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MERN full-stack developers after today's Chapi's workshop 😢.

What a day! Thanks, Chapi!


Redis is an open-source, in-memory data store known for its speed and flexibility. It can be used as a database, cache, message broker, and more. Redis supports various data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, and sets, which makes it highly versatile.

Common Use Cases for Redis

1. Caching: Speed up your app by storing frequently accessed data.
2. Session Management: Handle user session data efficiently.
3. Real-Time Analytics: Ideal for processing large-scale, real-time data.
4. Message Queues: Redis Pub/Sub model helps with task queues and inter-service communication.
5. Rate Limiting: Track API requests to limit overuse.
7. Leaderboards/Counters: Use Redis sorted sets to build dynamic leaderboards or track metrics like views and votes.

How to Get Started

Using Redis with Node.js: Learn how to integrate Redis with Node.js link

Redis with Golang: Learn how to integrate Redis with Go@abhinavv.singh/connect-with-redis-in-golang-15a60f020413' rel='nofollow'> link

Which one do you think is best for developers, Linux or Windows?
  •   Linux
  •   Windows
  •   Hybrid
59 votes

# Developer Tools: Image Generators

Adobe Firefly! It's super fun—you just type in what you want, and boom, it generates an image for you. Definitely worth a try if you haven’t checked it out yet. Here’s the link: Adobe Firefly Text-to-Image

do you know of any other awesome free image generators?

My Folder Structure for Backend Projects

I've organized my backend projects using a folder structure that I've found to be the most effective so far. Here's how it looks:

├── .env
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── src/
│ ├── app.ts
│ ├── controllers/
│ │ └── Controller.ts
│ ├── domain/
│ │ └── .ts
│ ├── middlewares/
│ │ └── .ts
│ ├── repositories/
│ │ └── Repository.ts
│ ├── routers/
│ │ └── Router.ts
│ ├── services/
│ │ ├── jwtService.ts
│ │ └── passwordService.ts
│ ├── databases/
│ │ ├── db.ts
│ │ └── migrations/
│ │ └── .ts
│ ├── types/
│ │ └── index.d.ts
│ └── usecases/
│ └── Usecase.ts

└── docs/

Why This Structure?

1. Because it has great separation of concerns.
2. Because it makes dependency injection easier.
3. Because it supports modularity and makes extending or modifying the application straightforward.
4. Because it improves readability and organization, helping new developers quickly understand the project.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this structure. How does it align with your practices? Any suggestions or improvements based on separation of concerns, dependency injection, or other architectural principles?

Happy backend year to me 😁 ... wishing u the best!

🔰 Next JS: The Complete Developer's Guide

🌟 4.7 - 1725 votes

📖 Build apps using NextJS v14 using App Router, Next Auth, NextUI, and TailwindCSS! Learn the latest version of NextJS!
🔊 Taught By: Stephen Grider

Download Full course :

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Are you guys ready to learn Next.js? I'm about to send some material if you're ready.
  •   Send it over!
  •   We don't need it right now.
43 votes

Backend is More Than Knowing CRUD

When people think about backend development, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) often comes to mind. While CRUD operations form the backbone of data management, backend development goes far beyond these basics.

Backend developers must understand databases but also how to design scalable systems, handle security, and optimize performance. Tasks like implementing authentication, handling concurrency, building APIs, integrating third-party services, and managing server architecture require deeper knowledge.

Moreover, the ability to write clean, maintainable code, manage error handling, and ensure systems are resilient and secure is vital. In short, backend development is a complex, evolving field where mastering CRUD is just the beginning.

Ask yourself: Am I truly a backend developer?

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Redux Vs Context-API

React Context API and Redux are widely utilised for state management in React / Next applications. While both aim to solve the same problem, they offer distinct approaches and advantages.

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which one to choose for state management ?

If you have a fundamental understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and really want to learn frontend web development , you should check out this course: 🔗Link

What's the biggest challenge in software engineering?

1 Finding a good learning path 😤
2 Staying motivated 😔
3 Landing your first job 🤞

Let me know in the comments, and let's help each other out!

There are a lot of UI libraries out there, but this one is incredible.

Check it out:

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