Each, every, and all are quantifiers there are used to refer to a complete set or group of things or individuals. However, there are slight differences in their usage:
1. #Each: "Each" refers to individual items within a group or a set. It indicates that the objects or individuals in the group are considered as separate and distinct entities.
Each 👈
ይህ የሚያገለግለው በአንድ ቡድን ውስጥ ስላሉ ነገሮች በተናጥል መናገር ስንፈልግ ነው። ስለዚህ በዚህ ጊዜ ስለእያንዳንዱ የቡድን አባላት በተናጥል ነው የምናወራው።#Example 👇 1
- Each student needs to bring their own book.
👆 እያንዳንዱ ተማሪ .......
- The soldiers each received a medal.
👆👆 ወታደሮቹ እያንዳንዳቸው ......
2. #Every: "Every" is used to talk about all the items or individuals in a group as separate units. It means every to talk about collective things more than individually.
Every 👈
ይህን ስንጠቀም ደግሞ ከግል ጉዳዮች ይልቅ ስለጋራ ጉዳዮች እናወራለን። For #example:👇
- Every student must submit their assignment until Friday.
- I take a break every three hours.
3. #All: "All" refers to the entire set or every member of a group as a whole. It suggests the entirety or completeness of something.
All 👈
በዚህ ጊዜ ስለሙሉው ስብስብ ወይም ስለሁሉም የቡድን አባላት በአጠቃላይ ስናወራ እንጠቀመዋለን። For #example: 👇
- All students should attend the assembly in the auditorium.
👆ሁሉም ተማሪ ......
- We ate all the food at the party.
👆ሁሉንም ምግብ ....... የትኛው ምግብ፣ ምን አይነት ምግብ ? አይመለከተንም።
ፓርቲው ላይ የነበረውን ሁሉንም ምግብ በልተነዋል።@Now_Speak_English 🇺🇸