‘’ሚስቴን እሷ ሳታውቅ ፈትኛት ነው ያገባኋት... በህንድ ጥሎሽ የምትጥለው ሴቷ ናት'' ህንዳዊው ኢንቨስተር ወጣት//20-30//
Meet Bharat Barani Born to Indian parents, Bharat moved to Ethiopia at the age of 8. Fluent in Amharic, he’s worked in various roles throughout the country. Watch as he shares his unique journey and experiences in Ethiopia!
ባህራት ባራኒ ይባላል በእናቱም በአባቱም ህንዳዊ ሲሆን ከ8 አመቱ ጀምሮ በኢትዮጵያ ቆይቷል አማረኛም አቀላጥፎ ይናገራ...