(Mahibere Hiwot For Social Development)
Position: DIC
Qualification: Bachelor's degree/Diploma in Nursing, Health officer
Required number: 10
Experience: 3 years
Deadline: 22/03/2017 E.C
Location: Debretabor, Woreta, Makisegnit, Gendewuha, Sanja
For more information, see the comment section!
(Mahibere Hiwot For Social Development)
Position: DIC
Qualification: Bachelor's degree/Diploma in Nursing, Health officer
Required number: 10
Experience: 3 years
Deadline: 22/03/2017 E.C
Location: Debretabor, Woreta, Makisegnit, Gendewuha, Sanja
For more information, see the comment section!