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Should we start accepting orders from Alibaba? Will it help you make more money?
anonymous poll

Yes it will 👍 – 26
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 84%

Not that much 👎 – 5
👍 16%

👥 31 people voted so far.

በየትኛው ምርት ወይም አገልግሎት መሸጥ እና ገንዘብ ማግኘት ይፈልጋሉ? ሁሉም የተለጠፉት ቻናሎች 1.5% -10% ኮሚሽን አላቸው።

ሰዓቶች፣ ሽቶዎች እና የስጦታ jOin 👉 @TulipsEvent

አበቦች jOin 👉 @TulipsForFlowers

መኪናዎች እና ብስክሌቶች
jOin 👉@TulipsCars

አርክቴክቸር እና ዲዛይን 👉 @TulipsDesign

ያገለገሉ ስልኮች እና ላፕቶፖች 👉 @TulipsPhones

🔥 የልብስ፣ የአሉሚኒየም ስራዎች፣ የቤት እቃዎች፣ የሆስፒታል እቃዎች እና የቤት እቃዎች ቻናል ተዘጋጅቶ እንለቃለን

#NewArrival #CommisonUpgraded

Commission 500 birr per Women's Brand Perfume sold

⭐️ (You can earn more by adding an extra cash on the  price )

🚧 The more you post the more you sale 🚧

🌷YSL 🌷
🌷 Libre 🌷
🌷 100 Ml
🌷 PERFUME (ሽቶ)
🌷 For Her/ Ladies (የሴቶች ሽቶ)
🌷 Amazing Fragrance
🌷 Packed
⚡️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
🌷 Price :- 5,799 BIRR
🌷 Contact Us

🦋 Victoria's Secret 🦋
🦋 100Ml
🦋 PERFUME (ሽቶ)
🦋 For Her/ Ladies (የሴቶች ሽቶ)
🦋 Amazing Fragrance
🦋 Packed
⚡️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
🦋 Price :- 5399 BIRR
🦋 Contact Us

🦋Miss Dior🦋
🦋 Cherie
🦋 100Ml
🦋 PERFUME (ሽቶ)
🦋 For Her/ Ladies (የሴቶች ሽቶ)
🦋 Amazing Fragrance
🦋 Packed
⚡️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
🦋 Price :- 5,799 BIRR
🦋 Contact Us

🫗 Best Collections Ever 🫗
🧩 One of the Best Women's Perfume Makers of The Year
🧩 100Ml
🧩 PERFUME (ሽቶ)
🧩 For Him/ Gentlemen's
🧩 Amazing Fragrance
⚡️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
🧩 PRICE :-5,499 BIRR
🪄Contact Us

🎠 MY
🎠 90 Ml
🎠 PERFUME (ሽቶ)
🎠 For Her / Ladies
🎠 Amazing Fragrance
🎠 Packed
⚡️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
🎠 Price :- 5,499 Birr
🎠 Contact Us

🪽Narciso Rodriguez
😍 One of the Best Women’s Perfume of The Year
🪄 100 Ml
🪄 PERFUME (ሽቶ)
🪄For Her/ Ladies (የሴቶች ሽቶ)
🪄Amazing Fragrance
🪄 Packed
🪄 PRICE :- 5,499 Birr
⚡️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
🪄Contact Us

😍 Best Ladies Perfume of The Year
🪄 100Ml
🪄 PERFUME (ሽቶ)
🪄For Her / Ladies
🪄Amazing Fragrance
🪄 Packed
🪄 PRICE :- 5,399 birr
⚡️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
🪄Contact Us

#NewArrival 🖊️ Stylus pen🖊️

💸 Commission:- 300 birr Paid per Magnetic Suction Stylus Pen sold

⭐️ (You can earn more by adding an extra cash on the  price )

🚧 The more you post the more you sale 🚧

✍️ Magnetic Suction Stylus Pen ✍️
✍️ Anti-Mistaking Touch Sensitive
✍️ Touch No Delay And Smooth Writing
✍️ Capacitive Pen Four Light
✍️ Battery Display Type-C Fast
✍️Charging Intelligent Capacitive
✍️ Pen Handwriting Touch Control
✍️ Pen Suitable For any kind of Touchscreen devices
✍️ Best For designing , drawing, digital signature and more.
🧩 FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን)
✍️ Price 2500 birr
✍️ Contact Us

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