Forward from: Exit Exam AI
🎉 በ24 ሰአት ውስጥ 1.8ሺህ የኮምፒውተር ሳይንስ መውጫ ተፈታኞች የExitExamAI ተጠቃሚ ሆነዋል!🎉
🚀ዛሬ ደሞ ExitExamAI's Accounting AI 🚀
🌟ተራው የርሶ ነው!
🌟 የተለያዩ ዲታርትመንቶች መንገድ ላይ ናቸው!
🌟 የExit Exam አማካሪ AI, unlimted ጥያቄዎች፣ ኖቶች: ያለፉ አመታትን ጥያቄዎች ከፈለጉ ExitExamAI በ500 የግሎ ይድርጉ!
በExitExamAI ይቀላቀሉ የመውጫ ፈተናዎን በAI ታገዘው በታላቅ ውጤት ይለፉ
Telegram: @ExitExamAI
🎉 Wow, What a Start! 🎉
ExitExamAI's Accounting AI model is set to launch, we're celebrating 1.8K users—initially computer science students! 🚀
And the excitement continues—more departments are on the way!
🌟 Accounting AI model launching!
🌟 Initial 1.8K users were computer science students!
🌟 More departments coming soon!
🌟 Full version available for 500 birr!
🌟 Start for FREE!
Telegram: @ExitExamAI
🚀ዛሬ ደሞ ExitExamAI's Accounting AI 🚀
🌟ተራው የርሶ ነው!
🌟 የተለያዩ ዲታርትመንቶች መንገድ ላይ ናቸው!
🌟 የExit Exam አማካሪ AI, unlimted ጥያቄዎች፣ ኖቶች: ያለፉ አመታትን ጥያቄዎች ከፈለጉ ExitExamAI በ500 የግሎ ይድርጉ!
በExitExamAI ይቀላቀሉ የመውጫ ፈተናዎን በAI ታገዘው በታላቅ ውጤት ይለፉ
Telegram: @ExitExamAI
🎉 Wow, What a Start! 🎉
ExitExamAI's Accounting AI model is set to launch, we're celebrating 1.8K users—initially computer science students! 🚀
And the excitement continues—more departments are on the way!
🌟 Accounting AI model launching!
🌟 Initial 1.8K users were computer science students!
🌟 More departments coming soon!
🌟 Full version available for 500 birr!
🌟 Start for FREE!
Telegram: @ExitExamAI