Asking for an explanation.
ማብራሪያ መጠየቅ ስንፈልግ
✅ What do you mean?
ምን ማለት ነው?
✅ What are you saying?
ምን አልክ?
✅ Do you mean to tell me......?.
ንገረኝ ማለትህ ነው?
✅ What is the bottom line?
ዋናው ነገር ምንድንነው?
✅ How so?
,,,እንዴት እና?
✅ So, what's the upshot?
ታዲያ ምን አመጣው?
✅ What's the point?
ጥቅሙ/ነጥቡ ምንድነው?
✅ I didn't get that.
✅ I didn't hear you.
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ማብራሪያ መጠየቅ ስንፈልግ
✅ What do you mean?
ምን ማለት ነው?
✅ What are you saying?
ምን አልክ?
✅ Do you mean to tell me......?.
ንገረኝ ማለትህ ነው?
✅ What is the bottom line?
ዋናው ነገር ምንድንነው?
✅ How so?
,,,እንዴት እና?
✅ So, what's the upshot?
ታዲያ ምን አመጣው?
✅ What's the point?
ጥቅሙ/ነጥቡ ምንድነው?
✅ I didn't get that.
✅ I didn't hear you.
Join us @Spoken_English24
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