🔹List of phrasal verb in grade 9 textbook
➡️Unit 1:
* act out: perform something with actions and gestures
* act on: to take action because of something like information received
* act up: behave badly or strangely
* add on: include
* add up: make a mathematical total
* aim at: to target
* allow for: include something in a plan or calculation
* allow of: make possible, permit
* back away: retreat or go backwards
* back down: retract or withdraw your position or proposal in an argument
* back up: make a copy of computer data
➡️Unit 2:
* blow away: to be impressed or amazed by something
* blow off: cancel or neglect something
* blow out: extinguish something (e.g., a candle)
* blow up: explode or destroy something
* boil down to: be summarized or reduced to something essential
* break in: interrupt
* break out: start suddenly (e.g., a war, fire)
* break through: make a significant discovery or achievement
* break down: stop functioning (e.g., a car, machine)
* break off: end a relationship or agreement
➡️Unit 6:
* come across: find something unexpectedly
* come about: happen or occur
* come apart: separate into pieces
* close down: stop operating (e.g., a business)
* come back: return
* come down: fall or descend
* close off: block or restrict access to something
* clear up: become clear or understandable; tidy or clean something
➡️Unit 7:
* drop in: make a short visit
* drop off: deliver something or someone
* drop out: quit or withdraw from something (e.g., school)
➡️Unit 8:
* come through: survive a difficult experience
* come…on: begin to happen or appear
* come in: enter
* come out: be published or released; become known
* comes off: succeeds
* come up with: think of or suggest something
* come over: visit someone’s home
* come down with: become sick with something
* came across: encounter or find something unexpectedly
➡️Unit 9:
* count on: rely on or depend on something
* count up: calculate a total
* crack down (on): take strong action to stop something
* cross off: remove something from a list
* cut back: reduce or decrease something
* cut down: reduce the amount or quantity of something
➡️Unit 10:
* cut out: remove something using scissors or a knife
* cut up: cut something into smaller pieces
* cut off: interrupt or disconnect something
* cut down (on): consume less of something
* deal with: take action to address or resolve something
* do away with: abolish or discard something
* do over: do something again
* do without: manage without something
* doze off: fall asleep
* dress up: wear formal or special clothing
* dress down: wear casual or informal clothing