│ Nutrients in Food │ Functions of Food │
│ (Macronutrients & │ 1. Provides Energy │
│ Micronutrients) │ 2. Builds & Repairs Tissue │
│ │ 3. Fights Diseases │
| Carbohydrates | Proteins | Lipids (Fats & Oils) |
| - Energy Source | - Body Growth | - Energy Storage |
| - Starches, Sugar | - Enzymes | - Hormones, Cell Membranes|
| - Glucose, Fiber | - Muscles | - Found in Oils, Butter |
| Vitamins | Minerals |
| - A, B, C, D | - Calcium, Iron |
| - Support Body | - Strong Bones |
| - Prevent Disease | - Oxygen Transport|
| Water & Fiber |
| - Digestion & Transport |
| - Prevents Constipation |
| Nutrient Deficiency Diseases |
| - Vitamin C → Scurvy |
| - Vitamin D → Rickets |
| - Iron → Anaemia |
| - Protein → Kwashiorkor, Marasmus |
| Food Tests & Experiments |
| - Starch → Iodine Test (Blue-Black) |
| - Sugars → Benedict’s Test (Red) |
| - Protein → Biuret Test (Purple) |
| - Lipids → Ethanol Test (Cloudy) |
| - Vitamin C → DCPIP Test (Clear) |
| Balanced Diet & Health |
| - Right Mix of Nutrients |
| - Energy Needs Depend on Age, Sex, |
| Activity Level |
| - BMI Calculation Formula |
│ Nutrients in Food │ Functions of Food │
│ (Macronutrients & │ 1. Provides Energy │
│ Micronutrients) │ 2. Builds & Repairs Tissue │
│ │ 3. Fights Diseases │
| Carbohydrates | Proteins | Lipids (Fats & Oils) |
| - Energy Source | - Body Growth | - Energy Storage |
| - Starches, Sugar | - Enzymes | - Hormones, Cell Membranes|
| - Glucose, Fiber | - Muscles | - Found in Oils, Butter |
| Vitamins | Minerals |
| - A, B, C, D | - Calcium, Iron |
| - Support Body | - Strong Bones |
| - Prevent Disease | - Oxygen Transport|
| Water & Fiber |
| - Digestion & Transport |
| - Prevents Constipation |
| Nutrient Deficiency Diseases |
| - Vitamin C → Scurvy |
| - Vitamin D → Rickets |
| - Iron → Anaemia |
| - Protein → Kwashiorkor, Marasmus |
| Food Tests & Experiments |
| - Starch → Iodine Test (Blue-Black) |
| - Sugars → Benedict’s Test (Red) |
| - Protein → Biuret Test (Purple) |
| - Lipids → Ethanol Test (Cloudy) |
| - Vitamin C → DCPIP Test (Clear) |
| Balanced Diet & Health |
| - Right Mix of Nutrients |
| - Energy Needs Depend on Age, Sex, |
| Activity Level |
| - BMI Calculation Formula |