Abyssinia Miners ET

Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, Amharic
Category: Other

🚩የቻናላችን ቤተሰብ ስትሆኑ 🚩
🏁 በ Giveaway ዘና ትላላቹ
🏁 ብዙነገር የምታገኙባቸው ዌብሳይ እንጠቁማቹሀለን
🏁 የፈለጉትን አይነት ቻናል ጠይቁን share እናደርጋቹሀለን
🏁 ለማንኛውንም ጥያቄ መልስ ያገኛሉ
🏁በዚህ ሰአት ብዙ ገንዘብ እየተሰራባቸው ያሉ የኤርድሮፕ መረጃ በፍጥነት እናደርሳቹሀለን

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Ethiopia, Amharic
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🎁InfinityGround Voyage Program ✨
💰Get 70 Points > $ING
🎉For All User
🤩$2M Fund Raised > $ING Airdrop 🔥👀

▶️Event Link:-

▶️ በ Email Login አርጉ ከዛ ...
▶️ Login ካረጋቹ በኋላ profile ላይ ሄዳቹ     ከtwitter connect አርጉ
▶️ቀለል ያሉ ታስኮች አሉ እነሱን ስሩ 70 $ING point ታገኛላቹ ✌️
▶️በየቀኑ daily check in አርጉ ።
▶️አለቀ update ሲኖር አሳዉቃለዉ 🫡


ዛሬ ስንት $PAWS Token እንደሚኖረን እናያለን

Paws Website👇

Blum አሁንም እየሰራ ያለ ?
እኔ 200 daily check in ደርሻለሁ

Today is allocation

ሞቅ ሞቅ አድርጉት እንጂ

Good Morning family

Activity Check ተጠናቋል ያልጨረሰ ቶክን አይደርሰውም🫠

Paws on Binance 😎

$PAWS allocation checker tomorrow 💎

Paws ⏳

Some updates from paws admin

እያንዳንዱ ዳታ ወደ ዌብሳይቱ ትራንስፈር ተደርጓል.........ከእንግዲ paws ቦት አይሰራም ።

ይሄም ማለት ከዚህ ቀደም ቬሪፋይ ለማድረግ chrome ከተጠቀማቹ በchrome ፤ browser ከተጠቀማቹም በbrowser እዛ ገብታቹ ማግኘት ትችላላቹ

block Ban ምናምን አይደለም ዳታው ነው ወደ ዌብሳይታቸው ትራንስፈር የተደረገው ።


ወደ ቦቱ ስትገቡ እንደዚህ ያላችሁ ምንም ችግር የለውም ቦቱን ስላስቆሙት ነው 👐

በwebsite ግቡና verify የሚለዉን በቴሌግራም አርጉት verifier ቦት create ስላረጉ በሱ በኩል connect ማድረግ ትችላላችሁ 👐

Forward from: PAWS Community

Those were really our last tasks! 💀

The PAWS Mini App is no longer available. All PAWS points and achievements have been saved and are accessible on the Web Version. It’s time to move on to the next step!

We are grateful to Telegram for providing the infrastructure that enabled us to build. However, we now realize that the new guidelines have made it nearly impossible for us to continue developing our app here.

The PAWS Team has always championed the freedom of crypto — the freedom to choose which blockchain to build on, which wallet to use, and the freedom to grow and evolve!


Anyone bullish about paws react this 🔥


4545 $zoo = 0.49 USDt

የ Tapswap ን ልክ ነበሩ !!

Zoo bitget ላይ minimum withdrawal 264,000 የነበረው 100 አድርገውታል።

Good Morning family

Forward from: PAWS Community

That’s the last one this time fr ♿️

All the calculations are being finalised.

Lock in for the Allocation checker - droppin’ in the coming days.


20 last posts shown.