
Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, Amharic
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Ethiopia, Amharic
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🌕🌕አስቸኳይ ክፍት የስራ ማስታወቂያ

💭.       🔥🔥🌕♨️👇

*የስራ መደብ➜ promothion ሰራተኛ

*ደሞዝ  3000 + በ 1 ሰው መቶ ብር
*ፆታ ሴት
*ልምድ   ሴልስ የሰሩ
*ብዛት 5
*የስራ ቦታ  ካዛንቺስ
*ሰአት ከ  4 👉 1 : 00

*የስራ መደብ➜ ሲቭል መሀንዲስ

*ደሞዝ  ስምምነት
*ፆታ ሴት
*ልምድ   0
*ብዛት 5
*የስራ ቦታ  ጉርድ ሾላ
*ሰአት  : ከ2:30 እስከ 11:30

መስፈርት 👇👇👇👇

ጥሩ ነጥብ ያላት
ሳይት ላይ መስራት ፍላጏት ያላት
ተያዥ ያስፈልጋል
ጥሩ ስነ ምግባር
እንግሊዝኛ ቋንቋ ችሎታ
አውቶ ካድ / ኤክሴል ችሎታ ያላት

*የስራ መደብ➜  አርክቴክት

*ደሞዝ  ስምምነት
*ፆታ ሴት/ ወንድ
*ልምድ   0
*ብዛት 5
*የስራ ቦታ  ጉርድ ሾላ
*ሰአት  : ከ2:30 እስከ 11:30



# ጥሩ ነጥብ ያለው / ያላት
# ሬቪት / አውቶካድ / ሉሚየን / አዶቤ ችሎታ ግዴታ ነው
# የስራ ክህሎት ለመማር ፍላጏት ያለው
# ከሌሎች መሀንዲሶች ጋር ተግባብቶ መስራት የሚችል
# የድርጅት አሰራር ስርአት የሚያከብር

*የስራ መደብ➜ ፀሀፊ

*ደሞዝ  ስምምነት
*ፆታ ሴት
*ልምድ   IT ወይም Accounting ምሩቅ
*ብዛት 5
*የስራ ቦታ ጉርድ ሾላ
*ሰአት ከ  2:30 እስከ 11:30


በIT ወይም በ accounting ዲግሪ ምሩቅ
ከዜሮ እስከ 1 አመት የስራ ልምድ
እንግሊዝኛ መፃፍና ማንበብ የምትችል
የሂሳብ ስራ ደርባ መስራት የምትችል ከሆነ ተመራጭ ነው

*የስራ መደብ➜ ዋና ሼፍ

*ደሞዝ  👉    6000
*ፆታ👉       ሴት/ወንድ
*ልምድ 👉       2 እና ከዚያ በላይ
*ብዛት👉         8 ሰው
*የስራ ቦታ👉     ቡልጋርያ
*ሰአት 👉      ከሰአት ከ 6 እስከ 2

*የስራ መደብ➜ ሼፍ

*ደሞዝ  👉    4500
*ፆታ👉       ሴት/
*ልምድ 👉       1 እና ከዚያ በላይ
*ብዛት👉         8 ሰው
*የስራ ቦታ👉     ቡልጋርያ
*ሰአት 👉      ከጠዋት 1  እስከ 9 ሰአት

👉አመልካቾች በተጠቀሰው ቦታ መሆን አለባቸዉ

❌❌ መስፈርቱን የምታሟሉ ስራ ፈላጊዎች ብቻ ይደውሉልን  ስልክ 




አላማችን እናንተን የስራ ባለቤት ማድረግ ነው

አስቸኳይ ክፍት የስራ ማስታወቂያ
New jobs vaccancy

አድራሻ:-ጀሞ ሚካኤል  ሚና ሞል 2ኛ  ፎቅ 04 ቢ,ቁ

#1 የስራ መደብ:- Economist
      የት/ደረጃ:- ድግሪ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-3 ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  9600+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

   #2 የስራ መደብ:- አካውንቲንግ
      የት/ደረጃ:- ድግሪ /ዲኘሎማ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-5 ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  10,500
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

      # 3 የስራ መደብ:- NGO
      የት/ደረጃ:- ማንኛውም  ድግሪ /ዲኘሎማ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-5 ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  16,000
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#4 የስራ መደብ:- ማርኬቲንግ
      የት/ደረጃ:-   ድግሪ /ዲኘሎማ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-4ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  12000+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#5 የስራ መደብ:- ማኔጅመንት
      የት/ደረጃ:-   ድግሪ /ዲኘሎማ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-6ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  በስምምነት
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#6 የስራ መደብ:- ሰርቬይ ኢንጅነሪንግ
     የት/ደረጃ:-   ድግሪ /ዲኘሎማ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-6ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  አሪፍ + ኮምሽን
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#7 የስራ መደብ:- ሽያጭ / ሪልስቴት ላይ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-3ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  ማራኪ + ኮምሽን
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#8 የስራ መደብ- ሹፌር :ህዝብ/ደረቅ/አውቶ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-3ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ
      ደሞዝ:-  አሪፍ+ ኮምሽን
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#9 የስራ መደብ:-ፋብሪካ ሰራተኛ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  7500+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#10 የስራ መደብ:-ሽያጭ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-3ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   8000+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#11 የስራ መደብ:-ኤርፖርት እቃ ማሸግ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   9500+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#12 የስራ መደብ:- ሆቴል ሱፐርቫይዘር
     የት/ደረጃ:-  ሰርተፍኬት
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-4ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-  10000++
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#13 የስራ መደብ:-ነርስ / HO /ላብራቶሪ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  ድግሪ/ ዲፕሎማ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-4ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   በስምምነት
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#14 የስራ መደብ:-ድራጊስት/ ፋርማሲስት
     የት/ደረጃ:-  ድግሪ/ ዲፕሎማ
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-5ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   በስምምነት
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#15 የስራ መደብ:-መስተንግዶ/ባሬስታ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  8+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-4ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   በስምምነት
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#16 የስራ መደብ:- ዋና ሼፍ/ ረዳትሼፍ
     የት/ደረጃ:-  ሰርተፍኬት
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-5ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ወ/ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   13,000+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#17 የስራ መደብ:-ሪሴብሽን
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-2ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   8500+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#18 የስራ መደብ:-ካሸር
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-3ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ሴ
      ደሞዝ:-   7000+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#19 የስራ መደብ:-ሳፋሪኮም
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ሴ/ወ
      ደሞዝ:-   7000+
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

#20 የስራ መደብ:-ቴሌ ብር
     የት/ደረጃ:-  10+
      የስራ ልምድ:- ከ0-ዓመት
      ፃታ :- ሴ/ወ
      ደሞዝ:-   በቀን 400 ብር
      የስራ ቦታ :- አ.አ

አድራሻ:- ጀሞ ሚካኤል  ሚና ሞል 2ኛ  ፎቅ 04 ቢ,ቁ
     ስልክ:-  0973332447
ከቀን 16/5/16ጀምሮ ቢሮ መምጣት ትችላላቹ

Messenger/Assistant Secretary
Diploma/Level IV/Level III In Secretarial Science and Office Management or in a related field of study
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Answer phone calls and redirect them when necessary
- Manage the daily/weekly/monthly agenda and arrange new meetings and appointments
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: January 27, 2024
How To Apply: Submit your applications via email:

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

Assistant Marketer
Completion of 10+2 with good communication skill
Required Gender: Female Only
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Collaborating with the marketing manager, internal teams, clients and partners on marketing strategy.
- Helping identify marketing trends and key opportunities for innovation.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: November 8, 2023
How To Apply: Submit your applications via email: or in person to our office located around Arat Kilo, in front of Arada Sub-City, Denver Building 2nd floor

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

Sales Officer (Re-Advertised)
Bachelor's Degree in Sales, Business, Marketing, Economics or in a related field with relevant work experience
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Generating leads.
- Helping determine pricing schedules for quotes, promotions, and negotiations.
- Coordinating sales efforts with marketing programs.
- Preparing weekly and monthly reports.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: November 10, 2023
How To Apply: Submit your applications via email:

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

ማኔጅመንት ላይ ስራ አለ ቦታ ለሚ ኩራ ፆታ ሴት /ወንድ ደሞዝ 5000
ትምህርት በማንኛውም ዲግሪ/ዲፕሎማ የሚሆንህ ከሆነ ለዛሬ ነው

Address near lemi kura

Inbox your name and phone number on

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

Photocopy Clerk
Completion of 5th or 8th Grade with relevant work experience
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Maintain updated photocopy log sheet and records quantity of paper used for photocopying materials
- Performs routine work like collecting and delivering documents and materials to and within different work units/departments
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Deadline: October 29, 2023
How To Apply: Register using the following link

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

Office Attendant
8th Grade or 5th Grade Completed with relevant work experience
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Move material to and from storage, pick up and deliver supplies and materials to and from different work units
- Participate in monthly and annual physical inventories, packs and crates material for shipment
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Deadline: October 29, 2023
How To Apply: Register using the following link

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

Junior Social Media Manager & Copywriter
Bachelor's Degree in a related field with relevant work experience with Knowledge of SEO, Keyword research and -Google analytics & Ability to make a social media campaign proposal with clear objective and achievable bench marks
Duties & Responsibilities
- Perform research on current benchmark trends and audience preferences
- Design and implement social media strategy to align with business goal
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #3_years
Deadline: October 26, 2023
How To Apply: Submit your applications via email:

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

Essay Writer & Essay Editor
Bachelor's Degree in English, Literature, Writing or in a related field with relevant work experience with Proficiency in various citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Select and research essay topics
- Correct grammar and punctuation.
- Craft clear thesis statements
- Review essays for clarity and flow.
Quanitity Required: 2
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #2_years
Deadline: October 24, 2023
How To Apply: Submit your resume along with your cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and qualifications and essays you have written or edited before via email:

Share @ethiojobboard | @miku21bot

Marketing & Sales
Having 10+2 educational background with 6 months of working experience in sales
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Managing and developing marketing campaigns.
- Generating leads.
- Meeting or exceeding sales goals.
Quanitity Required: 2
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #1_years
Deadline: October 28, 2023
How To Apply: Apply through HaHuJobs telegram bot or submit your CV via email: For further information contact Tel. +251911696633 / +251911554928

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IS Graduate Trainee
MSc/BSc Degree in Computer Science, Information Science, MIS, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Information Technology or in a related field of study with a CGPA of B.Sc 2.75 and above for Female and 3.0 and above for Male / M.Sc 3.0 and above for Female and 3.25 and above for Male & Only graduates of 2021-2023 are eligible
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: October 15, 2023
How To Apply: Register using the following link

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Junior Sales Representative
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Management or in a related field with relevant work experience
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Generate leads and expand client base through various marketing and networking strategies.
- Conduct property viewings, provide detailed information, and answer any potential buyer inquiries.
Quanitity Required: 1
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: October 14, 2023
How To Apply: Submit your resume along with your cover letter via email:
N.B: Please mention " Real Estate sales representative`` Application" in the subject line

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የሽያጭ ሰራተኛ
ዲፕሎማ ወይም የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ የተመረቀ/ች እና የድርጅቱን ቅድመ ሁኔታ፣ህግ እና ስነምግባር አክብሮ ለመስራት ፈቃደኛ መሆን አለበት/ባት
Quanitity Required: 15
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #3_years
Deadline: October 11, 2023
How To Apply: አመልካቾች  በአካል  አድራሻ መገናኛ ሙሉጌታ ዘለቀ 5ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁጥር 505/03 በስራ ሰዓት በመገኘት መመዝገብ ይችላሉ። ለበለጠ መረጃ 0986077777/ 0116676479 ይደውሉ

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Diploma in any field
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Operate the cash register, receive payments from customers, issue receipts and return change due
Quanitity Required: 4
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Deadline: October 13, 2023
How To Apply: Submit your CV via email: or text your name and position to 0703407141

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System Assistant
#Sebeta | #Megale
Diploma / Certificate in MIS or related field of study
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Coordinates software, network, and systems support activities with the Assembly Information Technology department and works collaboratively with other Assembly systems staff on projects
Quanitity Required: 2
Minimum Years Of Experience: #0_years
Maximum Years Of Experience: #1_years
Deadline: October 10, 2023
How To Apply: Submit your non-returnable application letters and copies of supporting documents with its original in person to corporate HR Department, Address Abbahawa Trading PLC, located on the road from Haile Garment Square to Lebu mebrat or via email : For More Information contact Tel. 0114711575

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