Ethio Job Vacancy ®️

Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, Amharic
Category: Career

★to get daily Fresh jobs in Ethiopia
🏢 ድርጅቶች የ ስራ ቅጥር ማስታወቂያ ካላቹ መላክ ትችላላችሁ @ethio_job1
✍ በ የ ቀኑ የሚወጡ አዳዲስ የ ሰራ ማስታወቂያዎች ይለቀቃሉ

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Ethiopia, Amharic
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★ [NGO Job] GIZ አዲስ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

♦Deadline: January 2, 2025

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH invites applicants for the following job position.

✔ Position : Office Support

❇️ Qualification: A minimum of a secondary school leaving qualification or equivalent vocational school qualification.

🔻Place of Work: Addis Ababa

🌀 How to Apply Online??

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Ethiopian Public Health Institute vacancy 2024

✔ Position 1:Survey supervisor (6)
✔ Position 2: HIV counsellor and Interviewer (24)
✔ Position 3:Coupon manager (6)
Position 4: Laboratory technologist (6)
✔ Position: 5: Project/Admin office/assistant position

🔻Required : 38

🔻Place of work: Bahir Dar, Dilla, Harar, Dessie, Jimma, Mizan Aman

🌀Apply here:

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★[NGO JOB] Medical Teams international

♦️ Deadline : December 31, 2024

✔ Position 1: Program Liaison Officer
✔ Position 2: MEAL Officer

❇️ Qualifications: Nurse, Midwifery, Public Health, Demography, Statistics, Social Science or related fields


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★ SantimPay Job Job Vacancy

♦Deadline: January 7, 2025

SantimPay Financial Solutions S.C. is an Ethiopian fintech company focused on a modern payment solutions.

✔ Position: Sales Officer

❇️ Qualifications: A candidate must have a degree in Sales, Marketing, or related fields, Minimum of a year of sales experience.

🔻 Location: Addis Ababa

🌀How to Apply Online??

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★[በ 0 አመት እና በ ልምድ] Ethiopian Civil Service Commission 370 positions

❇️ በተለያዩ የትምህርት ደረጃዎች የወጣ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

🔻Number of Positions : 370 +

🌀Read Detail and Apply

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አስቸኳይ ክፍት የስራ ማስታወቂያ
ከቀን 16/04/2017 --19 /04/2017 የወጣ የሰራ ማሰታወቂያ

🌋Enginering በሁሉም
🪄የት/ት ደረጀ፡0 ዓመት
🪄ፆታ፡ ሴ/ወ
🪄ደሞዝ፡ከ15,000 ጀምሮ
🪄የት/ት ደረጀ፡10ኛ
🪄ፆታ፡ ሴ/ወ
🪄 የት/ት ደረጀ፡dip/degeer
🪄ፆታ፡ ሴ/ወ
🌋ሹፊር በማንኛውም
🪄የስራ ልምድ ፡ከ0-3 አመት ጀምሮ
🪄ፆታ ወንድ
🌋ባስ ትኬተር
🪄የት ደረጃ 8
🪄የስራ ልምድ 0
🪄ፆታ ሴ/ወ
-🪄ደሞዝ ፡ 9000
🌋Acountant & Marketing
🪄የት ደረጃ degree/dip
🪄የስራ ልምድ 0-2 አመት
🪄ፆታ ሴ/ወ
🪄ደሞዝ 12,000-18,000+ኮምሽን
🌋ጉዳይ አስፈፃሚ partime/በሙሉ/በግማሽ ቀን
🪄የት ደረጃ ፡10+
🪄ፆታ ሴ/ወ
🪄ደሞዝ ፡8000- 12,000+ኮሚሽን
🌋ኮካ/ጫማ/ወተት/ከረሜላ/ሶፍት/ወረቀት/ፖስታ/አፖል/ዘይት/ውሀ/ወይን ኢንዱስትሪ
🪄የት ደረጃ ፡8+
🪄ፆታ ሴ/ወ
🌋ሽያጭ በማንኛውም
🪄የት ደረጃ ፡ 10+
🪄የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት(ቀልጣፋ ልጆች)
🪄ፆታ :ሴ/ወ
🪄ደሞዝ ፡9500+ኮሚሽን
🌋 ስልክ ኦፕሬተር
🪄የስራ ልምድ ፡0-2አመት
🪄ደሞዝ: 10,000-15000+
🪄ፆታ ሴት
🪄ደሞዝ 10,000+ጥቅማጥቅም
🪄የት ደረጃ ፡ degree/Masters
🪄ደሞዝ : 15,000-20,000
🪄ፆታ: ሴ/ወ
🪄የስራ ልምድ፡0-5 ዓመት
🌋መኪና ላይ ውሃ ሽያጭ
🪄የት ደረጃ ፡ 8
🪄ፆታ: ሴ/ወ
🪄የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0
🪄ደሞዝ :800-10,000
🌋መረጃና መዝገበ አያያዝ
🪄የት ደረጃ ፡ 10-degree
🪄የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0_3አመት
🪄ደሞዝ ፡ 10,000-15,000
🌋የጤና ባለሙያ
🪄የት/ት ደረጃ፡dip/degree
🪄ፆታ ሴ/ወ
🌋መምህር በሁሉም
🪄0 አመት ፆታ ሴ/ወ
🪄ደሞዝ 8000_11,000
🌋NGO ምዝገባ ጀምረናል

🪵አድራሻ:- 22 ጎላጎል አውራሪሰ ሆቴል ገባብሎ ፌሰቲባል ህንጳ 2 ኛ ፎቅ ቢ ቁ 241
🍹በሁሉም የስራ ዘርፍ ዕድሜ ከ 40 ዓመት በታች የሆኑ የስራ ፈላጊዎችን ነው የምናሳትፈው
🕊ለበለጠ መረጃ 🕊👇👇👇👇

ክፍት የስራ  ማስታወቂያ
ከቀን 14/4/2017እስከ ቀን 20/4/2017 የወጡ   
 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ➖➖➖   
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡ NGO
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ዲፕ/ድግሪ/ማስተር
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት ጀምሮ
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡  15,000-20000+ ትራንስፖርት አለዉ
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡  አርክቴክቸር
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ድግሪ
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት ጀምሮ
🔰ፆታ: ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ በስምምነት
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡ አካውንታንት
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡Degree/Diploma
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት ጀምሮ
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ 12000+ትራንስፖርት
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡ NGO ተላላኪ እና ስልክ ኦፕሬተር በፈረቃ እና ሙሉቀን
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡8ኛ+
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት ጀምሮ
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡  8500-12000+ትራንስፖርት
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡የገበያና ሽያጭ መምሪያ ስራ አስኪያጅ
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ማስተርስ/ድግሪ በማርኬቲንግ እና በተመሳሳይ ሶሻል ዘርፍ
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 6-8ዓመት (3&4ዓመቱን በከፍተኛ ኅላፊነት የሰሩ)
🔰ፆታ: ወንድ/ሴት
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ በስምምነት
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡ስልክ ኦፕሬተር  በፈረቃ እና ሙሉቀን
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡6ኛ+
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት ጀምሮ
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ 6500-9500
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡ ሪሴብሽን እና አስጠኚ
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡10/12/ዲፕ/ድግሪ
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 ዓመት ጀምሮ
🔰ፆታ: ሴት
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ 4000+
🔰የስራ ሰዓት ፡ ከቀን10- ምሽት2ሰዓት
📌 የስራ መደብ: ጉዳይ አስፈፃሚ ለድርጅት
🔰የት/ደረጃ: 8ኛ+
🔰ደሞዝ: 8000+
🔰የስራ ልምድ: 0 አመት
📌 የስራ መደብ: Nurse/pharmacy/labratory/HO
🔰ደሞዝ: 8000_15000
🔰የስራ ልምድ: 0 ዓመት ጀምሮ
🔰ፆታ: ወ/ሴ
 📌 የስራ መደብ፡ በሁሉም የት/ ት ዘርፍ
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡degre/dip
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡  0ዓመት
🔰ፆታ: ወንድ/ሴት
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ 10500
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡እንጂነሪንግ በሁሉም
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡Degree
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 -4 አመት
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ 8500-15000
📌 የስራ መደብ ፡ IT&computer science
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ ዲግሪ/ዲፕሎማ
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ 12000+ትራንስፖርት
📌 የስራ መደብ፡ ረዳት ዉሀ ሽያጭ ሰራተኛ
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ 10/12
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ ምንም ዓይነት ሽያጭ የሰሩ
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ በስምምነት
📌 የስራ መደብ፡ መኪና ላይ ዉሀ ሽያጭ
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ marketing ማኔጅመንት ተመሳሳይ ዘርፍ
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 2-4 አመት የሰሩ
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡በስምምነት
📌 የስራ መደብ፡የሽያጭ መኪና ሹፌር
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ ደ2 መንጃ ፈቃድ ያለዉ
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 4አመትበመጠጥ ላይ የሰራ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ በስምምነት
📌 የስራ መደብ፡ ኬሚስት እና ኬሚካል እንጂነር
🔰የት ደረጃ ፡ ደግሪ/ዲፕ
🔰የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት
🔰ፆታ: ሴት/ወንድ
🔰ደሞዝ ፡ 9000+ትራንስፖርት
አድራሻ:  22  መክሊት ህንፃ 1 ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁጥር 006
ለበለጠ መረጃ 👇👇👇👇👇

አስቸኳይ ክፍት የ ስራ ማስታወቂያ 🏃
📲የስራ መደብ፡ ጉዳይ አስፈፃሚ
    ፨የትምህርት ደረጃ ፦ degree / degree
    ፨ደሞዝ፦ 10000 +

📲የስራ መደብ፡ ሹፌር በሁሉም
    ፨የትምህርት ደረጃ ፦ 10 /
    ፨ደሞዝ፦ 15000 +

📲የስራ መደብ፡ አበባ ሽያጭ
    ፨የትምህርት ደረጃ ፦10+
    ፨ደሞዝ፦ 10000

📲የስራ መደብ፡ ምርት ተቆጣጣሪ
    ፨የትምህርት ደረጃ ፦ diploma / degree

📲የስራ መደብ ፡ አካውንታንት /ማርኬቲንግ /ማኔጅመንት / data encoder
፨የት ደረጃ ፡ ዲፕ/ዲግሪ
፨ደሞዝ ፡ 12000

📲የስራ መደብ ፡ # ባስ ትኬተር
፨የት ደረጃ ፡ 10
፨ደሞዝ: 11000

📲የስራ መደብ፦ ሳሙና/ ቢራ/ ለስለላ ፋብሪካ
  ፨የትምህርት ደረጃ ፦ ዲፕ/ ዲግሪ
  ፨ደሞዝ ፦10,000

📲የስራ መደብ:- # ሰናይ ድርጀትNGO
➜የስራ ልምድ :- 0አመት
➜የት/ት ደረጃ :- diploma / degree
➜ደሞዝ   :- 17,500

📲የስራ መደብ ፡ # ውሀ ፋቦሪካ ሽያጭ ሰራተኛ
➜የት ደረጃ ፡ Degree/Dip/
ፆታ: ሴ/ወ➜የስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 - 4አመት
➜ደሞዝ ፡  8000-10,000

📲የስራ መደብ፦# ባንክ ቤት ተላላኪና ፅዳት
➜የት/ደረጃ፦ 10/ 8
➜የስራ ልምድ: 0አመት
➜ደሞዝ:- 8000

📲የስራ መደብ፦ ስልክ ኦፕሬተር
➜የት/ደረጃ፦ ዲግሪ/diploma

📲የስራ መደብ ፡ # ሪሴብሽን
የት ደረጃ ፡- 10
➜ፃታ:- ሴ
➜የስራ ልምድ ፡- 0አመት
ደሞዝ ፡-  12,00

📲የስራ መደብ፡ መምህር
    ፨የትምህርት ደረጃ ፦diploma / degree
    ፨ደሞዝ፦ 10000 +

📲የስራ መደብ፡ እስፓንጅ ፋብሪካ
    ፨የትምህርት ደረጃ ፦ 10+
    ፨ደሞዝ፦ 10000 +

➖በሁሉም የስራ ዘርፍ እድሜ ከ40በታች የሁኑ ስራ ፈላጊዎችን ነው የምናሳትፈው
➖በስራ ሰአት ከ2:30 -11:30 ባለው ሰአት ይደውሉ

አደራሻ 22 ወደ ቦሌ በሚወስደው መንገድ አውራሪስ ሆቴል ሲደርሱ ፌስቲቫል ህንፃ 3ተኛ ፎቅ ቢ.ቁ 318

★[በ0 አመት] ወጋገን ባንክ አዲስ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

♦Posted: December 22, 2024
♦Deadline: December 28, 2024

Wegagen Bank invites Fresh candidates for the following job Position.

✔ Position: Graduate Trainee

❇️ Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Management, Business Administration, Economics, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Marketing, MIS, and other Banking business related fields.

• COC(for level IV) is mandatory

🔻Salary: Attractive salary and benefit packages.

🌀How to Apply Online??

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★በ 0 አመት Pepsico [ Recruited by the talent firm ]

Pepsico invites fresh graduate applicants for the following job position

✔ Position : Training Coordinator

❇️ Professions: BSc Degree Degree in Computer Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical or related fields

🔻Experience : 0 year and above

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★Addis International Catering Vacancy

🔻Deadline: December 31 2024

Addis International Catering, a flight Catering Unit Of Midroc Investment Group

✔ Position 1: Butcher
✔ Position 2: Barista
✔ Position 3: Cost Controller
✔ Position 4: Cook I
✔ Position 5: DCP DEMI Chef De Partie
✔ Position 6: CDP DEMI Chef De Partie
✔ Position 7: Head Waiter
✔ Position 8: Sous Chef
✔ Position 9: Executive Sous Chef
✔ Position 10: Outlet Supervisor
✔ Position 11: Assistant Outlet Manager
✔ Position 12: Outlet Manager

🔻Location : Addis Ababa

🌀 How to Apply Online ??

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★ Engender Health Vacancy [NGO Job ]

♦️Deadline: December 31, 2024

✔ Position 1: Field Project Coordinator

✔ Position 2: Zonal Cluster Coordinator

❇️ Qualification : Public Health, Medical Doctor, Medicine or related fields

🔻Salary : $ 14, 070

🌀How to Apply Online

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★ ዘመን ባንክ አዲስ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

♦Deadline: January 3, 2025

Zemen Bank S.C invites qualified applicants for the following career professions. 

❇️ Professions: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or relevant fields

🔻 Salary & Benefits: As per the Bank’s Salary Scale & Benefits Package

🔻Location : Addis Ababa

🌀 How to Apply Online??

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betopia properties vacancy

♦️Deadline: January 10, 2024

✔ Position 1: Data Collector
✔ Position 2: Accountant
✔ Position 3: Surveyor
✔ Position 4: Office Engineer
✔ Position 5: Contract Administration

❇️ Qualification : Diploma or Above in Engineering, Surveying, Civil Engineering, CoTM / Accounting and finance or related fields

🔻 Location : Addis Ababa

🌀 How to Apply Online ??

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★ Gift Trading plc አዲስ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

♦Deadline: January ,25 2025

Gift Trading P.L.C Invites qualified candidates for the following Job Vacancies.

✔ Position 1 : Rental Building Administrator

✔ Position 2 : Executive Secretary

✔ Position 3: HR & Admin Service Division Head

❇️ Qualification : BA degree in Management, Public Management, Economics, Business Management / Secretarial Science and Office Management or related fields

🔻Location : Addis Ababa

🌀How to Apply Online ??

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[ በ 0 አመት እና በልምድ] Anbesa Travel

♦Deadline: December 27, 2024

✔ Position : Junior Sales & Marketing

❇️ Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Business Field with Excellent Knowledge of MS Office

🔻Experience: 0 year and above

🔻Location : Addis Ababa

🌀How to Apply Online ??

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★[በ0 አመት] Merry Sanitation Chemicals Manufacturer Vacancy

♦Application : Deadline 28, 2024.

We are seeking for enthusiastic Chemical Engineer, Electrical Engineer and Mechanical Engineer who are adaptable and trainable for different tasks in our manufacturing plant.

✔ Position: Engineers
(Chemical, Electrical & Mechanical).

❇️ Qualifications;

BSC degree in the respective field of study & should have GPA of 3.0 or above.

🌀How to Apply Online??

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★ ቡና ባንክ አዲስ የስራ ማስታወቂያ

♦Deadline: December 30, 2024

Buna bank invites qualified and energetic candidates for the following position.

✔ Position 1: IT Officer (Angular-based front-end)

✔ Position 2: IT Officer (Odoo Developer)

✔ Position 3: IT Officer (Solution architect and quality Assurance)

✔ Position 4: Senior Software Development And MIS Officer (Front End Or Angular Developer)

🌀How to Apply Online??

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Ethiopian Capital Market Authority new vacancy 2024

Position : Senior Market Supervision Officer II

❇️ Profession : Bachelor’s degree or above in Economics, Management, Accounting and Finance, Banking & Finance, information technology, Business Administration, Law or a field related to the Job function from an Accredited or recognized learning institution.

🌀Apply online here:

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