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✔️ BELIEVE – while others are doubting.
✔️ PLAN – while others are playing.
✔️ STUDY – while others are sleeping.
✔️ DECIDE – while others are delaying.
✔️ PREPARE – while others are daydreaming.
✔️ BEGIN – while others are procrastinating.
✔️ WORK – while others are wishing.
✔️ INVEST – while others are wasting.
✔️ LISTEN – while others are talking.
✔️ SMILE – while others are frowning.
✔️ COMMEND – while others are criticizing.
✔️ PERSIST – while others are quitting.

➡️ @Business_ideas_thoughts
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Where most US auto imports come from Car imports to the United States are estimated about 240 billion dollars per year. And taking into account the imported components, the volume of imported products is about 475 billion dollars. Most of the imports come from 5 countries: Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Canada and Germany.

Approximately 45% of all cars sold in the United States are manufactured outside the country and will be subject to tariffs. Considering that the average price of a car is about 50 thousand dollars, the cost of imported cars may increase by more than 10 thousand dollars.

The introduction of duties will affect not only foreign manufacturers, but also American companies. General Motors, Ford and Stellant

#Auto #Import #Tariffs

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📱 Old Glory Vortex 🇺🇸

What if everything you’ve been told is a lie?

They say go to school, get a job, and you’ll be fine.

But look around.

Does that path lead to freedom or a lifetime of slavery?

1️⃣5️⃣ lessons from the book "Mind Full to Mindful: Zen Wisdom From a Monk's Bowl" by Om Swami:

1️⃣.  The moment you realize that you are not your thoughts, you become free.

2️⃣.  The present moment is the only reality. It’s the only place where life unfolds.

3️⃣.  When the mind is full of thoughts, it loses its clarity. When it is mindful, it regains its clarity.

4️⃣.  Don’t seek happiness outside yourself. It lies within, waiting to be discovered.

5️⃣.  The mind is like a wild horse, running in all directions. Meditation is the art of taming this horse.

6️⃣.  Be grateful for everything in life, big or small. Gratitude opens the doors to abundance.

7️⃣.  Letting go is not about giving up; it’s about surrendering to what is and finding peace within.

8️⃣.  Silence is not the absence of sound, but the presence of inner stillness.

9️⃣.  In the silence of the mind, you can hear the whispers of your soul.

1️⃣0️⃣. Be kind to yourself and others. Kindness is the language of love.

1️⃣1️⃣.  True freedom lies in breaking free from the limitations of the mind.

1️⃣2️⃣.  Don't dwell in the past or worry about the future. Find your peace in the present moment.

1️⃣3️⃣.  Life is a journey of self-discovery. The more you explore within, the more you understand the world.

1️⃣4️⃣.  Embrace the impermanence of life. It teaches you to cherish each moment.

1️⃣5️⃣.  The true essence of mindfulness is being fully present and engaged in whatever you are doing.
➡️ @Business_ideas_thoughts
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34 reasons Why you SHOULDN'T masturbate:

1. You'll lose confidence
2. You'll drown in shame
3. You'll weaken your legs
4. You'll drain your energy
5. You'll lose focus
6. You'll lose respect
7. You'll disconnect from God
8. You'll drown in fear
9. You'll miss opportunities
10. You'll be a loser
11. You won't be able to work
12. You'll lose drive
13. You'll get acne
14. You'll damage your brain
15. You'll pollute your heart
16. You'll become an animal
17. You'll be a slave
18. You'll lose strength
19. You'll lose power
20. You'll lose bravery
21. You won't have wonderful dreams
22. You won't have wealth
23. You'll be weak in bed
24. You'll cry
25. You'll realised you were tricked
26. You'll harm your eyes
27. You'll weaken your voice
28. You'll become awkward
29. You'll become LESS attractive
30. You'll become pathetic
31. You won't know success
32. You'll lose everything
33. You'll let satan win
34. You'll regret it badly
➡️ @Business_ideas_thoughts
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Think back to where you were 6 years ago.

What did you look like,

Who were your friends,

What were your goals,

Genuinely think about everything you were back then and ask yourself if you are happy with the progress you've made.

Are you proud of how these past 6 years were spent?

How many poles up the social ladder did you climb?

Because six years is really all you have now.

Six years until social mobility calcifies into hard rock.

Six years until the chaotic lava cools into orderly stone.

You can move now, you can move up or down the social ladder quite freely.

Enough right moves and you can go from a peasant to a king.

Peon to an elite.

Some wrong moves during these times have even seen elites fall from grace.

Society is malleable.

We can move now.

The chaos and the energy of the past few years has been a blessing for every ambitious man on this earth,

Chaos is opportunity.

I used chaos to escape, the madness of the past few years, the internet era, the unlimited money printing.

I want you to understand I am from the lowest social class, the mixed-race kid who grew up in government housing to a single mother.

Now I am the Top G.

Most famous man alive, BILLIONAIRE.

I understand that even with my brilliance, if I was born 30 years ago, I'd have been trapped.

I would have moved up a few social poles,


I understand as well that if I was born 30 years later, I'd have been trapped.

I would have moved up a few social poles from where my father would have started me off.

You are the decider where you will start your sons and I do not expect them to be able to move very far from that starting point.

We are in a beautiful time of chaos and change,

Entire industries are being disrupted by key emerging technologies.

The most interesting and most exciting time to be alive.

I give it 6 years until The Matrix has fully repaired itself.

6 years.

By 2030, I do not expect peon to billionaire to still be possible as it is now.

It has already gotten harder than it was six years ago.

The lava is cooling now.

I am warning you that pure work ethic combined with some direction may work today.

25-year-olds going from brokie to multi-millionaire is possible TODAY.

But it is getting harder and harder now.

You have six years before it gets impossible.

Act accordingly.

It is not only your place in life that you are deciding.

Stop wasting time.

➡️ @Business_ideas_thoughts
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3.8k 0 26 17 27

The best time to learn.
The best time to workout.
The best time to reach out.
The best time to wake up earlier.
The best time to start a new habit.
The best time to cut off that person.
The best time to start bettering your life...
Is when you don't feel like it.

➡️ @Business_ideas_thoughts
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3.7k 0 21 10 47

🔍 How to find your business idea

🖊 If you look at top entrepreneurs and simply successful people, they all unanimously say that they don’t work, but do what they love.

🖊 ΒRemember what you love to do and think about how you can make a profit from it.

🖊 Don’t be afraid to fantasize and combine ideas of your talents and achievements. It is important that your favorite activity is related to the giving of some value, and not to consumption.

🖊 It’s not enough to create something, you also need to sell it. Here lies the important point that your favorite business must be in demand by the market.‌‌

➡️ @Business_ideas_thoughts
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Here are 31 Short Rules for a Better Life.

1. Focus on what you have control over.

2. Your reactions are within your control.

3. Evaluate if something is truly necessary.

4. Reflect on your values daily.

5. Prioritize time over material possessions.

6. Your habits shape your identity.

7. Avoid forming opinions on everything.

8. Seize the morning to set the tone for the day.

9. Regularly assess and improve yourself.

10. Avoid unnecessary distress.

11. Seek out the good in others.

12. Refrain from complaining openly.

13. Listen more than you speak.

14. There's always some action you can take.

15. Avoid comparing yourself to others.

16. Live each moment as if it's a bonus.

17. Release the desire for revenge.

18. Maintain high standards for yourself, but be understanding of others.

19. Focus on the process, not just the results.

20. Extract wisdom from everyone you encounter.

21. Test every impression you receive.

22. Define success according to your own terms.

23. Embrace your fate.

24. Seek out challenges to grow.

25. Resist the urge to follow the crowd.

26. Seize opportunities with confidence.

27. Treat every person with kindness.

28. Learn to say no when necessary.

29. Don't hesitate to seek assistance when needed.

30. Approach success and failure with equanimity.

31. Embrace difficult tasks to foster growth.

➡️ @Business_ideas_thoughts
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1. Never shake hands at anyone without standing up.
2. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
3. If they trust you a secret, keep it.
4. If they lend you a car, return it with a full tank.
5. Do things with passion or don't do it at all.
6. When you shake your hand make it firm and look that person in the eye.
7. Live the experience of traveling alone.
8. Never turn down a peppermint pill, the reasons are obvious.
9. Take advice if you want to grow old.
10. Come eat with the new person at school/office.
11. When you text someone and you're angry: finish, read it, delete it, and rewrite the message.
12. At the table you don't talk about work, politics, or religion.
13. Write your goals, and work on them.
14. Defend your point of view but be tolerant and respectful to others.
15. Call and visit your relatives.
16. Never regret anything, learn from everything
17. Honor and loyalty must be present in your personality.
18. Don't lend money to someone you know won't pay you back.
19. Believe in something.
20. Tend your bed when you wake up in the mornings.
21. Sing in the shower.
22. Care for a plant or a garden.
23. Keep an eye on the sky every chance you get.
24. Discover your skills and exploit them.
25. Love your job or leave it.
26. Ask for help when you need it.
27. Teach someone a value, preferably a small one.
28. Appreciate and thank the one who extends your hand.
29. Be kind to your neighbors.
30. Make someone's day happier, it will make you happier too.
31. Compete with yourself.
32 Treat yourself at least once a year
33. Take care of your health.
34. Always greet with a smile.
35. Think fast but speak slow.
36. Don't talk with a mouth full.
37. Polish your shoes, cut your nails, and always keep a good look.
38. Don't put your opinion on issues you don't know.
39. Never mistreat anyone.
40. Live your life as if it were the last day of it.
41. Never miss a wonderful opportunity to remain quiet.
42. Recognize someone for their effort.
43. Be humble, even though not all the time.
44. Never forget your roots.
45. Travel when you can.
46. Give up the step.
47 Dance in the rain.
48. Seek your success without giving up.
49. Be fair, stand up for those who need you.
50. Learn to enjoy moments of loneliness.

1️⃣5️⃣ lessons from the book "Mind Full to Mindful: Zen Wisdom From a Monk's Bowl" by Om Swami:

1️⃣.  The moment you realize that you are not your thoughts, you become free.

2️⃣.  The present moment is the only reality. It’s the only place where life unfolds.

3️⃣.  When the mind is full of thoughts, it loses its clarity. When it is mindful, it regains its clarity.

4️⃣.  Don’t seek happiness outside yourself. It lies within, waiting to be discovered.

5️⃣.  The mind is like a wild horse, running in all directions. Meditation is the art of taming this horse.

6️⃣.  Be grateful for everything in life, big or small. Gratitude opens the doors to abundance.

7️⃣.  Letting go is not about giving up; it’s about surrendering to what is and finding peace within.

8️⃣.  Silence is not the absence of sound, but the presence of inner stillness.

9️⃣.  In the silence of the mind, you can hear the whispers of your soul.

1️⃣0️⃣. Be kind to yourself and others. Kindness is the language of love.

1️⃣1️⃣.  True freedom lies in breaking free from the limitations of the mind.

1️⃣2️⃣.  Don't dwell in the past or worry about the future. Find your peace in the present moment.

1️⃣3️⃣.  Life is a journey of self-discovery. The more you explore within, the more you understand the world.

1️⃣4️⃣.  Embrace the impermanence of life. It teaches you to cherish each moment.

1️⃣5️⃣.  The true essence of mindfulness is being fully present and engaged in whatever you are doing.
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10 Must-Read Books Redefining the Realms of Psychology

1. The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk
2. Transcend by Scott Barry Kaufman
3. The Molecule of More by Lieberman & Long
4. Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
5. Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman
6. The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson
7. The Shallows by Nicholas Carr
8. The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
9. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
10. The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz

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🗣 How to Maintain Discipline and Motivation

1️⃣ First, you must have an understanding of why you are doing this. What are all these difficulties for. That is, the goal and its vision

2️⃣ Secondly, it is visualization. You need to imagine what it is like to achieve a goal or simply something you want. Imagine in the brightest colors and details that you have already achieved it.⤵️

From the second point it also follows that thanks to visualization, you not only maintain motivation and, with it, discipline for action, but also tune your brain to find opportunities to achieve this goal.
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✈️ 5 steps to creating sustainable demand for an atypical product

Step 1. Detailed analysis of the target audience.

▪️In any strategic planning, it is important to know who we are trying to connect with.

Step 2. It is necessary to determine the target audience.
▪️If, for example, we talk about fur coats, then this is basically outerwear, that is, the topic is interesting to everyone who needs it in one form or another.

Step 3. Close interaction with the target audience.
▪️To promote an atypical product, you will need a large amount of trust.

Step 4. Create a provocation.
▪️An atypical product most likely evokes mixed feelings in people.

Step 5: Create a mission.
▪️Today it is not enough to simply sell goods or services. Effective communication will happen where people can join in with some higher purpose.‌
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🟢Be cold, not rude.

🟢Respect everybody, but don't agree with everyone.

🟢Believe in yourself, but don't be arrogant.

🟢Be loyal, but don't open up with everybody.

🟢Observe and listen everything, but choose your words carefully.

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5k 0 30 1 52

3 Simple Ways to Maximize Brain Activity

1. Eat almonds
Almonds are believed to improve memory. Add almond butter to milk and drink before bed or in the morning, and you will feel that your memory has improved. Almond milk can be prepared by peeling almonds, finely chopping them and pouring water with added sugar.

2. Drink apple juice
As shown by the research of the University of Massachusetts, apple juice increases the production of acetylcholine, which is necessary for the processes of transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, memory improves.

3. Sleep well
Research has shown that during sleep, the events of the previous day are replayed. This improves long-term memory. Thanks to these repetitions, our subconscious is programmed to accumulate these images and accompanying information.

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1. Definiteness of Purpose: Successful people have a clear goal or purpose that drives them. Knowing exactly what you want and staying focused on it is crucial.

2. Mastery of Self-Discipline: Discipline is essential for success. This includes control over your thoughts, emotions, and actions, ensuring that they align with your goals.

3. Cultivate a Positive Mental Attitude: Success starts with a positive outlook. Optimism and confidence in your ability to achieve your goals help overcome obstacles and setbacks.

4. Develop Personal Initiative: Taking action without waiting for someone else to push you is a key to success. Proactive individuals tend to create opportunities for themselves.

5. Control of Your Time: Time management is vital. Successful people prioritize tasks and focus on what brings the most value to their goals.

6. Persistence: Stick with your goals even when the journey gets tough. Persistence and the ability to keep going in the face of adversity are necessary traits for long-term success.

7. Build Mastermind Alliances: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your goals. Collaboration and shared wisdom can accelerate success.

8. Adaptability and Flexibility: Be willing to adjust your strategies and plans when faced with challenges. Flexibility in your approach ensures you stay on course toward your goals.

9. Self-Confidence: Believe in your abilities and have confidence in your potential to succeed. Self-confidence drives you to take risks and embrace challenges.

10. Learning from Failure: Every failure contains a lesson. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, successful people use them as learning experiences to move forward.

These principles highlight the importance of mindset, action, and continuous self-improvement in the pursuit of success
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1. Must have EMERGENCY FUND - enough for 6 months of expenses/current lifestyle.

2. SAVE MONEY and MONEY WILL SAVE YOU. Don't save what is left after spending. Only spend what is left after saving.

3. Best to have ZERO DEBT, if you can't pay cash, you CAN'T AFFORD it, nothing beats PEACE OF MIND.

4. Avoid unnecessary spendings, forget sale price, everything is 100% off when you don't buy it. Don't waste your money on things that you don't need, even if they are cheap. EVERY PESO COUNTS!

5. Learn to BUDGET - it is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went!

6. If we buy things that we don't need, we will have to SELL THINGS THAT WE NEED.

7. PRETENDING TO BE RICH can make us poor. Must learn to live BELOW MEANS. Don't go broke trying to look rich.


8. MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING, but we cannot deny the fact that we NEED money for our FAMILY.

9. Always have a BACK-UP PLAN for life's uncertainties.

Start having your personal LIFE INSURANCE with INVESTMENT.

10. Let's break the TOXIC FAMILY CULTURE about
FINANCES. Your children is not your retirement fund, and your parents is not your emergency fund.
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Here are 10 key lessons from

"Know Yourself, Know Your Money" 📚📚📚
        By: Rachel Cruze:

1. Your Money Habits Are Rooted in Your Personality
Understanding your natural tendencies, behaviors, and emotional triggers around money helps you make better financial decisions.

2. Your Money Mindset Comes from Your Upbringing
The way you handle money is often shaped by how your parents or guardians viewed and managed finances. Reflecting on this can help you address unhelpful habits.

3. Values Drive Financial Decisions
Align your spending, saving, and investing with your core values. Knowing what matters most to you helps create a financial plan that feels purposeful.

4. Money Problems Are Often Behavior Problems
It's not just about numbers; it's about habits. Financial success often requires changing behaviors and adopting disciplined money management strategies.

5. Spending Reflects Your Priorities
Where your money goes reveals what you truly care about. Tracking your expenses can help you align your spending with your goals and values.

6. Emotions Play a Major Role in Financial Choices
Recognize how emotions like fear, guilt, or shame influence your financial decisions. Developing emotional awareness can lead to more rational money habits.

7. Budgeting Is Empowering, Not Restrictive
A budget gives you control over your money. Instead of feeling limited, it helps you direct funds toward what truly matters to you.

8. Debt Can Be Avoided and Overcome
Debt often stems from poor financial habits or living beyond one’s means. Developing a plan to eliminate debt and avoiding it in the future fosters financial freedom.

9. Financial Communication Is Essential
Whether with a partner, family, or friends, discussing money openly and honestly builds trust and ensures alignment in financial goals.

10. Wealth Is a Tool, Not a Goal
Money is a means to create the life you want, not an end in itself. Focus on how financial stability can help you achieve freedom, generosity, and fulfillment.

Rachel Cruze emphasizes self-awareness and intentionality in money management, offering actionable advice to align your financial life with your values.

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