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በቻይና ከተዘጋጀው ዓለምአቀፍ የወጣቶች የስነ-ግጥም ፌስቲቫል ተሳትፏችን መልስ የግጥም ሲጥም ክፍቱ መድረክ እልል ብሎ መጥቷል! ልዩ ተጋባዥ አጣሚያንን ይዘን በአዲስ መልክ እንጠብቃችኋለን።
የደስክ አዲስን አድራሻ ለማግኘት👇🏾
After our participation at the first International Youth Poetry Festival in China, our open mic is back bigger and better with special performers and invited poets! Come through for an amazing poetic night!
#ክፍቱመድረክ #ግጥምሲጥም #እልልያልኩሐበሻ #ግጥምለምትወዱ #openmic #theopenmic #gitemsitem #poetry #artinaddis
የደስክ አዲስን አድራሻ ለማግኘት👇🏾
After our participation at the first International Youth Poetry Festival in China, our open mic is back bigger and better with special performers and invited poets! Come through for an amazing poetic night!
#ክፍቱመድረክ #ግጥምሲጥም #እልልያልኩሐበሻ #ግጥምለምትወዱ #openmic #theopenmic #gitemsitem #poetry #artinaddis