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Paws 🚨

PAWS claim starts tomorrow

Listning 18 😎😎


839 0 6 21 32

ስለዚህ KYC ሚያስፈልገው ለ ICO Participant ነው Airdrop ለተሳተፍነው ሳይሆን👍

🗣Ari Wallet Update ✔️

KYC on website is only if ICO participants & not for Airdrop

🚀 What is ICO ?
An ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is like a crowdfunding campaign for new cryptocurrency projects. Here's how it works:

🟠 A company creates a new cryptocurrency or token.
🟠 They sell these tokens to early investors, usually in exchange for popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.
🟡 The money raised helps the company build their project.
🟡 Investors hope the tokens will become more valuable over time, so they can sell them later for a profit.

But be careful! Many ICOs are risky, and some can even be scams. Always do your research before investing.

🚀 Can I sell my ARI Tokens ?

Yes, you can sell your tokens from an ICO, but it depends on a few things:

If you’re mining Ari Tokens and they’ve launched an ICO, you can sell your tokens only after they’re listed on an exchange and any lock-up period is over. Make sure to check the project’s rules and the exchange where the tokens will be traded

🚀 Is it compulsory to get Airdro

No! this KYC is only needed if you want to buy $ARI tokens at


🔴 TGE in Q2 👀

Ari wallet ላይ KYC መጥቷል ✔️

በመጀመሪያ ወደዚህ Website ትሄዳላችሁ 👉

በመቀጠል Menu Button ንኩና Sign in አድርጉ

ከዛም KYC ሚለውን ትነካላችሁ

በመጨረሻም ID Available እና Liveness Check ማድረግ ነው☺️

1.7k 0 13 11 13

▶️OpenLedger Epoch 2 Live ላይ ነው

በየቀኑ እየገባችሁ Daily Checkin አድርጉ ✔️

ለሙሉ ማብራርያ ➡️ Click Here


🔹Future ላይ ነው የምታገኙት rewardቹ ለምሳሌ ይሄኛው ልጅ ላይ እንደምታዩት 20$ አግኝቷል በ20$ Future ላይ trade ያረጋል future trade አርጎ ያገኘው profit withdrawal ማረግ ይችላል 🤷‍♂


🔹MEXC Magic Spin Event

እድላቹ ሞኩሩ እስኪ ለኔ 1$ ሰቷኛል ✋


ከዛ invite እያረጋቹ እድላቹ ሞኩሩ


2k 0 11 16 17

🔔PAWS listing confirmed on Bitrue exchange.


❓PAWS LaunchPool On Bybit🪙

➖USDT Stake በማድረግ ሲጠናቀቅ ከ 1.2B PAWS ላይ ተካፋይ መሆን ትችላላችሁ🗓 Mar 12–17, 2025.

🔗 Source ➡️ Here


🔔የ Mogul Waitlist አሁን ተዘግቷል


GM ☕️

NodeGO Update

⚠️Discord እና X አገናኙ ፤ በመቀጠል ከስር አዳዲስ task add ተደርገዋል እነሱን አጠናቁ ✔️

🟢ያልጀመራቹ ካላቹ ➡️ Nodego.io

✅️ @HahuCryptoEt

🚨🚨🚨 BREAKING : Musk reports that X is experiencing a massive cyberattack.


Bitget per market 🫢


BTC 80K 🔍


Paws on Bitget 👀


Daily $ARI Chain Quiz answer : C


Bitcoin hits 80k

Seating at 83k rn


💃 GM for a productive Monday!

Arsenal vs Manchester united ማን ያሸንፈል?


20 last posts shown.