It is fascinating how change is an inevitable thing.
You wont be found what you were doing last year at this time. Whatever the way, there would be change.
The days, the seasons, the weather, our age changes, we also change too.
If i were to try and remember what i was doing last year at this time i cant but i know i wasnt doing what i am doing now.
So if we agree that about change the main question lies on "what kind of change is it?"
Its not enough for change to be present, it should be the right one. The change where growth is seen, where God sees and delights. The kind of change that makes a difference between yesterday and today.
But here is the amazing thing through all this there is a God who doesnt change.
ይቀየር ይሆን ተብሎ የማያሰጋ፣ የሚያስተማምን፣ ትላንት እንደሆነ ዛሬም እንደዚያው የሆነ።
So God let our heart rest knowing this truth.
You wont be found what you were doing last year at this time. Whatever the way, there would be change.
The days, the seasons, the weather, our age changes, we also change too.
If i were to try and remember what i was doing last year at this time i cant but i know i wasnt doing what i am doing now.
So if we agree that about change the main question lies on "what kind of change is it?"
Its not enough for change to be present, it should be the right one. The change where growth is seen, where God sees and delights. The kind of change that makes a difference between yesterday and today.
But here is the amazing thing through all this there is a God who doesnt change.
ይቀየር ይሆን ተብሎ የማያሰጋ፣ የሚያስተማምን፣ ትላንት እንደሆነ ዛሬም እንደዚያው የሆነ።
So God let our heart rest knowing this truth.