Words Burn

Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, English
Category: Art

The writer. @burningwords
The origin. 🇪🇹

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Ethiopia, English
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If you're not interested in what I have to say, I'm not interested in what you have to say.

It's as simple as that.

How does a man celebrate March 8, international women's day?

Would celebrating the woman I love on the bed work?

I can't say she'd be opposed to that kinda celebration.

Pretty good deal for her (and for me too).

Your happiness does depend on how happy you make others.


Good morning.

Have an awesome day.

Forward from: Green Bites 🍃🌪️
The secret ingredient? VIBES. But also… yknow. 😉💚


Those of you who constantly eavesdrop on my channel, but never join.

I just wanna say that you're fooling nobody. No point in hiding. 🤷‍♂

When in doubt, go for a walk. Ten minutes can make a huge difference.

Breathe the air outside, and something will change for sure.


Fucking retard.

What's the difference between thinking about yourself—the future and the past, worries and regrets—and being depressed?



People whose age is 100+ on your Telegram profile, tell us.

What's the secret to your amazing longevity?

Like, I don't know, like, I feel jaded, like, maybe it's my fault, like who cares.

Why are you abusing the word "like"!? 😭
Only use it when needed.

It doesn't make you sound cool. It makes you seem as if you're not in control of your tongue.

And it's irritating too. 🤯

For some reason, I specially find it more angering when guys do it.

Like stop.


When a lady loves me, but thinks—for some reason—that she can't be with me, she usually disrespects me in an earth shattering manner.


She wants to trigger me, make me upset with her so bad that I'll fire back and hurt her badly. That way, she can look back and think, "Thank God I left that dickhead."

Your level of genjutsu is too weak, bitch.

Tribal: Fix
What helps me dissociate from this tribal trap is remembering that everybody makes mistakes. And me not liking some people does not mean they don't have any important skill or viewpoint at all. I'm an individual before I'm a tribe. I don't have to like the person to agree with him, and I like the person doesn't mean I can't disagree with him.

Prideful: Fix
For this one, what I do is training to say "I don't know" in many situations, because that's usually the truth. I'm not an expert in everything. I'm prone to be led to believe in the wrong things. My source of information is not always reliable, because the source is always another human, like me.
And being okay with being pointed at, and being told "I told you so". Let that person tell me that. It's better to look like a fool for five minutes than to be a fool forever.
But I do wanna make sure that I don't tell people "I told you so" or point at them when they admit they're wrong. I had that problem of gloating on people their humble moment. I'll be silent and let them be, because when something you believe to be true turns out to be false in public, it's always hurtful. Why become somebody they'll resent for gloating, when I can be somebody they'll appreciate for backing off?


Good morning!

Don't fear eyes judging you in public.

They're probably the same insecure cunts that you are.

When I learned about this thing just a while back, my eyes went wide, because I've never felt more shocked. Truly. ❗️

I sometimes find myself defending viewpoints, which I do not even know where I've gotten from.

I've noticed this happens to me when I feel tribal and prideful:

This happens when a figure I admire does or say something that is false and wrong, and yet I defend them anyways. I defend them because I identify with their "tribe", what they stand for. And the deeply human part of me that wants to remain part of the tribe blinds me from even considering that the thing I'm defending is wrong. And I go on to die on a hill that I should let go of.
Not just that: when somebody who has a stance on life that's completely opposite to mine does something so right and good, I DENY that it is good. This tribal feeling is strangely strong and manipulative.

I said something in the past that aligns with certain viewpoints, and because I don't wanna look bad by changing my stance, I stick to it, fight for it, trapped in my own sense of pride. Pride is a sin of the highest degree, and I can see why.
It stops me from admitting errors, and changing course, because that would mean they may point at me and laugh, or they may say, "See, I've been telling you from the beginning, and you didn't listen to me."



Something to contemplate about.



4. Uncertain and Okay
The reason I want the plan to be so perfect before I begin is because I want to be certain of the future. I wanna be certain that it will work. I don't want unseen things to hit me later on.

But that way of thinking is simply stupid. The future is way too unpredictable for me to make it predictable with my silly little planning. What a garbage goal to go after: perfecting the plan.

The more my plan is broad and deep, the more I'll be disappointed when I fail. Because I will fail, of course: it's my first time doing it.
What I should do instead is this:

a. Plan small
b. Implement the plan and fail quickly
c. Learn from the failures

The way I turn the uncertainty of the future to my advantage is EMBRACING the uncertainty, going forward to fail, and then adjusting the next try so that the failure won't be repeated.

The fastest way to learn is to start failing as soon as possible, in as many ways as possible, until a success shows up. Each failure is a clue for success, because I generally understand the margin of error (by how many degrees I missed the target).



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