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Announcement: Price Increase on Services Due to USD Exchange Rate Changes

Dear Valued Customers,

We hope this message finds you well. Due to the recent surge in the USD exchange rate in Ethiopia, we are making adjustments to our pricing. As a result, the prices for all services requiring USD currency at Bright Techs have increased by 10%.

This adjustment affects services such as:
- Ordering from AliExpress
- Buying a Mastercard
- Purchasing Instagram and Twitter followers

Updated Facebook Ads Pricing:
- 1,500 ETB1,650 ETB
- 2,500 ETB2,750 ETB
- 3,000 ETB3,300 ETB
- 3,500 ETB3,850 ETB
- 4,000 ETB4,400 ETB
- 5,000 ETB5,500 ETB
- 6,000 ETB6,600 ETB
- 7,000 ETB7,700 ETB
- 8,000 ETB8,800 ETB
- 9,000 ETB9,900 ETB
- 10,000 ETB11,000 ETB
- 11,000 ETB12,100 ETB

We understand the inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your understanding and continued support as we navigate these economic changes together.

✅ የTelegram ቻናል መግዛት ለምትፈልጉ

✅ለ Drama ስራ የሚሆን አሪፍ ቻናል

➡️ መግዛት የምትፈልጉ
🔔• 3,400 + ✨ Subscriber ያለው

✅ መግዛት የምትፈልጉ አሁኑኑ አናግሩን!
Inbox Me ✉️ @BEK_I
                  📲 0904253864

🔣መሸጥ የምትፈልጉም ካላችሁ አናግሩን!

❌1 Channel Sold Out

Amanamummaa fi Saffisaan hojjechuun aadaa keenya.

ታማኝነት እና ፈጣንነት ባህላችን ነው።

Honesty and Promptness is our culture.

➡️Sold channel 🔽

🆘ምንም አይነት 📢ቻናል ለመግዛት ወይም ለመሸት ያነጋግሩን።

✅ የTelegram ቻናል መግዛት ለምትፈልጉ

✅ለ Crypto ስራ የሚሆን አሪፍ ቻናል

➡️ መግዛት የምትፈልጉ
🔔• 11,200 + ✨ Subscriber ያለው

✅ መግዛት የምትፈልጉ አሁኑኑ አናግሩን!
Inbox Me ✉️ @BEK_I
                  📲 0904253864

🔣መሸጥ የምትፈልጉም ካላችሁ አናግሩን!

🌐 የTelegram ቻናል መግዛት ለምትፈልጉ

✅ለ Crypto ስራ የሚሆን አሪፍ ቻናል

መግዛት የምትፈልጉ
🔔• 6200 +
 Subscriber ያለው

✅ መግዛት የምትፈልጉ አሁኑኑ አናግሩን!
Inbox Me ❤ @BEK_I
                  ☎️ 0904253864

መሸጥ የምትፈልጉም ካላችሁ አናግሩን!

1 Channel Sold Out

Amanamummaa fi Saffisaan hojjechuun aadaa keenya.

ታማኝነት እና ፈጣንነት ባህላችን ነው።

Honesty and Promptness is our culture.

➡️Sold channel 🔽

🆘ምንም አይነት 📢ቻናል ለመግዛት ወይም ለመሸት ያነጋግሩን።

📢 5 Active Telegram Channels for sale.

▶️Low Price
▶️Added On Telega and have higher ratings on
▶️Ownership on telega can be transferred easily
▶️some Channels have started showing telegram ads.

@EUEE_Tips 👉 10.8k Subscribers
@Oromia_Educational_News 👉 7.6k Subscribers
@Ethio_Educational_News 👉 5.6k Subscribers
@Afla_Fkr_Official 👉 3.1k Subscribers
@Gaammee_Media_Channel 👉 2.5k Subscribers

✉️Contact ➡️@Bek_i to buy with reasonable price.

🆘 Are you looking for a reliable trader to acquire 🤑$TON for various purposes, such as paying fees to sell other tokens like 🤑$NOT or $AVACN?

✉️Look no further!

➡️We offer a seamless and honest experience, ensuring you get the 🤑$TON you need quickly and efficiently.

💵Our Payment Methods:

➡️CBE 🏦

Contact us today! ➡️@BEK_I

$Not coin ወይም $AVACN ለመሸጥ ብላችሁ ለ Fee የሚሆን $Ton ያጣችሁ መልካም ዜና።

የፈለጉትን ያህል በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ ከእኛ ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ። ታማኝ እና ፈጣን ስለሆንን አያሳስብዎ።

የ ክፍያ አማራጮች
➡️ CBE 🏦

ለመግዛት ➡️@BEK_I

🌐 የTelegram ቻናል መግዛት ለምትፈልጉ

✅ለስራ የሚሆን አሪፍ ቻናል

መግዛት የምትፈልጉ
🔔• 5,300 +
 Subscriber ያለው

✅ መግዛት የምትፈልጉ አሁኑኑ አናግሩን!
Inbox Me ❤ @BEK_I
                  ☎️ 0904253864

መሸጥ የምትፈልጉም ካላችሁ አናግሩን!


🔖ማንኛዉንም እቃ ኦርደር ማድረግ የምትፈልጉ✅አሁንም ማዘዝ ጀምረናል
✈️ይህንን አስመልክቶ ከAliexpree የትኝዉንም እቃ ስያዙ ትልቅ ቅናሽ አለዉ💸
ለበለጠ መረጃ🔺@BEK_I 🛒
ይደዉሉ😔 0904253864


መልካም ዜና

ሰሞኑን ሁሉም ሰዉ Airdrop የሰራ እንደሆነ ይታወቃል። ለ Airdrop ደግሞ 🐣ትዊተር(X, Twitter) በጣም አስፈላጊ ነዉ። ለዚህም እኛም ይሄን በማሰብ ለ 🐣X(Twitter) ፎሎወር እና 😎Mention ያግዛቹ ዘንድ የ Twitter Follower በቅናሽ ዋጋ አቅርበናል። አሁኑኑ ይዘዙን።

🐣1 Follower ➡️ 1.5 ETB
🐣100 Followers ➡️150 ETB
🐣1000 Followers ➡️ 1500 ETB

✅Minimum Order: 100 Followers 🐣

➕በተጨማሪም የ 📷Instagram Followers ከፈለጋችሁ
👉 5000 Followers : 480 ETB
👉 10,000 Followers : 930 ETB
👉 15,000 Followers : 1380 ETB
👉 20,000 Followers : 1810 ETB
👉 25,000 Followers : 2280 ETB
👉 30,000 Followers : 2730 ETB
👉 35,000 Followers : 3160 ETB

ለማዘዝ ያናግሩኝ👇

🔔We're Back!

20% Discount on these services!
- Instagram 📷 Followers
- X (Twitter) 🐣 Followers
- Facebook Ads
- Instagram Ads

📢 Two 1 Year Premium Sold.

Fast and Trusted


🆘 Virtual Master Card💰 Available.

✔️ Can Be Used For Facebook Ads
✔️ You Can Order Things From Alibaba.Amazon,Ebay.....
✔️ 0.15 $ Purchase Fee.
✔️ Region ➡️ United States.
✔️ 1$ Monthly Fee.
✔️ 2.5% Recharge Fee
✔️ By Your Name.
✔️ 15$ Minimum Recharge.
✔️ Card Price 1,800 ETB
➡️1,000 ETB

➡️ Translation To Amharic.

የዚህ አይነት ማስተር ካርድ መሙላት ይቻላል እና ዝቅተኛው መሙላት 15$ ነው. የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ማስተር ካርድ ነው። ፌስቡክ ፣ እንስታግራም እና ለሎች ላይ Ads ራን ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ። ነገሮችን ከአሊባባ, ኢዴይ, ... ማዘዝ ይችላሉ. የካርድ ዋጋ ያለ ምንም ዶላር 1000 ብር ነው።

ይህ ማለት ➡️ በማስተር ካርድዎ 15$ ከሞሉ 2,830 ብር ይከፍላሉ።
➡️በማስተር ካርድዎ ላይ 20$ ከሞሉ 3440 ብር ይከፍላሉ::
➡️ በማስተር ካርድዎ ላይ 50$ ከሞሉ 7,900 ብር ይከፍላሉ::
➡️ በማስተር ካርድዎ 75$ ከሞሉ 11,150 ብር ይከፍላሉ።
➡️ በማስተር ካርድዎ 100$ ከሞሉ 14,700 ብር ይከፍላሉ።

✔️ ከ 2 ዓመት በላይ ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል,

🔩 If You Wanna Order Dm @BEK_I ⚡️

📱 Mastercard Gurguruu Eegallee Jirra 📱

AliExpress📱 irraa qodaa ajajuuf jettanii yookaan Facebook📱 boost goochuuf jettanii Mastercard📱dhabdanii rakkattaniittu taanaan furmaanni As Jira.

👉 Gatii Mastercard : 1000 ETB
👉 Dollar 15 kaasee hamma barbaaddan Deposit goochuu Dandeessu
👉 Kana jechuun 📱 Mastercard 📱 Doolaaraa 15 qabu yoo barbaaddan gatiin isaa 1000 ETB+ 15 USD= 2830 ETB ta'a jechuudha.

👉 Facebook fi AliExpress dabalatee bakka Baay'eetti nii hojjeta.

👉 Yoo qarshiin achirra jiru yoo dhume irra deebiin itti guuttachuu Dandeessu.

Gatii 📱 Mastercard 📱
👉 15 $ kan qabu : 2830 ETB
👉 20$ kan qabu : 3440 ETB
👉 25$ kan qabu : 4050 ETB
👉 30$ kan qabu : 4660 ETB
👉 50$ kan qabu : 7100 ETB
👉 100$ kan qabu : 12,300 ETB

📱 Bituuf karaa @BrightTechs nu quunnamaa.


⭕ This Services are now Available
▶️TikTok Followers 🎥 Boost
▶️ TikTok Views 🎥
▶️ TikTok Like 📱
▶️ YOUTUBE Subscribers 📺
▶️ Youtube Watch Hour 📺
▶️Youtube Views📺
▶️ Youtube Likes and Comments 📺

Other Services ▶️

Contact Us to know the price

🔘 Bright marketing SMMA

📱 Instagram Followers Price 👥
👉 5000 Followers : 480 ETB
👉 10,000 Followers : 930 ETB
👉 15,000 Followers : 1380 ETB
👉 20,000 Followers : 1810 ETB
👉 25,000 Followers : 2280 ETB
👉 30,000 Followers : 2730 ETB
👉 35,000 Followers : 3160 ETB

📱 Instagram Post Like Price 👍
👉 10,000 Likes : 100 ETB
👉 20,000 Likes : 200 ETB
👉 30,000 Likes : 300 ETB
👉 50,000 Likes : 500 ETB
👉 100,000 Likes : 1000 ETB

📱 Facebook Page Likes / Followers 👥
👉 1000 Followers/Likes : 200 ETB
👉 2000 Followers/Likes : 400 ETB
👉 5000 Followers/Likes : 1000 ETB
👉 10,000 Followers/Likes : 2000 ETB
👉 20,00 Followers/Likes : 3850 ETB

📱 Facebook Post Likes 👍
👉 1000 Post Likes : 80 ETB
👉 2000 Post Likes : 160 ETB
👉 5000 Post Likes : 400 ETB
👉 10,000 Post Likes : 800 ETB
👉 20,000 Post Likes : 1600 ETB

✅Contact @BrightTechs To get These All services.

⭕For More Information

✅ New Services Added
- 📷 Instagram Followers
- 📷 Instagram Post Likes
- 💬 Facebook Followers and like
- 💬 Facebook Post likes
- 💬 Telegram Channel/Group Member
- 💬 Telegram Views and Votes

🔔For more Info: @Bright_Marketing_bot

18 last posts shown.


Channel statistics