Words Burn

Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, English
Category: Art

The writer. @burningwords
The origin. 🇪🇹

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Ethiopia, English
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Her cloths near the bedpost, she lie down on the bed prone, eyes and lips sealed. A smile that comes, not from humor, but from feeling peace, lightly kisses her mouth.

My eyes run down from her hair to her spine down to her feet. She's a meal to be had, she's a gem to be cherished, and I'm uncertain if I have what she needs. I'm only certain that I need a touch, perhaps a taste, if I may.

My fingers slide down the middle of her spine, feeling the softness, the freckles. I look at the shades of the color of her skin, and I'm lost in a trance-like state.

I could sense she's wondering if I like what I'm seeing, if I'm enjoying her.

I clear hair from her neck and ear... A kiss on her cheek, a little bite on her neck. She breathes in longer, grabbing the back of my neck as if asking me to stay close.

"So beautiful," I whisper.

"I know."

My palm strikes her hip with a swift clap, and she giggles. Cocky woman.


Good morning, people!

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To take the blame when you do something bad, instead of pointing out how it is other people's fault, or the world's fault.

In all honesty, there may be errors that others did too, but focus on what you can control. You and I can only control our actions, our thoughts, and our words—even these things we struggle to control sometimes, as we say or do things we will regret later. A flawed being like you and I would benefit more from taking the blame even when we're not the sole blame for the bad thing, because we will then become oriented toward the things we can control.

To give thanks to people who helped you when you do something good, instead of glorifying yourself.

We tend to get prideful and cocky when we are having good days, seeing some success. Those are the days we need to remember that the success we're having is tricking us into thinking we're more than we are. We must humble ourselves, and remember the role of others who helped us get what we want. In reality, we are not that powerful; it is the assistance of our team, or friends, or closed ones that gives us superpowers. Neglect that at your own peril: people around you will remember what you looked like while you were having success when the inevitable bad days come. I wouldn't wanna be you then.



The ultimate price paid for any sort of level up.



It's in the coldest day that a man finally meets who he really is. In the night where beasts and monsters scream from a distance, that's when a man understands the essence of his being.

Perhaps he turns out to be a coward. Whatever he finds out about himself, he must look at himself honestly and admit to his dominant flaws.

Then it is his responsibility to dedicate his entire life to the war between him and the hideous parts of himself.

A man who wakes up with his mind set for that battle daily...

What a great man he is.


Protestant Christians in Ethiopia don't celebrate ጥምቀት, I think.

That's always been so confusing to me. It represents a massive milestone in the journey Jesus had when he was alive. And they're always screaming His name and glory, but it's as if they avoid this one particular remembrance day.

How come?

Someone had to say it!

Why though?

Can you come up with a solid theory why that emoji isn't a reaction?


A day Jesus Christ traveled long to find a man so that He could be baptized. A day He decided to lower himself and be baptized by an individual who is far below His rank.

The day He taught everybody what it means to embody humility, and the moment that happened, it's said that heavens opened.

Have a beautiful day.

Arman pulled out!

Oh man, this is sad. He got injured.

It's now Islam against Moicano. Damn, I wish Arman was fit. Fucking hell.

Seek and you shall find.

Ask and you shall receive.

Knock and the door will be opened.


UFC 311 Loading...

Goodness, this event is STACKED!

I've never anticipated a match as this one right here.

Rooting for Islam.

AndStill hopefully.

The Condition of the Broken Hearted

There's a loneliness going about in this age. Most people are desperate for genuine attention, and most are longing for loving kisses.

They want somebody to pull them in a warm hug and tell them what a beautiful human being they are.

They are looking for somebody to touch their skin and make them feel whole, make them feel worthy of being loved deeply, but they won't ask for it.

If they ask for it, it would feel like they're forcing somebody to like them, like that somebody won't do it from the heart.

Most people don't know how to ask for love. They believe that you don't ask for love, that somebody will just come along, scoop you in their arms, hold you in their gaze, and make you feel like you mean something in this world.

And they believe that because nobody has ever taught them that there are ways you ask for love, because in reality, nobody knows what you want.

Even you don't know what you want, even you are so unpredictable for yourself. It's unfair to expect somebody else to figure you out and love you like you fantasize, when what you want changes from moment to moment, when you yourself are having a hard time figuring yourself out.


Popular quotes that I think are very misleading

1. "Money doesn't buy happiness."

It's a weird statement to begin with, because I don't think there's one person on earth who seeks money to be happy: I think they seek it to purchase material necessities.

And I don't even know how it became so popular. I mean in what context do you tell somebody, "But money doesn't buy happiness, right?" I believe I really have not found a single chance where saying this statement was appropriate in my conversations with friends and family.

2. "Relationship is not all about sex."

This is a true statement, but most people understand it as if the statement is giving them the chance to not worry about sex AT ALL. No, it is actually one of the most crucial things to figure it out in a love relationship.

How often you touch, how often you kiss, how often you compliment, and how often you do it is usually the thing that determines how long you'll lovingly stay with somebody.


Here's a theory:

They have learned to manipulate natural disasters, and are doing some experiments, but the public is only limited to be informed about the issue as "Earth vibration" (that's what they're calling it, right?).

By the way, the earthquake did wake me up last night. 🙆‍♂

Happy New Year! 😃😃

(For whom it may concern)

Not one good thing comes from alcohol.

It doesn't help with how your body smells—it can make you smelly.

It ruins your chance at achieving deep sleep at night, making it impossible for your body to recover from the day.

It takes away your physical strength, putting you in a vulnerable position if you had to fight, or run, because now your lungs, your brain, and your liver will be having a shitty day.

Most alcohol tastes bad, and when we see somebody new to alcohol cringing at her first taste we tell her, "You'll get used it," as if it's something we should get used to.

It makes you emotional, angry, and just unstable, making you difficult to get along with.

And most of all, it robs you of the chance to experience life to the fullest.

I've seen it ruin some members of my family's life, and also some friends I have.

If you need alcohol to have fun, something is wrong from within. You need to look within and ask yourself why you would seek a hideous drug that destroys your capabilities to have fun.


To get great grades, to make quality decisions, and to deal with stress successfully, the most potent natural medicine available is sleep.

But idolatry is stopping you from your full potential, the worship you do every day and every night. And the false god you worship is your phone.

It is time you renounce this false god, but will you do it? Will you really give up the devil? I know you hate the devil, but you only hate him because he reflects what your dark side looks like.

You may think that you don't worship the phone, that you're just using it, but you're wrong. The phone is using you. It could've been said you're using it only if you were able to stop yourself at your will, but you can't, can you?

You love who you are when you are browsing the internet, you love it when the phone gazes at you, you dearly love it when your soul gets lost in the countless contents available, all made just for you.

Your tongue may not admit it, but your body knows that your phone is indeed your god. God is something that's supposed to be at the center, at the very core of your life, and I'm sad to see that this false god has captivated your heart.

And I'm not clean of this sin. I too am guilty.

I repent.


Chaos is dominant in my life. Time feels as if it is slipping away from my control. I squeeze my brain to think harder and make me act better than I mostly do.

Darkness keeps championing my heart, filling me with regret of choices I made.

A deep deep longing to be set free of worry, and lust, and anger. Guilt. Shame.

A deep longing for an eternal silence where I am left to just be.


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