á áĽááááá áĽááá
á 5áąá ááĽáŚá˝ áá¨áĽáť á áľááá˝á áŽááˇá¸áá˘
á áá ááľáłá¸áá á ááá˝á á¨áááááľ áá á°áŤáá áĽá¨á°á°áŽáŠ áŁááľ áá áĽáááłáá áááŻá¸áá˘
á°áłáłá˘áá˝á áĽááť á°áŁáŞáá˝ ááááľ áŤááá¨áĄá¤ áľá ááťáťáá áá¨áŁá á á áᏠá°á¨á á˘á፠áá áááĽáŤá áĽáá°? ááłáĄáľ áĽáá° ááἠáá˝áá? ááááŞáŤ á áĽááá˝ á¨á ááĽá¨ á á áŽáťá¸á á°á áŤá áá°á¨áᣠááááľ áá á¨áĄá˘
â )We, the Muslim community, stand against spiritual hatred of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Beloved Ones (Salawatullah). The speech of hate has no right to live in our society. Therefore, law and religious diversity have to be adhered to! #JusticeForMuslims #ArrestEphoy #StopHateSpeech #Ethiopia #ReligiousFreedom #AccountabilityÂ
âĄ)The public should not take lightly the dangerous effect of Ephoy (Solomon Shiferaw)'s dangerous speech which aim against Islam and Prophet (PBUH). The code of silence by the public is not sensible. Who can be held accountable to avoid repetition of this? #ProtectReligiousHarmony #NoToHate #Ethiopia #JusticeNow #ArrestEphoy #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeechÂ
â˘)Interference with the sanctity of Allah, Islam, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not freedom of speech; that is hate speech by itself. Thus, the man himself, Ephoy (Solomon Shiferaw), who said so, must be brought to justice. It is our obligation that we as society do not tolerate this criminal action. #RuleOfLaw #Ethiopia #NoToHate #ArrestEphoy #JusticeSystem #ProtectMinoritiesÂ
âŁ) Urgent intervention is required! Ephoy (Solomon Shiferaw) is a harsh critic of Islam. Therefore, arrest him and make sure that law is being in place! #ArrestEphoy #HateSpeech #Ethiopia #Justice #Islamophobia
â¤)Ephoy through such words has directly affected an end to the peace and unity of Ethiopia. Plead hereby with the authorities to swiftly take legal action and prosecute him for his dangerous rhetoric. To begin with, we have to join hands against hate. #EthiopianUnity #Peace #NoToHate #ArrestEphoy #JusticeForAll #ReligiousTolerance
á áá ááľáłá¸áá á ááá˝á á¨áááááľ áá á°áŤáá áĽá¨á°á°áŽáŠ áŁááľ áá áĽáááłáá áááŻá¸áá˘
á°áłáłá˘áá˝á áĽááť á°áŁáŞáá˝ ááááľ áŤááá¨áĄá¤ áľá ááťáťáá áá¨áŁá á á áᏠá°á¨á á˘á፠áá áááĽáŤá áĽáá°? ááłáĄáľ áĽáá° ááἠáá˝áá? ááááŞáŤ á áĽááá˝ á¨á ááĽá¨ á á áŽáťá¸á á°á áŤá áá°á¨áᣠááááľ áá á¨áĄá˘
â )We, the Muslim community, stand against spiritual hatred of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Beloved Ones (Salawatullah). The speech of hate has no right to live in our society. Therefore, law and religious diversity have to be adhered to! #JusticeForMuslims #ArrestEphoy #StopHateSpeech #Ethiopia #ReligiousFreedom #AccountabilityÂ
âĄ)The public should not take lightly the dangerous effect of Ephoy (Solomon Shiferaw)'s dangerous speech which aim against Islam and Prophet (PBUH). The code of silence by the public is not sensible. Who can be held accountable to avoid repetition of this? #ProtectReligiousHarmony #NoToHate #Ethiopia #JusticeNow #ArrestEphoy #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeechÂ
â˘)Interference with the sanctity of Allah, Islam, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not freedom of speech; that is hate speech by itself. Thus, the man himself, Ephoy (Solomon Shiferaw), who said so, must be brought to justice. It is our obligation that we as society do not tolerate this criminal action. #RuleOfLaw #Ethiopia #NoToHate #ArrestEphoy #JusticeSystem #ProtectMinoritiesÂ
âŁ) Urgent intervention is required! Ephoy (Solomon Shiferaw) is a harsh critic of Islam. Therefore, arrest him and make sure that law is being in place! #ArrestEphoy #HateSpeech #Ethiopia #Justice #Islamophobia
â¤)Ephoy through such words has directly affected an end to the peace and unity of Ethiopia. Plead hereby with the authorities to swiftly take legal action and prosecute him for his dangerous rhetoric. To begin with, we have to join hands against hate. #EthiopianUnity #Peace #NoToHate #ArrestEphoy #JusticeForAll #ReligiousTolerance