect and continuous tenses in more complex ways. Here's how they work together:
#### Present Perfect + Present Continuous

Here’s a guide on how time expressions are used with each tense, along with their structures and examples:
1. Simple Present
Common Time Expressions:
Always, often, usually, sometimes, every (day/week/year), once a week, never, etc.
Examples with Time Expressions:
Positive: "She always wakes up at 6 AM."
Negative: "They never eat breakfast."
Question: "Do you usually go to the gym?"
Positive: Subject + base verb (+ s/es for third-person singular)
Negative: Subject + do/does not + base verb
Question: Do/Does + subject + base verb?
2. Simple Past
Common Time Expressions:
Yesterday, last (night/week/year), (two days) ago, in (2000), when, earlier, once, etc.
Examples with Time Expressions:
Positive: "I visited the museum yesterday."
Negative: "She didn’t call me last night."
Question: "Did you see him two days ago?"
Positive: Subject + past tense verb
Negative: Subject + did not + base verb
Question: Did + subject + base verb?
3. Present Perfect
Common Time Expressions:
Already, just, yet, never, ever, for (5 years), since (2010), so far, until now, recently, etc.
Examples with Time Expressions:
Positive: "I have already finished my homework."
Negative: "They have not visited Paris yet."
Question: "Have you ever been to Japan?"
Positive: Subject + have/has + past participle
Negative: Subject + have/has not + past participle
Question: Have/Has + subject + past participle?
4. Past Perfect
Common Time Expressions:
Before, by the time, when, after, until, already, never, for (2 years), etc.
Examples with Time Expressions:
Positive: "She had already left by the time I arrived."
Negative: "They had not met before the event."
Question: "Had you finished your homework before she called?"
Positive: Subject + had + past participle
Negative: Subject + had not + past participle
Question: Had + subject + past participle?
Would you like to focus on exercises or dive deeper into any specific tense?

A number of students ____ late for the class today.
  •   A- is
  •   B- are
7 votes

I would have called him right away if I ____________ his telephone number.
  •   A- know
  •   B- had known
7 votes

የንስሐ አባት
  •   Seeker
  •   Confessor
  •   Repenter
  •   Layman
6 votes

the simple past tense and the present perfect tense. Choose the correct option for each sentence:

1. Jack _ in Boston for the past 15 years.
- A) has lived
- B) lives
- C) lived

Answer: A) has lived

2. Janet ____ for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us.
- A) worked
- B) works
- C) has worked

Answer: A) worked

3. Dad, ____ reading the paper yet?
- A) did you finish
- B) are you finishing
- C) have you finished

Answer: C) have you finished

4. I would love to visit Prague sometime. Unfortunately, I ____ there.
- A) have never been
- B) was never
- C) will never be

Answer: A) have never been

5. Peter _ tennis for five years when he _ at school.
- A)
has played - was
- B) played - was
- C) has played - has been

Answer: B) played - was

6. Can you help me? I _ my homework, but I still don't understand number seven.
- A) have finished
- B) didn't finish
- C) finish

Answer: A) have finished

7. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I _ just _.
- A)
didn't eat already
- B) have already eaten
- C) haven't already eaten

Answer: B) have already eaten

8. When Jack was at school, he _ to play the saxophone. He _ it ever since.
- A)
has learned - has played
- B) learned - has played
- C) learned - played

Answer: B) learned - has played

9. Could you give me some advice? I _ this sweater at Macy's yesterday. Do you think I should take it back?
- A) bought
- B) have bought
- C) buyed

Answer:A) bought

10. Maria lives in Boston. Before she _ here, she ____ in Seattle for three years.
- A) moved - has lived
- B) moved - lived
- C) has moved - lived

Answer: B) moved - lived

The simple past tense, also known as the past simple or preterite, describes actions or events that were completed at a specific time in the past.


- Regular Verbs: Add -ed to the base form of the verb.

- Examples:
- walk → walked
- play → played
- study → studied

- Irregular Verbs: These verbs have unique past tense forms that don't follow a standard pattern and must be memorized.

- Examples:
- go → went
- have → had
- see → saw


- Affirmative: [Subject] + [past form of the verb]

- Examples:
- She visited her grandparents last weekend.
- They watched a movie yesterday.

- Negative: [Subject] + did not (didn't) + [base form of the verb]

- Examples:
- I did not (didn't) finish my homework.
- He did not (didn't) go to the party.

- Interrogative: Did + [subject] + [base form of the verb]?

- Examples:
- Did you see the new exhibit at the museum?
- Did they arrive on time?


1. Completed Actions in the Past: Describes actions that started and ended at a specific time in the past.

- Examples:
- She graduated from university in 2020.
- We visited Paris last summer.

2. Series of Completed Actions: Lists multiple actions that occurred sequentially in the past.

- Examples:
- He entered the room, turned on the light, and sat down.
- They packed their bags, left the hotel, and took a taxi to the airport.

3. Past Habits or Routines: Indicates actions that were habitual or regular in the past but no longer occur.

- Examples:
- When I was a child, I played soccer every weekend.
- She always walked to school before she got a bicycle.

4. Past States: Describes situations or conditions that were true in the past.

- Examples:
- He was a teacher before he became a writer.
- The weather was cold last week.

Note on Time Expressions:

The simple past tense often accompanies specific time expressions that indicate when the action took place.

- Examples:
- I met her yesterday.
- They moved to the new house last month.
- She finished the project two days ago.
- We visited the museum in 2019.

The present perfect tense connects past actions or states to the present, emphasizing their relevance now. It's formed using the auxiliary verbs "have" or "has" followed by the past participle of the main verb. Use "have" with I, you, we, and they; use "has" with he, she, and it.


- Affirmative: [Subject] + have/has + [past participle]
- I have finished my homework.
- She has visited Paris.

- Negative: [Subject] + have/has + not + [past participle]
- They have not (haven't) seen that movie.
- He has not (hasn't) eaten breakfast.

- Interrogative: Have/Has + [subject] + [past participle]?
- Examples:
- Have you finished the report?
- Has she called you yet?


1. Experience: Describes actions or events that occurred at an unspecified time in the past.
- Examples:
- I have traveled to Japan.
- They have never tried sushi.

2. Change Over Time: Highlights changes that have occurred over a period.
- Examples:
- Her English has improved since she moved to London.
- The city has grown rapidly in the last decade.

3. Unfinished Actions: Refers to actions that began in the past and continue into the present.
- Examples:
- We have lived here for five years.
- He has worked at the company since 2010.

4. Recent Actions: Indicates actions that have recently occurred, often with words like "just," "already," or "yet."
- Examples:
- She has just left the office.
- Have you finished your assignment yet?

Note on Time Expressions:

- For is used with periods of time:
- Example:I have known her for ten years.

- Since is used with specific points in time:
- Example: They have been friends since childhood.

📝 #Vocabulary #Quiz #Learn #English Choose the correct definition of the word "Torture"
  •   The act of providing great physical or mental care
  •   The act of causing great physical or mental pain
  •   The act of ignoring great physical or mental needs
  •   The act of reducing great physical or mental suffering
26 votes

📝 #Vocabulary #Quiz #Learn #English Choose the correct definition of the word "Downfall"
  •   A gradual gain of power, success, or stability
  •   An unexpected or sudden rise in popularity
  •   A sudden loss of power, success, or stability
  •   A planned and deliberate effort for improvement
23 votes

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