አስተምህሮተ 🔱ክርስትና

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በሐዋርያትና በነቢያት መሠረት ላይ ታንጻችኋል፥ መሰረት= የቅዱሳት መጽሀፍት "ትምህርት "ነው ።
✔ ክርስቶስን የሚመስል፣ቅዱሳት መጸሀፍትን እና እምነቱን የሚያውቅ ክርስቲያን ማፍራት
👌የምንሰጠው አገልግሎት
✔በድምፅ ዶክትሪናል የሆኑ ትምህርቶች
✔በፅሁፍ ዶክትሪናል የሆኑ ትምህርቶች
✔በአማርኛ እንዲሁም በEnglish የተፃፉ መጽሀፍትን መቅረብ እና የሚነሱ ጥያቄዎችን መመለስ

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ኢዮብ 14
¹ ከሴት የተወለደ ሰው የሕይወቱ ዘመን ጥቂት ቀን ነው፥ መከራም ይሞላዋል።
² እንደ አበባ ይወጣል፥ ይረግፋልም፤ እንደ ጥላም ይሸሻል፥ እርሱም አይጸናም።

I can't stop listening

2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV
[6] For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

Dear friends,

Wongelu Ministries joyfully invites you to a two-day book launch conference on August 1 and 2, 2024 titled, “God’s Design for the Church”, with the author, Dr. Conrad Mbewe. The conference will be held at Addis Baptist Church, located on the 13th floor of Mercy Plaza, Gurd Shola (across Century Mall) from 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM (10:00 – 2:00 LT). You are encouraged to invite people you think would benefit from the conference – especially those in ministry and preparing for ministry. We kindly ask everyone attending to fill in this Google Form ahead of time so we can properly prepare for your arrival. If you have more people attending, please make sure they fill out the form as well. Upon arrival, we will charge a small fee of 200 birr per participant to help with some of the logistical costs involved. Fee waivers are available if requested. We hope this event will serve as a venue where we can all connect, learn from one another, and discuss God’s design for his Church. More details will be provided as the dates get closer. We have also prepared several books for giveaways and purchase.

We hope to see you in person soon. We would love to hear your thoughts or questions on this matter. God’s grace be with you.

Wongelu Ministries


Forward from: Christ and Him Crucified
We extend a warm invitation to anyone in Hawassa to attend the annual seminar hosted by the Hawassa Reformed Baptist Church.


Forward from: The Christian Bookshelf 📚
Poem title: “Above all”

Above all, a timeless tome we hold,
The Bible's pages, stories untold.
In verses woven, wisdom gleams,
Guiding us through life's extremes.

From Genesis to Revelation's end,
Its truths and lessons, they transcend.
Through trials and triumphs, it remains,
A beacon of hope in joy or pains.

In its chapters, love and grace abide,
Offering solace, a steady guide.
With each word, our spirits soar,
As we delve deeper, seeking more.

In the Bible's sacred text,
Divine truths and promises connect.
Above all, its message rings clear,
In faith and love, we find our sphere.

So let us cherish this sacred scroll,
For in its words, we find our soul.
Above all else, its light shines bright,
Guiding us through day and night.

ክርስቶሰ ከሙታን ሁሉ ተለይቶ ተነስቷል።

ለምን ቤተክርስቲያን እንሂድ? በመጋቢ ተስፋፅዮን ያደምጡት ዘንድ እንጋብዛለን!


Y'all are invited✌.



"የጌታን መግቦት የምንረዳው ሕይወትን የኋሊት ስንቃኝ ነው።
ስለድንቅ መግቦቱ እግዚአብሔር ይባረክ!"

ተስፋፅስዮን አለማየሁ(መጋቢ )

Forward from: ጳውሎሳዊ ጥናቶች
መዝሙርን መዝሙር የሚያሰኘው ከሥነ ግጥማዊ ቅርጹ እና ሥነ ልሳናዊ ጠዓሙ ይልቅ ነገረ መለኮታዊ ይዘቱ ነው።
የመዝሙር ክብደቱ፣
ነገረ መለኮታዊ ይዘቱ


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