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ሀገር አቀፍ የድኅረ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመግቢያ ፈተና (NGAT) ውጤት ተለቋል።

በ2017 ዓ.ም ሁለተኛ ሴሚስተር የድኅረ-ምረቃ ትምህርት ለመከታተል የተመዘገቡ አመልካቾች ፈተና ረቡዕ ጥር 7/2017 ዓ.ም መሠጠቱ ይታወቃል።

https// ላይ በመግባት NGAT የሚለውን በመምረጥና የራስዎን User Name በማስገባት ውጤትዎን መመልከት ይችላሉ።


In case you need meeting ID and password, please find them below Meeting ID: 317 746 755 927
Passcode: gu6fj9vp

In a notable act of community engagement, St. Mary’s University was lauded once again by Lideta Sub City Labor and Skills Office for its contribution to youth employment. This recognition was extended to the University's engagement in the second round of the youths' hands-on practical job training project funded by the Ethiopian government and the World Bank.

ለነባር ተማሪዎች ውጤት ለመመልከት ዌብሳይቱ Contact ICT የሚላቹህ ተማሪዎች መምህራኖቻቹሁን ያልገመገማችሁ በመሆኑ እስከ አርብ 23/5/2017ዓ.ም ድረስ በ ላይ እየገባችሁ መምህራኖቻቹሁን በሙሉ እንድትገመግሙ ሁሉንም መምህራኖቻቹሁን ካልገመገማቹሁ ውጤታቹሁን ማየት የማትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን፡፡

ICT UNIT Development and Support Unit

Enhancing Registrar's Office Customer Service

On January 11, 2025, St. Mary’s University’s Human Resource Management Office conducted a comprehensive customer service training for 25 officers and staff members of the Registrar Offices. Led by Ato Desalegn Berie, Vice President for Business and Administration, the training aimed to enhance the skills and resources necessary for providing honest and streamlined services.

QECs’ Annual Performance Report

St. Mary's University Center for Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance (CEIQA) presented Quality Enhancement Committees (QECs) 2016 E.C annual performance report on January 11, 2025. The event, held in the Syndicate room, was attended by members of the Quality Enhancement Committees (QECs), department heads, deans, office heads, and top management members.

The Ministry of Education (MoE) organized a training session on Community Engagement (CE) reform plan introduction for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from January 2-3, 2025 at its head office. The event aimed to create a platform for stakeholders to discuss shared reform issues, facilitate knowledge exchange, and foster a common understanding among HEIs. The ultimate goal was to enable HEIs to play impactful roles in CE.St Mary's University was delegated by its International Relations and Communication Office director.

On January 4, 2025, St. Mary’s University held its 2016 E.C. Annual Performance Report session at the Main Campus Syndicate Room. The session was opened by Ato Desalegn Berie, Vice President for Business and Administration, and chairperson of the Senate Standing Committee for Planning and Resource Development. He introduced that the purpose of the meeting was to set the stages for a comprehensive review of the University's performance.
Ato Shegaw G/Medhin, Director of the Center for Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance (CEIQA), demonstrated the 2016 E.C. Annual Performance Report for all supportive and academic offices. The event also featured the presentation on the major activities accomplished in 2016 E.C. and a five-year performance review, showcasing the University's continual progress and achievements over the period.

St. Mary’s University held the second session of its half-day employees' induction program on Friday, January 3, 2025 at the Chamber Room. The event,  organized by the Human Resources Management Office,  was designed to seamlessly integrate 18 newly hired employees into the university community.

During the day, RaKMO and HRMO presented their respective office activities which ensured that the new employees were well-informed about their roles and responsibilities within the University. In addition, the induction accentuated the compliance with the importance of sticking to established protocols and maintaining the institution’s standards.

የ " 5 ሚሊዮን ኢትዮጵያውያን ኮደርስ ኢንሼቲ"

ስልጠናዎቹን ለመውሰድ ለሚመጡ ሰልጣኞች የኮምፒውተር እና ኢንተርኔት አቅርቦት ዝግጁ መደረጉ ተጠቁሟል።

የዚህ እድል ተጠቃሚ ለመሆን የሚፈልጉ እንዲመዘገቡም ጥሪ ቀርቧል።

ስልጠናው ከጥር 3/2017 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ሁልጊዜ በሳምንቱ የእረፍት ቀናት (ቅዳሜና እሁድ) እንደሚሰጥ ተገልጿል።

የስልጠና ቀናት
#ቅዳሜ እና #እሁድ ከጠዋቱ 2፡30 እስከ አመሻሽ 11:30 እንደሆነ ተመላክቷል።

የስልጠና ቦታው አዲስ አበባ ወሎ ሰፈር አካባቢ በሚገኘው የኢንፎርሜሽን መረብ ደህንነት አስተዳደር ዋና ቢሮ ሲሆን ለመመዝገብ ይህን ሊንክ መጠቀም ይቻላል::

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