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Forward from: Ministry of innovation and technology (MinT)
የኢትዮጵያ ዲጂታል ትራንስፎርሜሽን ጉዞ እና ውጥኖች ላይ የተዘጋጀው ኤግዚቢሽንና አውደ ጥናት በአዲስ አበባ ሳይንስ ሙዚየም በክቡር የኢ.ፌ.ዲ.ሪ ምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ተመሰገን ጥሩነህን ተከፍቷል።
በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ጽ/ቤት፣በኢኖቬሽን እና ቴክኖሎጂ ሚኒስቴር፣በኢንፎርሜሽን መረብ ደህንነት አስተዳደር፣በአርቲፊሻል ኢንተለጀንስ ኢንስቲትዩት እና በኢትዮ ቴሌኮም የተዘጋጀው የኢትዮጵያ ዲጂታል ትራንስፎርሜሽን ጉዞ እና ውጥኖች ኤግዚቢሽንና አውደ ጥናት በአዲስ አበባ ሳይንስ ሙዚየም እየተካሄደ ነው።

ክቡር ምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ተመሰገን ጥሩነህ መንግስት ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያውያን በዲጂታል ኢኮኖሚ ውስጥ እኩል ተሳትፎ ማድረግ የሚያስችላቸውን የዲጂታል መሰረተ ልማት በፍትሃዊነት ተደራሽ መሆንን የዲጂታል ኢኮኖሚው እድገት አስፈላጊ የሆኑ የህግ እና የአሰራር ማዕቀፎች መነደፋቸውን እና ስራ ላይ መዋላቸውን እንዲሁም ዜጎች መሰረታዊ የዲጂታል እውቀት እና ክህሎት ማግኘት መቻላቸውን ማረጋገጥ እንደሚጠበቅ ገልፀዋል።

ኢትዮጵያ ሀገራችን  እንደ ሌሎች ሀገራት ፤ ዕድሎቹን ለመጠቀም እና ፈተናዎቹን ለማለፍ  በርካታ ጥረቶችን  እያደረገች ትገኛለች ያሉት ክቡር ምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ የስትራቴጂዎቹ ትግበራም የአገልግሎት አሰጣጥን በማሻሻል፣ የንግድ አሰራርን በማዘመን እና የበለጠ አሳታፊ እና የበለፀገ ማህበረሰብ በመፍጠር ረገድ የሚኖራቸዉ ሚና ከፍተኛ መሆኑን አንስተዋል።

የኢኖቬሽንና ቴክኖሎጂ ሚኒስትር ዶ/ር በለጠ ሞላ ሀገራችን በዚህ ፈጣን እና ተለዋዋጭ ዘመን ውስጥ እድገቷን ለማረጋገጥ እንድትችል ኢኖቬሽንን ማስፋፋት፣ የዜጎችን ዲጂታል እውቀት እና ክህሎት ማሳደግ ፣ የዲጂታል መሰረተ ልማቶችን ማልማት  እና ሀገራዊ የቴክኖሎጂ አቅም እንዲጎለብት የሚያስችል ስነ-ምህዳር መገንባት ይጠበቅብናል ብለዋል።


Ali Ahmed's journey with Alif Energy stands as a testament to the power of self-belief and resilience. Despite challenges, Ali has realized that the true measure of success lies not in proving himself to others but in staying committed to his vision of sustainable energy and environmental restoration. This mindset has empowered him to confidently navigate uncharted territories and create a project that resonates with communities and global stakeholders alike. Alif Energy is not just a venture—it is proof that life begins when we stop seeking validation and start pursuing purpose.


Relentlessly pushing forward, dreaming big, and determined to leave an enduring impact. Representing Alif Energy at the Gresfet event, a step closer to driving meaningful change and innovation. Together, we pave the way for a sustainable future.

🌍 A New Milestone for Alif Energy! 🌱

We are excited to announce that Alif Energy, a project dedicated to turning the invasive Prosopis juliflora into eco-friendly energy solutions, has been officially verified by UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). This recognition validates the innovative and sustainable approach we are bringing to address deforestation, land degradation, and renewable energy challenges in Ethiopia and beyond.

As Ethiopia’s Ministry of Innovation and Technology begins a promising collaboration with UNIDO, we believe this partnership will further empower projects like Alif Energy to contribute to the nation’s industrial and environmental goals.

UNIDO’s verification reflects Alif Energy’s commitment to delivering impactful solutions that align with Ethiopia’s aspirations for green growth, energy access, and environmental restoration. With this recognition and the ministry’s growing support for innovation, we are optimistic about the future.

We extend our gratitude to all stakeholders, partners, and supporters who continue to believe in our vision. Together, we can build a more sustainable and prosperous Ethiopia.


🚀🌍 Celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024 with a Song of Inspiration! 🌱💡

To everyone joining us for Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024, there’s a song that perfectly captures the spirit of innovation, resilience, and bold ambition that we all share: "Hall of Fame" by The Script feat.

This song has been a personal anthem for me throughout my journey with Alif Energy. It’s about believing in yourself, pushing beyond limits, and striving to make an impact — even when the odds seem against you. The lyrics remind us:

"You can be the greatest, you can be the best, You can be the King Kong banging on your chest."

As we gather to showcase our ideas and inspire one another, let’s remember that we are all capable of greatness. Whether you’re pitching your startup, mentoring new entrepreneurs, or supporting someone’s dream — this is our time to shine, create, and leave a legacy.

🎶 Take a moment to listen to this song and feel the energy. Together, we are writing our own stories in the Hall of Fame! 🏆

#GEW2024 #HallOfFame #AlifEnergy #Entrepreneurship

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Reflecting on #WWHC's success, we thank our sponsors—your support drives our mission to #EndHunger. Together, we're exploring sustainable solutions that empower communities and transform lives. Thank you for helping shape a better future! 🌱💡 #WorldWithoutHunger #SDGs

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🌱 Proud Moment for Alif Energy at the World Without Hunger Conference! 🌱

As we move forward from the inspiring discussions at the World Without Hunger Conference, we’re excited to announce that Alif Energy is now featured on the UNIDO Invest in ACP! Link here:

Our project—turning invasive plants into eco-friendly Alternative Energy —supports the fight against deforestation and provides sustainable energy options for communities. This recognition by UNIDO strengthens our commitment to sustainable development and brings us one step closer to a world without hunger. By restoring degraded land and creating local jobs, we aim to empower communities and improve food security.
This opportunity allows us to connect with global investors and changemakers who share our mission to build a greener, hunger-free future. 🌍

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🌍 Exciting News from the World Without Hunger Conference! 🌍

I'm thrilled to announce that I will have the honor of meeting the Prime Minister, senior leaders from the Ministry of Industry, and key officials from the Afar Region Industry Office! This is a unique opportunity to share the vision of Alif Energy and showcase the profound impact our initiative is having on both the environment and local communities.

Alif Energy’s journey—transforming invasive Prosopis into eco-friendly briquettes—demonstrates our commitment to sustainable development and economic growth. I look forward to discussing how our work is making strides in combating deforestation, fostering environmental restoration, and creating livelihoods for the people of Afar.

Stay tuned for updates as we continue pushing boundaries for a greener, prosperous future for Ethiopia and beyond! 🌱 #AlifEnergy #WorldWithoutHunger #GreenEconomy #Ethiopia

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