21 Nov, 09:27
ህዳር ሲታጠን
አፍሪካን የጎዳው ከባዱ የኢንፍሉዌንዛ ወረርሽኝ በአገራችን ከህዳር 7 እስከ ህዳር 20 ቀን 1911 ዓ.ም ለአስራ አራት ቀናት ገደማ የቆየ ነበረ ፤በሽታው በህዳር ወር የተከሰተ በመሆኑ ህዝቡ የህዳር በሽታ እያለ ጠራው :: ብላቴን ጌታ መርስዔ ሀዘን ወልደቂርቆስ የሃያኛው ክፍለ ዘመን መባቻ በተሰኘው መጽሀፋቸው እንዳሰፈሩት፤ ወረርሽኙ እስከ አርባ ሺህ ኢትዮጵያዊንን ለሞት ዳርጓል፤ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ብቻ ዘጠኝ ሺህ ዜጎች በበሽታው ሞተዋል፡፡ በተለይም ህዳር 12 ቀን 1911 ዓ.ም በርካታ ኢትዮጵያዊያን የሞቱበት በመሆኑ በቀኑ የጽዳት ዘመቻ እንዲደረግ በአዋጅ ተነግሮ ስለነበር፣ ከዚያ በኋላ ባሉት ዓመታት ይህ ነገር እንደባህል ተወስዶ በየዓመቱ ህዳር 12 ቀን የጽዳት ዘመቻ ይደረግ ጀመር፤ ይህም በተለምዶ ህዳር ሲታጠን የምንለው ነው ፡፡
© ይድነቃቸው ከበደ
21 Nov, 08:35
Art work by Teddy Neuski
21 Nov, 08:33
kinda miss being a child and wondering why the moon follows me
21 Nov, 08:31
21 Nov, 08:29
Music Recommendation
21 Nov, 08:24
በመኖር አጸድ ውስጥ(በእውቀቱ ስዩም )ጊዜ ከሰው መሀል - መርጦ ሲያቀማጥልማጣት አለ ደሞ ፥የወለዱትን ልጅ ፥ ጉድፍ ላይ የሚያስጥልበተፈሰከ ቀን ፥ ጾምን የሚያስቀጥል ::እድልና ትግል በሚጫወቱበትበደልዳላው ስፍራ አለቃና ጭፍራ--ቃል ሲለዋወጡ ፥ ውልና መሀላ“አብረን እናድጋለን ” ቢባል ለይስሙላወንዙን ሳያጎድል ፥ ሐይቁ መች ሊሞላ፤ጸሐይ ብትወጣፍጥረት በጠቅላላው ጸጋዋን ቢቀበልየደመናም ጠበል ፥ ለሁሉ ቢደርስምአንደኛው አያድግም ፥ አንዱን ሳያከስም ::
21 Nov, 08:22
Book Recommendation
Living for Sabina meant seeing. Seeing is limited by two bor-ders: strong light, which blinds, and total darkness. Perhaps that was what motivated Sabina's distaste for all extremism. Extremes mean borders beyond which life ends.
Naturally she had not realized it until now. How could she have? The goals we pursue are always veiled. A girl who longs for marriage longs for something she knows nothing about. The boy who hankers after fame has no idea what fame is. The thing that gives our every move its meaning is always totally unknown to us.
We can never know what to want, because, living only one life, we can neither compare it with our previous lives nor perfect it in our lives to come.
Conversely, the absolute absence of a burden causes man to be lighter than air, to soar into the heights, take leave of the earth and his earthly being, and become only half real, his movements as free as they are insignificant.
19 Nov, 08:35
I want to free myself from the quilted slumber of wrong. Do not detain me, my blamer! Cavil me not by mention of the lions of the forest Or the snakes of the valley, For me soul knows no fear of earth And accepts no warning of evil before evil comes. Advise me not, my blamer, For calamities have opened my heart And tears have cleansed my eyes, And errors have taught me the language of the hearts. Talk not of banishment, for conscience is my judge And he will justify me and protect me if I am innocent, And will deny me of life if I am a criminal. Love’s procession is moving; Beauty is waving her banner; Youth is sounding the trumpet of joy; Disturb not my contrition, my blamer. Let me walk, for the path is rich with roses and mint, And the air is scented with cleanliness. Relate not the tales of wealth and greatness, For my soul is rich with bounty and great with God’s glory. Speak not of peoples and laws and kingdoms, For the whole earth is my birthplace And all humans are my brothers.
© MLC baby
19 Nov, 08:30
19 Nov, 08:29
By Mohammed (Raju Raju's feeling)
19 Nov, 08:26
“We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.”
Toni Morrison
19 Nov, 08:22
Movie Recommendation
One of the most resonant themes within “Minari” is the idea of what it means to cultivate roots—both literally and figuratively. As the family plants their crops, we witness the struggle of adapting to a new environment, and each small victory is laden with the weight of hard work, sacrifice, and the hopes of a better future. This serves as a poignant reminder that the journey towards achieving one’s dreams can often be fraught with challenges, but it is also filled with moments of beauty and grace.
inbox me at https://t.me/yosefdibaba for the MOVIE file.
19 Nov, 08:12
ልጅነት ከሰለሞን ደሬሳ
የግጥም ቅርፅ ቃላትን ለክቶ ከመደርደር ብቻ አይወለድም፡፡ የኑሮ አላማ እንደ ክብሪት ዋጋ ቁርጡ ባይገለጥልንም አላማ ለመኖሩ የፍጡሩ ከእለት ወደ እለት መፍጨርጨር በቂ ጠቋሚ ነው፡፡ የግጥም ፈንታ ይህን ግላዊ መፍጨርጨር (የትንኝ መፍጨርጨርም ቢሆን ) ከዚህ ዓለም ችላ ባይነት ጋር አያይዞ ማብላላት ይመስለኛል ፡፡ ማብላላት ማፋጨት እያፋጩም ተቃራኒዎችን ማጣመድ ተመሳሳዮችን መለያየት፡፡ ከግጭታቸው ላንዳፍታ እንደ በራሪ ኮከብ የሚታይ ግልጥ መፍትሔን ማዋለድ፡፡ መለስ ብለው ተዳኘኝ ቢሉት ምፍትሔው እየተለዋወጠ ቢያስቸግርም ጉድለት መስሎ አይታየኝም፡፡ አለዚያማ ቁልጭ ያለች ተነጣጥራ የተወረወረች የጋዜጣ ርዕሰ አንቀፅ ትሻል የለ? ለሁሉም በአንዴ የምትገባ ማንም ተመልሶ የማያነባት ፡፡ በዶማ ግንድ እንደማይፈለጥ በመጥረቢያ አትክልት አይኮተኮትምና ፡፡
የግር ጣትየረጋ ደመና ሲያንዣብብተኮራመት አታሸቅብወርጭቶ ጠጠር ሲጥልቀና አትበልብርጭቆ ቤት አትጠለልአያፍርም ይፈነዳልላይን አይሆን ጥርስ ይሸርፋልሰዎች ሁሉ አቆልቁሉየግር ጣት ቁጠሩበሙሉ ጥርስ እንድታምሩ
inbox me at https://t.me/yosefdibaba for the PDF file.
18 Nov, 17:14
16 Nov, 15:56
16 Nov, 08:58
Modernist painter
by Henri de breaekeleer
16 Nov, 08:49
“Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
Franz Kafka
16 Nov, 08:47
16 Nov, 08:46
Mary McCreary - Butterflies In Heaven
16 Nov, 08:40
The Endless
In a cinematic landscape often rife with formula, "The Endless" stands out as a haunting meditation on existence itself. It's a cryptic, chilling experience that lingers long after the credits roll—a film that invites contemplation even in its unresolved questions, ultimately leaving viewers poised between wonder and horror, yearning for answers that may never come.