Ethio coin 🇪🇹

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Category: Telegram

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Hey fren! 🚀 I’ve launched Ethio coin 🇪🇹 Tribe. Join in, compete with other tribes, and earn cool rewards! 🎉👾

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🔥Telegram and DOGS

Pavel Durov (Founder and CEO of Telegram) is seen with a painting featuring the DOGS logo on his 26th birthday in November 2010 (14 years ago, even before Telegram was invented).

Source: Wikipedia

What more evidence do you need? 😂

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✅platinum: 10
✅Gold: 2
✅Bronze: 0.002

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Top 5 Crypto Projects based on daily new telegram followers

1. Dogs
+117,102 followers (+1.64%)

2. Hamster Kombat
+99,351 followers (+0.19%)

3. Musk Empire
+93,186followers (+2.23%)

4. Cats
+56,159 followers (+2.24%)

5. Major
+35,911 followers (+1.17%)

Based on open data

Notcoin new  pool

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