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Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, Amharic
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Ethiopia, Amharic
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💃 preorder / ቅድመ ትዕዛዝ 💃
delivery date   👉15-20 days
        # 👗👗 women nightdress
Order ለማድረግ 👉 @Hausales
     ☎️☎️ +251921212103
    Join😉-> https://t.me/hayusales

💃 preorder / ቅድመ ትዕዛዝ 💃
delivery date   👉15-20 days
        # 🙃👜💼 women bag
Order ለማድረግ 👉 @Hausales
     ☎️☎️ +251921212103
    Join😉-> https://t.me/hayusales

Big discount  
Women 👝👝  Only 2800 birr
💥15-20 arrival days
📩 @Hausales
Pre orders from shein
☎️☎️ +251921212103

Big discount  
Only 2500 birr
💥15-20 arrival days
📩 @Hausales
Pre orders from shein
☎️☎️ +251921212103

Only 4500 birr
On hand (እጅ ላይ ያለ)
⭐⭐ ያሉበት እናደርሳለን
💫💫 ወደ የትኛውም ክልል እንልክልዎታለን

📩 @Hausales
☎️☎️ +251921212103

Only 2500 birr
On hand (እጅ ላይ ያለ)
⭐⭐ ያሉበት እናደርሳለን
💫💫 ወደ የትኛውም ክልል እንልክልዎታለን

📩 @Hausales
☎️☎️ +251921212103

Only 2500 birr
On hand (እጅ ላይ ያለ)
⭐⭐ ያሉበት እናደርሳለን
💫💫 ወደ የትኛውም ክልል እንልክልዎታለን

📩 @Hausales
☎️☎️ +251921212103

8 last posts shown.