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✅ይህ በአይነቱ ልዩ የሆነ ቻናል የተዘጋጀው በ ማህበረሰቡ ጥያቄ መሰረት ሲሆን በውስጡም ለተለያዩ የክፍል ደረጃዎች የሚሆኑ ኖቶች፣PDF፣ሞዴል ፈተናዎች፣ማትሪክና የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ያገኛሉ።

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አስደሳች ዜና :
12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቅያ ፈተና ውጤትዎን የሚያገኙበት ፣ በተለያዩ የፈተና ጥያቄዎች ላይ ልምምድ የሚያደርጉበት ፣ የቴሌግራም ቦት አግኝተናል ፡፡

🤖 ቦቱ የሚከተሉትን ያጠቃልላል
📋 የፈተና ውጤቶች (2010,2011,2012,2013)
✏️ የ12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቅያ ፈተና (የሁሉም ዓመታት)
📝 የማትሪክ ፈተና (የሁሉም ዓመታት)
🚖 የመንጃ ፍቃድ ፈተና
📚 የመማሪያ መጽሐፍት (8-12, Bsc.,Msc,PhD)

እዚህ ጠቅ ያድርጉ እና ይጀምሩ

👉🏿 t.me/Ethioexambot?start=r837007429

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የብሄራዊ ፈተና ጉዳይ ?

በትምህርት ሚኒስቴር የዕቅድ እና ሀብት ማፈላለግ ዋና ዳይሬክተር አቶ ኤልያስ ግርማ ፦

" የአገር አቀፍ ፈተናው በቴክኖሎጂ ተደግፎ በኦንላይን ሥርዓት ታግዞ ካልተሰጠ የምዘናው ሥርዓት አደጋ ውስጥ ነው "

የአገር አቀፍ የትምህርት ምዘናና ፈተናዎች ኤጀንሲ ምክትል ዋና ዳይሬክተር አቶ ተፈራ ፈይሳ ፦

" የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሔራዊ ፈተና ምዘና ጉዳይ የሚመለከታቸው ተቋማትን ብቻ ሳይሆን መንግሥትንም የፈተነ ነው።

የፀጥታ ችግር ፈተናውን ለመስጠት አዳጋች ካደረጉት ጉዳዮች ተጠቃሹ ሲሆን፣ ከሰሞኑ በሁለተኛ ዙር በተሰጠው የ2013 ዓ.ም. አገር አቀፍ የ12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቂያ ብሔራዊ ፈተና እንኳን 150 የሚደርሱ ተማሪዎችን ከአንድ ቦታ ወደ ሌላ ቦታ ወስዶ ለመፈተን ከ100 በላይ የፀጥታ ኃይል ባልደረባ እጀባ አስፈልጎ ነበር።

በዚህ የተነሳ አገር አቀፍ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ፈተናን የመስጠት ሥራ ከኤጀንሲው አቅም በላይ ለመንግሥትም ፈተና ሆኗል።

አገራዊ ፈተናው የሚሰጥበት ዋና ዓላማ፣ የትምህርት ጥራት ማረጋገጫ አንዱ መሣሪያና የብቁ ዜጋ ማፍሪያ መለኪያነቱን ታሳቢ በማድረግ ቢሆንም፣ በዚህ ወቅት ከዚህ ዓላማ ውጪ መስመሩን ስቶ ራሱን የቻለ ትልቅ ፈተና ሆኗል።

በሌላ በኩል ፈተናው ፖለቲካዊ ይዘትን እየተላበሰ መጥቷል። አገርን በሚገነባ ዕሳቤ ሳይሆን፣ " ከእኔ ክልል ይህን ያህል አለፈ " ወደሚል ጤናማ ያልሆነ ውድድር ውስጥ እንደተገባ ነው።

ከኤጀንሲው አቅም በላይ የሆነውን ይህንን ችግር መንግሥት ትኩረት ሊሰጠው ይገባል። በተለይ ከላይ የተነሱትን ችግሮች ለመፍታት ብቸኛው መንገድ፣ ፈተናውን በዲጂታል መንገድ በኦንላይን መስጠት ነው "

Via Tikvah


📚 ear to the ground

If you have your ear to the ground, you know what's really going on in a situation.

❗️For example

🔸If we want to market to teenagers, we need someone with an ear to the ground who really knows what they want these days.

🔸I've got this great stockbroker who's got his ear to the ground and always knows when to buy or sell stocks.

Possibly related to the fact that Native Americans put an ear to the ground and listen in order to find out if there are animals or other people moving in the distance.

⚠️ The Differences between Who & Whom:

🔰 According to the rules of formal grammar, who should be used in the subject position in a sentence, while whom should be used in the object position, and also after a preposition.

🔔 Examples 🔔

🔘 Who made this decision? [here, who is the subject of the sentence]

🔘 Whom do you think we should support? [here, whom is the object of support]

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🔰a kick in the teeth

✅Meaning: If you get a kick in the teeth, something bad happens to you or you feel that you've been treated poorly.

🔹For example:

➖I'd just lost my job, so hearing that I had to move out of my apartment as well was a real kick in the teeth.

➖Gerry said that being told to get out of his apartment was a kick in the teeth after spending so much on doing it up.

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Good news for all Ethiopian students 👇

Here is a Telegram bot where you can practice exam questions and easily get your 12th grade entrance exam results.

🤖 The Telegram bot includes:
📋 Entrance Exam Results (2010,2011,2012)
✏️ Entrance Exam (All year)
📝 Matric Exam(All year)
🚖 Driving License Exam
📚 Resources (All Textbooks, Lessons and Guides)
and many more

Just click here and start

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80 english words for everyday life🌸

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Civics TG G12.pdf
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Physics TG12 abi-1.pdf
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Amharic SBK12.pdf
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Civics SBK12.pdf
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✅Factors Influencing Learning

📚prepared by concise english

🎯1. Motivation: The learner’s motivation matters the effectiveness of learning.

🎯2. Intelligence: the more the individual is intelligent, the better she/he learns.

🎯3. Maturation/Readiness: Neuro-muscular coordination is important for learning a given task.

🎯4. Physical condition of the learner: The learner should be in a good health status to learn.

🎯5. Good working conditions – absence or presence of fresh air,comfortable
surroundings, absence of distractions like noise and learning aids
determine learning effectiveness.

🎯6. Psychological wellbeing of the learner: individual’s psychological states like worries, fears,feelings of loneliness and inferiority hinders learning. Whereas self-respect, self-reliance, and
self-confidence are necessary for effective learning.

🎯7. Background experiences: having background experiences affect effectiveness of learning.

🎯8. Interaction- Learning is change in behavior as a result of interaction of the learner with his

🎯9. Length of the working period: Learning periods should neither be too short nor too long.

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📖Study smarter, not harder:

📚Top 10 study tips

Better results mean more choice and opportunity. So pick up a few new study tips, and prove your outstanding ability in your assignments and exams!

1. Don’t miss a class

‘A’ students never miss a class. They also never miss the beginning or end of a class, because important announcements about exams and projects are often made then. If you find you lose concentration during lectures, record them on your phone or a simple voice recorder and listen again later.

2. Review your notes

quickly and often
After a lecture or class, read through your notes quickly again. It helps store the information in your long-term memory.

3. Organise your notes visually

It helps to re-write the key points of a class or subject as a diagram – try using a mind-map or flow chart, or colour coding key elements of the topic. Then you can give it a quick glance before you go into an exam.

4. Plan ahead

Make sure you allow enough time for assignments and exam revision. At the beginning of each term, note down due dates and exam dates on a planner, and schedule in time for research, editing and final review.

5. Explain things to others

It helps you get things clearer in your head if you try to explain your answers verbally to people who do not know much about the subject. Your parents and annoying siblings could be useful for this!
Interested in working alongside your studies, but want some advice?

6. Get together with a study group

You can still have a social life and study – get together with your friends and a pizza, and share ideas or test each other. You might get a new perspective on a topic, or work out a better way to approach an assignment.

7. Stay positive

It all comes down to attitude. Be enthusiastic about your subjects, and use positive affirmations to tell yourself that you will succeed and meet your goals.

8. Trust your instincts

If you’re under pressure in an exam, don’t second-guess yourself. In most cases, the first answer you think of will be the right one. If you’re really not sure, make a note of it and move on – you can always come back later if you have time.

9. Test your teachers

Question your teachers before an exam, make sure you know exactly what will be covered and what type of questions you should expect. They may have some practice papers you can try first.

10. Feed your brain and stay healthy

Eat well. Good brain food includes fish, nuts, blueberries and yoghurt. Get enough sleep, and plan in some active time to keep fit. Oxygen also helps your memory and concentration, so take a break and get some fresh air. Many people have their best ideas away from their desk, so if you’re really stuck for words just get outside and run around the park.

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‍ 🔵🔴Adverbs

Adverbs are an important part of speech. They usually answer questions such as how? where? when? how often? and how much?

🔵adverb (noun): a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb, expressing manner, place, time or degree; a word that can modify a phrase, clause or sentence.

🔴🔵An adverb is a word that tells more about a verb.


The man ran quickly
John speaks loudly.

(How did the man run?)
(How does John speak?)

*In these examples "quickly" and "loudly" modifies the Verb.

🔵🔴 Adverbs can also modify adjectives.


👩🏼Tina is really  generous

🔵🔴An Adverb can modify other adverbs


The machine works very well.

📌More Examples:

⚪️Modify an adjective:
👴🏻He is really hard-working.

⚪️Modify another adverb:

👨🏻Max types incredibly slowly.

🔵🔴Kinds of Adverbs

⚫️⚪️Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of Manner tell the manner or way in which something happens. 

🕵🏻‍♀Rose helped me cheerfully.

Adverbs of Place

⚫️⚪️Adverbs of Place tell the place where something happens.

👉🏻Please put it there.

⚫️Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of Time tell something about the time that something happens. Adverbs of Time mainly modify verbs.

👨🏻He painted the door yesterday.

⚫️Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of Degree tell the degree or extent to which something happens.

👩🏻‍🎨 Sara is very beautiful.

👩🏼‍🏭👨🏼‍🏭They entirely agree with you.
👨🏼‍🏫 He's pretty cool.

🔵🔴Adverb Position

⚪️⚫️Adverbs with verbs

When an adverb modifies a verb, there are usually 3 possible positions within the sentence or clause:

1. FRONT - before subject 

⚽️Now I play soccer.

2. MID - between subject + verb

⚽️I often play soccer.

3. END - after verb/object

⚽️I play soccer carefully. 

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Biology Grade,G-11 short Notes 2012.pdf
✳️ Biology Grade,G-11 short Notes 2012

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