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Aca forex Mentorship

🗓️ የስልጠናው ይዘት 🗓️

🕒Schedule: ለ6 ሳምንታት፣ በሳምንት 2 ቀን፣ በቀን 2 ሰአት

🎥የማስተማር ክፍለ ጊዜ፡ ስልጠናው ሚሰጠው ሙሉ በሙሉ ኦንላይን በቀጥና ቪድዮ ቻት ይሆናል።

💬Group Discussions: ከቀጥታ ክላስ በተጨማሪ፣ በስልጠናው ጊዜ ሁሉ፣ ሰፊ የቻት ውይይት ይኖረናል

👥Trading Team፡ ስልጠናው ሲያልቅ፣ ከዚ በፊት ካስተማርናቸው ተማሪዎች ጋር ባለን የTrading Team ይቀላቀላሉ

🧠Learn Everything: ምንም ቀዳሚ እውቀት አያስፈልግም፡ ከመሠረታዊ ነገሮች ጀምረን እስከ ጥልቅ የትሬዲንግ ሀሳቦች እንማራለን

🏆Exciting Challenges: ትምህርቱን አስደሳች ለማድረግ በየሳምንቱ ሚያሸልሙ ቻሌንጆች እናዘጋጃለን።

📊Final Demo Account Challenge: ስልጠናው ሲያልቅ ለተማሪዎች ብቻ የዲሞ አካውንት ቻሌንጅ ይዘጋጃል።

📍 Here is your invitation link:

Use this link to invite your freinds and families to aca trade

No edge.

No discipline.

No accountability.

No risk management.

No surprise why most traders fail.

ይህንን ጌም ብትሞክሩ አሪፍ ነው ትንሽ ብትሆን መነሻ ካፒታል ለ forex trading ይሰጣችዋል

Forward from: Ace Trades
👤 የምንሠጣቸው አገልግሎቶች በዋናነት

📈 ሙሉ የ FOREX ትምህርት



⭐️ በተጨማሪ

📈 FUNDED ACCOUNT ጣጣቸውን የጨረሱ ማለትም PASS የተደረጉ
እንሸጣለን ገዝቶ መጠቀም ብቻ ።

📈 PASS ያልተደረጉትን ማስደረግ የሚፈልግ እናደርጋለን



✉️ CONTACT @Acesupport11





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Happy Friday 06/12/24

There are more and more of you every day. This means that there are a huge number of people who want to increase their income 💵 and as always I am happy to help, give advice.

So, are you ready for a change? Ready to start a new financially independent life?

We start work in a few minutes Buckle up and get ready to fly 🚀

Today I intend to beat yesterday's results, whoever is with me, prepare your balance soon, write to me because we start in soon!

Our VIP ESPECIALLY expected more signals today ✅ the market is looking healthy 📊


Download exness app to track news events 👇

Forward from: Ace Trades
👤 የምንሠጣቸው አገልግሎቶች በዋናነት

📈 ሙሉ የ FOREX ትምህርት



⭐️ በተጨማሪ

📈 FUNDED ACCOUNT ጣጣቸውን የጨረሱ ማለትም PASS የተደረጉ
እንሸጣለን ገዝቶ መጠቀም ብቻ ።

📈 PASS ያልተደረጉትን ማስደረግ የሚፈልግ እናደርጋለን



✉️ CONTACT @Acesupport11


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In forex trading, FVG refers to a Fair Value Gap, a concept rooted in price action trading. It describes an imbalance or inefficiency in the market, where price moves rapidly in one direction, leaving gaps or areas of low liquidity. These gaps can be areas where institutional traders or large players may look to re-enter the market.

How to Identify a Fair Value Gap:

1. Three-Candle Formation:

Look for a strong impulsive move (a wide-range candle) in one direction.

This is followed by smaller candles on either side of the impulsive move, leaving a gap between the wicks of the first and third candles.

2. Imbalance in Price:

In an FVG, price moves so quickly that it doesn’t allow sufficient time for orders to fill on both the buy and sell sides.

These areas act as "magnets" for price to revisit, as the market seeks equilibrium.

Trading FVGs:

1. FVG as a Support/Resistance Zone:

If price revisits a bullish FVG (from a prior down-to-up impulsive move), it might act as support.

One of those days🤦‍♂️

VIP Report From Nov 19 - Dec 2


💙 NOV (18)  90 Pips (XAUUSD)
                         60 Pips (GBPJPY)

💙 NOV (21) 90 Pips (XAUUSD)              

💙 NOV (22) 110 Pips (XAUUSD)

💙 NOV (23)   140 Pips (BTCUSD)

💙 NOV (23/24) 170 Pips (XAUUSD)

💙 Nov  (25)  BE (XAUUSD)
                      180 Pips (XAUUSD)

💙 NOV (26) 120 Pips (XAUUSD)

💙 NOV (27)  120 Pips(XAUUSD)

💙 NOV(28) 130 Pips (XAUUSD)
                  40 Pips (XAUUSD)

💙 NOV (29) 100 Pips (XAUUSD)
                       160 Pips (XAUUSD)

💙 DEC (2)  120 Pips (XAUUSD)



⛔NOV (18)  -50 Pips (XAUUSD)
⛔NOV (20)  -60 Pips (XAUUSD)
⛔NOV (22)  -50 Pips (XAUUSD)
⛔NOV (28)  -40 Pips (XAUUSD)

Total Win = +1630 Pips
Total Loss = -200 Pips
Break Even = 1 Trade

Total Net Win / Pips = 1430 Pips in Profit 🔥

Full TP Smashed 🔥
Starting a week with 120 Pips in profit 🔥
We are literally eating well 🤌
Enjoy your Blues 💙

For VIP Registration Contact support ⬇️

Ready for the new week?? 🎯

Black Friday Blowout: 50% Off Trading Mastery🚀
Unlock your trading potential this Black Friday! Get 5️⃣0️⃣🛍 off my Trading Master Class and exclusive 1-on-1 mentorship sessions.🔗
Black Friday ን አስመልክቶ በሁሉም የትሬዲንግ ኮርስ ማለትም በ Master Class እና በ 1on1 Mentorship lay የ 50% ቅናሽ ስላደረግን ሁላችሁም እስከ ሶስት ቀን ብቻ በሚቆየው እድል ተጠቃሚ ሁኑ።
Lets Goo.
If you are ready to commit to your trading success, act now-these deals won’t last long!

Lets Goo.☄️
Finish payment ➡️
or contact @Acesupport11

A funded account in forex trading refers to an account provided by a proprietary trading firm (or "prop firm") that supplies traders with capital to trade in exchange for a share of the profits. These accounts allow traders to trade larger amounts of money than they might have on their own, without risking their personal funds. Here’s how it typically works:

Key Features of Funded Accounts:

1. Evaluation Phase:
Most firms require traders to pass a trading challenge or evaluation to prove their skills. This phase usually involves meeting specific profit targets while adhering to risk management rules.

2. Capital Allocation:
Once the evaluation is successfully completed, the trader is provided with a funded account. The size of the account depends on the firm and the trader’s performance.

3. Profit Split:
Traders keep a portion of the profits they generate (e.g., 70%-90%), while the prop firm retains the rest as their share.

4. Risk Management Rules:
Funded accounts often come with strict rules, such as:

Daily Loss Limit: Maximum loss allowed in a single day.

Overall Drawdown Limit: Maximum loss the account can endure.

Leverage Limits: Specific leverage ratios to manage risks.

5. Fees:
Some firms charge an upfront fee for the evaluation or access to the account, while others may deduct it from profits later.


No Personal Risk: Traders don't use their own capital.

Access to Larger Capital: Enables trading with larger position sizes.

Support and Tools: Many firms provide resources like trading platforms, analytics, and mentorship.


Stringent Rules: Violating the rules can lead to disqualification.

Psychological Pressure: Knowing the limits can add stress to trading.

Evaluation Costs: If the evaluation isn't passed, fees may be non-refundable.

Popular Prop Firms Offering Funded Accounts:





If you'd like to discuss strategies for passing funded account evaluations or maximizing returns, let me know!

ብዙዎቻቹ inbox ለይ በምንድን ነዉ Trade የማደርገዉ ብላቹ በጠየቃቹኝ መሰረት ከታች በማስቀምጥላቹ Link በመግባት Trade የምታደርጉበትን Broker account ከፍታቹ Verify አስደርጉ

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