Common Mistakes 🖱️
የተለመዱ ስህተቶችInterested in (not "interested on")
✔️ I am interested in learning English.
❌ I am interested on learning English.
Good at (not "good in")
✔️ She is good at math.
❌ She is good in math.
Married to (not "married with")
✔️ He is married to Sarah.
❌ He is married with Sarah.
Listen to (not "listen")
✔️ I love to listen to music.
❌ I love to listen music.
Afraid of (not "afraid from")
✔️ She is afraid of spiders.
❌ She is afraid from spiders.
Depend on (not "depend from")
✔️ It depends on the weather.
❌ It depends from the weather.
Think about (not "think on")
✔️ I am thinking about my future.
❌ I am thinking on my future.
Responsible for (not "responsible of")
✔️ He is responsible for the project.
❌ He is responsible of the project.
Tired of (not "tired from")
✔️ I am tired of working late.
❌ I am tired from working late.
Proud of (not "proud for")
✔️ She is proud of her achievements.
❌ She is proud for her achievements.
@English_Ethiopian ✅
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