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Oduu gammachiisaa haala salphaan taheen karaa qarshii itti hojjechuu dandeessan isiif qophaahera. Kanaafuu, link kanaa join gochuun tapha salphaa taphadha. Guyyaan dhufaa oct 15, 2024 👇👇👇

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Beeksisa galmee

Namoonnii galmee baankii #siinkee fi #Innat galmaahuu barbaaddan keessaan na quunnamuu dandeessu.

1. Cv keessan qopheeffachuu bifa pdf, kutaa 8 irraa kahee.

Contact: @ariitiind

Oduu gammachiisaa

kun carra isa dhumaadha, dhugummaan isaa 100% kan mirkaahe yoo ta'u. Guyyaa muraatu hafee, kanaaf carrra keessan yaala, join gochuun👇

Play with me, become cryptoexchange CEO and get a token airdrop!
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Oduu Gammachiisa

Miseensota keenya  active tataniif👏Guyyaa 6 qofatu hafe, carraa kana of hin dabarsinaa warri coin telegramin taab,taab hojjechaa hin jirre link kanaan seenaa eegalaa.
TapSwap  fake miti finance verified ta'ee hin shakkinaa pls gatii isaatu gad bu'aa ta'uu danda'a malee fake miti
Carraa kana of hin dabarsinaa ammuma link kanaan seenaa eegalaa.
Waan isin rakkise keessaan nagaàachuu dandeessu🙏

Gaaffii kamiyyuu yoo qabaattan na quunnamuu dandeessu👇


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any comment @Alemu24

Oduu gammachiisaa

Kabajamtoota hordoftoota, karaa salphaa ta'een haala ittiin qarshii argattan, isiniif fideen dhufeera. Innis haaluma armaan gadiin hojjechuu dandeessuu.
1. Link armaan gadii join gochuun
Isa booda #coin achitti walitti qabattan, karaa binance ykn p2p market jedhamuun bafachuu dandeessu.


Gaaffii ykn yaada yoo qabaattan karaa inbox na quunnamaa.


#New#🎴Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia🎴
🚩For Fresh Graduate
▪️1.  Bank Trainee
▪️2.  Graduate Trainee
▪️3.  IS Trainee
▪️4.  IS Graduate Trainee
▪️5.  Legal Trainee
▪️6.  Legal Graduate Trainee
▪️7.  Engineer Trainee

Kanneen galmaa'uu barbaaddan

📥 @alemu24

Taatee aja;ibaa guyyaa har;aa magaalaa finfnnee ayyaanaa EID ALFAXIR irraatti uume[amee https://youtu.be/I8wn6ZaYI3M

Oduu Aja'ibaa fi comedy garaagaraa argachuuf link armaan gadii #subscribe gochuun miseensa ta'a.


Dura #subscribe xuqaa.


Amhara baankii galmaahuu warri barbaaddan karaa keessaan na quunnamuu dandeessu.

Hub: galmee qofaaf


Awash Bank

Position: Customer Service Officer I - Direct Sales Representative
Job Time: #Full_Time
Job Type: #Permanent
Place of Work: #AddisAbaba

- BA Degree in Banking & Finance, Accounting and Finance, Management, Economics, Business Administration & Marketing Management
- Fresh Graduate

#Banking, #Finance, #Accounting, #Management, #Economics, #Business, #Marketing

Inbox me for registration

Call at: 0930820121

🎴Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia🎴

▪️Position 1 - Admnistrative Assistant I

Job Requirement
Required Educational Qualification and Work Experience: College diploma in Secretarial Science and Office Management or other related field with zero year of experience.
Age: 35 and Below
Place of Work: Head Office

▪️Position 2: Trainee Civil Engineer

Required Educational Qualification and Work Experience: B.Sc Degree in Civil or Construction Technology and Management or Civil Engineering related Fields with zero year of experience.
Year of Graduation: Only 2019/20/21 graduates for Trainee Civil Engineer, Office Engineer and Trainee Engineers
CGPA: 3.0 and above
Age: 35 and Below
Deadline November 25, 2021
Place of Work: Head Office and Districts (Arada, Bole, Kirkos, Kolfe, Megenagna, Nifas Silk, Yeka, Debre Berehan, Debre Markos, Jijiga, Ambo, Assela, Dilla, Hossana, Mettu, Nekemte & Robe Districts)

▪️position 3 - Office Engineer
Job Requirement
Required Educational Qualification and Work Experience: B.Sc. Degree in Civil or Electrical or Mechanical or Construction Technology and Management or Building Construction or related Engineering fields with zero years of experience.
Year of Graduation: Only 2019/20/21 graduates for Trainee Civil Engineer, Office Engineer and Trainee Engineers
CGPA: 3.0 and above
Age: 35 and Below
Place of Work: Head Office

▪️Position 4 :Management Trainee

Required Educational Qualification and Work Experience: M.A. Degree in Economics or Management or Accounting or other business related fields with zero year of experience.
Year of Graduation: Only 2019/20/21 graduates
CGPA: 3.0 and above
Age: 35 and Below
Place of Work: Addis Ababa

▪️Position 5 - Trainee Engineer
Job Requirement
Required Educational Qualification and Work Experience: B.Sc Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering related Fields with zero year of experience.
Year of Graduation: Only 2019/20/21 graduates for Trainee Civil Engineer, Office Engineer and Trainee Engineers
CGPA: 3.0 and above
Age: 35 and Below
Place of Work: Head Office

✔ please attach Degree document, curriculum vitae, 8th grade certificate, cost sharing document or Student Copy and other credentials within 10 (ten) consecutive working days from the date of this announcement. However, the Bank has full right to cancel or take any other alternative in this regard.

All documents should be scanned in pdf or docx formats only and the size of each document should be less than 2MB.

✋ Contact m for only registration at:


🎴Oromia Cooperative Bank🎴For Fresh graduates only

▪️position 1. Graduate Trainee - Supply Chain Management

▪️position 2. Graduate Trainee (for branches under Adama District)

▪️position 3. Graduate Trainee (for branches under Asella District)

🔺Deadline: November 10, 2021

Inbox @alemu24
For only registration✍

Beeksisa #safaricom_telecom

Postion: All graduates

Galmaahuu kan barbaaddan karaa keessaan na dubbisaa👇


Galmee #Awash baankii hin galmaahin jirtan na quunnamuu dandeessu.


Commercial bank of ethiopia

Position: Cash Office Service Attendant

Deadline 26-Oct-2021

(grade 10 and 12) with 1 year experience
Education_Qualification_110th Grade ,12th Grade
Place of work: Nekemte District,Kolfe District, Adama District, Jimma District, Wolaita District, Merkato District, Mettu District, Bahir Dar District, Debre Markos District, Gondar District, Hawassa District, Dessie District, Shashemene District, Dire Dawa District, Robe District, Woldia District, Jijiga District, Megenagna District, Yeka District, Assela District, Bole District, Nifas Silk District, Arada District, Ambo District, Kirkos District, Debre Berehan District

However, the Bank has full right to cancel or take any other alternative in this regard.

Applicants should only apply according to the listed time table.

➨For online registration contact me at:👇

Galmee #Coop (Baankii hojii gamtaa oromia) adda citee ture waan eegaleeruuf kanneen hin galmoofne na quunnamuu dandeessuu👇👇

📩 @alemu24

📞 0930820121

🎴Cooperative Bank Of Oromia🎴

Galmeen gita hojii "Graduate Trainee" guyyootaan dura rakkoo teekniikaan adda citee ture hamma eegalee jira.
⚠ Yaaliin distiriiktii tokkoo ol irratti galmaahuuf gootan galmee keessan hunda fudhatama dhabsiisa.

*Warri yeroo darbe maqaan keessan maxxanfame irra deebiin galmaahuu isin hin barbaachisu.

ከቀናት በፊት በቴክኒክ ችግር ምክንያት ተቋርጦ የነበረው የግራጁዬት ትሬይኒ ምዝገባ አሁን ጀምሯል።

⚠ ከአንድ በላይ ድስትሪክት ላይ ለመመዝገብ የሚያደርጉት ሁሉንም ምዝገባዎን ያሰርዛል።

* ከቀናት በፊት ስማችሁ የተዘረዘረ አመልካቾች በድጋሚ መመዝገብ አይጠበቅባችሁም።
Position - Graduate Trainee
Requirements to Apply
*BA Degree in Cooperatives, Accounting, Agricultural Economics, International Trade and Investment Management, Agri-Business and Value-chain Management, Agro-Business Management, Economics, Management, Business Administration, Business Management, Banking and Finance, Banking and Insurance, Public Administration and Development Management, Accounting and Auditing, Accounting and Finance, or any other related field with CGPA of 2.5 and above.

*Age of the applicant shall not exceed 27 years (inclusive).

*Only graduate of 2019/20 and 2020/21 G.C.
Work Experience: 0 Year
Employment Center
1. Branches under Dire Dawa District|Dire Dawa, East Hararge, West Hararge, Harari Region, Somali Region

2. Branches under Chiro District|West Hararge, East Hararge

3. Branches under Nekemte District|East Wollega, West Wollega, Qellem Wollega,Horro Guduru Wollega Zones and Benishangul Gumuz Region

4. Branches under Jimma District|Jimma Zone, Ilu Abba Bora Zone, Bunno Bedelle Zone, Bench Maji Zone and Gambella Region

5.Branches under Shashemene District|Bale and West Arsi Zone

6. Branches under Hawassa District|Sidama Region, SNNP Region,
East Guji Zone, West Guji Zone, Borena Zone

7. Branches under Bahir Dar Relationship Office|Bahir Dar, Debre Markos, Bure, Gondar, Metema, Gendawuha, Dessie, Kombolcha, Kamise, Bati areas and Afar Region Logia.

Registration Deadline: October 13, 2021

How to Apply
Interested applicants should register to our job portal by following one of the links below and submit their CVs along with required credentials.

⚠ Any attempt to apply at more than one district will lead to automatic disqualification.


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