️ ሣማኤል ላቦራቶሪ 🇪🇹 Samael Labs

Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, Amharic
Category: Education

The ultimate Ethiopian Web3 hangout! Explore blockchain, dApps, and crypto.
😎 Web3 ውሰጥ አብረን እንዋኝ። https://discord.gg/5nUMafcj | samaellabs.ton | @TONResourcesEthiopia

‼️Not Investment / Legal Advice. DYOR ‼️

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😁የአመቱን መገባደጃ በማስመልከት ካዘጋጀናቸው ሽልማቶች መሃል አንዱ የሆነውን - 50 stars ሽልማት ከቻናላችን ለማግኘት?

ይሄንን የ NFT multi chain mint መለማመጃ ስሩ።

🔑 ሪፈራል ኮዱን በመጠቀም ምዝገባውን ማጠናቀቅና wallet, X, discord ማገናኘት

🔑 ይሄንን አንድ ግዜ mint ማረግና profile follow ማረግ

🔑 ዋሌታቹንና (ወይም freee usernameአቹን) ኮሜንት ማረግ

🚀 የራሳቹን ለማሳደግ ሪፈራል ኮዳቹንና የፈጠራቹትን NFT ሊንክ ኮሜንት ማረግ አትዘንጉ።

50 Telegram Stars መከፈል ✅

📝KYC የጨረሱ ጓደኞች እስከ 100 USDT ያስገባሉ። ላጭር ግዜ ብቻ። ቶሎ ብላቹ ተጠቀሙ።

👉 ጀምሩት start
👉 ቴሌግራም በመጠቀም login በሉ
👉 KYC ጨርሱ
👉 የራሳቹን ሪፈራል ኮድ ፍጠሩና ጓደኞቻቹን ጋብዙ

✅ ጨረስክ


የአዲስ አመት ሽልማት ከኛ ቻነል ጋር አብሮ አጋር ሆኖ መሳተፍ የሚፈልግ የሌላ Crypto እና Web3 ቻናል ባለቤት ወይም አድሚን ካለ ያናግረን።

ዛሬ - December 29, 2024

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🎫 Fanzee ወይም Battles እንደሚታወቀው በ $FNZ ጀምሮ UI ለውጥ ካረገ በኃላ ወደ $SPARK በመቀየር የውርርድ ማህበረሰቡን ሲያገለግክ ቆይቷል።

🤔 ከነዚህ በተጨማሪ በ $NOT ውርርድ ማረግ ተቸሎ የነበረ ሲሆን አሁን ደግሞ በ $USDT ከተቻለ ወር አልፎታል። ስለዚህ ለማንበብ - እዚ ግባ

👀 ታዲያስ እናንተ በ $USDT ውርርድ ለማሸነፍ ምን ትጠብቃላቹ?

Level 15 ስለሆንኩ የኔን ሊንክ ስትጠቀም 1600 $SPARK እና 50 credits ታገኛለህ 👇


Answers to Xoob quests

Quiz: Chromia
Question 1: What is RELL in the context of Chromia?
👉 A blockchain layer for dApps

Question 2: When was the Chromia token launched?
👉 May 2019

Question 3: When did the Chromia mainnet go live?
👉 July 2024

Question 4: What is the average gas price in the Chromia network?
👉 0. Transactions are free.

Quiz: Bitcoin
What year was Bitcoin created?
👉 2009

What is the maximum supply of Bitcoin?
👉 21 million

Who created Bitcoin?
👉 Satoshi Nakamoto

What is Bitcoin's consensus algorithm called?
👉 Proof of Work

What year did Bitcoin reach its all-time high price?
👉 2024

Quiz: Discord Roles
Question 1: How can you earn the Commander role?
👉 Minting a 3-LVL NFT

Question 2: How could you obtain the Listener role?
👉 Listen to our AMA in Discord

Question 3: What qualifies you for the OG role?
👉 Being a participant in the test season

Question 4: What role do you need to achieve in the "Achieve Levels in Discord" quest to complete it fully?
👉 10 level

Question 5: What is the role name for verified users in Discord?
👉 XOOBer

Quiz: XOOB
Question 1: When was XOOB XPedition launched?
👉 September 20, 2024

Question 2: How many users have reached XOOB in the TG Mini-Game during this time?
👉 300,000+

Question 3: What is the total investment in the XOOB project?
👉 $1.6 million

Question 4: Who is the lead investor of the XOOB project?
👉 Chromia

Question 5: What was the previous name of the XOOB project?
👉 LaunchJoy

Quiz 1: XOOB Points

Question 1: What are XOOB Points?
👉 Internal currency for platform participation

Question 2: What are XP used for?
👉 Purchasing virtual pets

Question 3: How can you earn XP?
👉 Participate in quests

Question 4: Is it important to earn as much XP as possible for future rewards and airdrops?
👉 yes

Quiz 2: XOOB ID
Question 1: What is XOOB ID?

👉 An NFT card that provides privileges for holders

Question 2: What advantages does XOOB ID offer?
👉 Access to early content releases

Question 3: What is required to obtain XOOB ID?
👉 Mint it

Question 4: What role will XOOB play in the distribution of airdrops and other rewards?
👉 A key role. Without XOOB ID, you won't be able to receive an airdrop

Quiz 3: Mystery Boxes XXXXXXX
Question 1: What can be contained in a Mystery Box?
👉 Both options

Question 2: How can you open a Mystery Box?
👉 Auction for XP

Question 3: How many times can you buy a Mystery Box per season?
👉 Unlimited

Quiz 4: XOOB Mini-Game
👉 Collect as much cosmic milk as possible

Question 2: How can players earn additional milk in the game?

👉 By playing XOOB Jump, using combos, completing quests, inviting friends

Question 3: What can be done with the collected cosmic milk in the end?
👉 Exchange it for XOOB Points

Quiz 5: Daily Boxes
Question 1: What reward can be obtained from the Daily Box?
👉 XOOB Points (XP)

Question 2: How often can you open a Daily Box?
👉 Once a day

Question 3: What advantages does regularly opening the Daily Box provide? (streak)
👉 Additional XP

Question 4: Is it necessary to have a XOOB ID for double XP with the Daily Box?
👉 Yes

Question 5: Can Daily Boxes be exchanged with other players?
👉 No

Forward from: Script Network Announcements
🚀 Script Network’s Short-Term Roadmap

Script Network fans, get pumped for a groundbreaking series of releases and launches that will transform the ecosystem and bring us closer together than ever!

Here’s a quick look at what’s coming up:

November 2024:

🟡 Wave 1 Node Sale begins
🟡 Going Live on Samsung TV and Apple+

December 2024:

🟡 Script Chain staking, delegation goes live
🟡 $SCPT migration tool goes live - migrate $SCPT to Script Blockchain
🟡 Project deployment on Mainnet begins
🟡 $SCPT liquidity migration complete from BNB chain to Script chain
🟡 Wave 2 Public Node Sale begins

January 2025:

🟡 Season 1 Complete - $SCPT airdrop
🟡 Continued migration of assets and products to Mainnet
🟡 Watch to earn protocol goes live
🟡 $SPAY token launch
🟡 $SPAY airdrop

Q1 2025:

🟡 Quaterly Script Dev Hackatons launch
🟡 Big media partnerships revealed

Check full article 👉 https://medium.com/script-network/a-look-ahead-key-updates-regarding-mainnet-key-product-releases-more-bfc495e72774

⭐️ከላይ ከጠቀስነው የአመቱ ማጠቃለያ ሽልማት ሌላ 1ሺ Stars ለ 4 ተሳታፊዎች።

ሽልማቱን ለመውሰድ -

1. ይሄን ሊንክ በመጠቀም KYC መጨረስ
2. የ KuCoin አዲስ ጀማሪ ጥቅማጥቅሞችን መውሰድና
3. UID እና ref code ኮሜንት ማስገባት👇

KuCoin verified የሆናቹ

SCPT በመግዛትና በመሸጥ የ SCPT Airdrop ticket ውሰዱ።

አንድ ቀን ብቻ የቀረው።

KYC verified መሆን አትችልም? 👀

➡️ የማያስፈልገው universal ticket 🎫 አለው።

እዚ ጀምሩ👇


ወጪ - (የሚመለስ) $100 ብቻ።

ጥያቄ ካላቹ ኮሜንት 👇


❓ የNomis score SBT አተማቹ?

❓ የ Tbook account አላቹ?
SBT ሰበሰባቹ? ስንት?

❓ የ ton society account አላቹ?

⭐️የአመቱ ማጠቃለያ ሽልማት 500 Stars ⭐️ ወይም 2 የ Ton Festival ቲኬቶችን አዘጋጅተናል።

በመጪዎቹ 3 ቀናት ይሄን TBook የተባለ የ SBT ሽልማት ማስገኛ miniapp በመቀላቀል ካጠቃላይ አባላት 100 ያህሉ ከገቡ ሽለማቱ December 29 በ እጣ መልክ ይወጣል።

ለመሳተፍ -

1. ማስጀመር። start
2. ዋሌት እና Tbook account ስም ኮሜንት 💬

Forward from: Venom Foundation Official
🛠 Create Your Own Token on Venom—No Coding Required! 🛠

Have you ever dreamed of launching your own governance token, utility token, or even a memecoin? Now you can—easily and in just a few steps!

On Venom, all fungible tokens use the TIP3 standard, similar to ERC20 on Ethereum. With the user-friendly Web3.World Builder, creating your token is effortless—no programming skills needed! 💆‍♂️

Here’s How to Get Started:

1️⃣ Visit web3.world/Builder
2️⃣ Click “Create New One”
3️⃣ Enter your token’s name, symbol, and decimals
4️⃣ Hit “Create Token”

✨ Once your token is live, you can:

- Manage its supply and owner address.
- Track holders, transactions, and details on VenomScan.com.

Ready to launch your token? Start now 👉 web3.world/Builder

Forward from: CryptoRank Analytics
​​Berachain Ecosystem

These projects have already been launched on the Bera testnet. Berachain has also introduced a Boyco pre-deposit campaign, promising future rewards distribution and confirmed airdrop for testnet participants.

👉 https://cryptorank.io/drophunting

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🚨 Last day reminder to get your BroBot x Farmix SBT

Rated high on ton society.



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👀 Donot ከ PAWS ጋር አብሮ ይወጣል የተባለው Airdrop በኛ ቻነል እንሆ ለመጀመሪያ ግዜ።

Join now.

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⬅️⬅️⬆️➡️⬆️⬇️ New combo for the mini-game, granting 100,000 cosmic milk, is available for 48 hours.

🟢 Xoob

🎁 Phantom Wallet Airdrop

🔑 Download Wallet https://phantom.app/
🔑 Set up username
🔑 Search for @haanbaal and follow
🔑 Comment your username 💬in comments and follow others 👇

አዳዲስ Airdrop ከኛ ቻነል ወይም ከሌላ ሳትጠብቁ በራሳቹ ለማግኝት ይሄንን ቦት ተቀላቀሉ። intract ልክ እንደ ዚሊ፣ ጋላክሲ ወዘተ ያለ ነው።

Tonton by intract.

20 last posts shown.