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When we called on our citizens, many enthusiastically joined the #CleanEthiopia initiative. Our main objective is to revolutionise the culture of toilet usage by creating a welcoming environment. Today, we are on-site to assess the progress made possible through the invaluable contributions and trust of our citizens. By using durable materials and ensuring high-quality finishing, we are committed to building up-to-standard public toilets. This is just the beginning, and with your continued support, we aim to expand this initiative nationwide.
When we called on our citizens, many enthusiastically joined the #CleanEthiopia initiative. Our main objective is to revolutionise the culture of toilet usage by creating a welcoming environment. Today, we are on-site to assess the progress made possible through the invaluable contributions and trust of our citizens. By using durable materials and ensuring high-quality finishing, we are committed to building up-to-standard public toilets. This is just the beginning, and with your continued support, we aim to expand this initiative nationwide.