Hawassa Gebeta

Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, English

We explore the best food spots in Hawassa for you.
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📍Light Burger and Chicken
📌 Campus Road; On the way from Mobil to Campus Around Silasie Traffic light

• የቺክን አምሮታችሁን እየተወጣችሁ ፆሙን የምትይዙበት ትክክለኛ ቦታ! ለህፃናትም የሚሆን ኮምቦ ስላላቸው ከቤተሰብ ጋር ሰብሰብ ብሎ ለመሄድም ተመራጭ ቦታ ነው።

Light crusty chicken sandwich 480
Wings and fries 450
King david tower burger 630
Light pizza 490

Smoothies 🥤
Start-up = 160
The farmer = 160

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#hawassagebeta #lightburgerandchicken #@hawassagebeta

📌 The Spot Bar & Restaurant
📍 05 ጉዱማሌ አደባባይ ሳይደርስ (Use google map for precise location)

Spot Special Pizza - 460
Key Wot - 350

Follow our Tiktok for weekly giveaways 🤩 www.tiktok.com/@hawassagebeta
❗️All prices are Vat Inclusive

#hawassagebeta #thespot #@hawassagebeta

📌 The Spot Bar & Restaurant
📍 05 ጉዱማሌ አደባባይ ሳይደርስ (Use google map for precise location)

Roasted Chicken - 1250

Follow our Tiktok for weekly giveaways 🤩 www.tiktok.com/@hawassagebeta
❗️All prices are Vat Inclusive

#hawassagebeta #thespot #@hawassagebeta

📌 The Spot Bar & Restaurant
📍 05 ጉዱማሌ አደባባይ ሳይደርስ (Use google map for precise location)

Spot Special Combo - 1200

Follow our Tiktok for weekly giveaways 🤩 www.tiktok.com/@hawassagebeta
❗️All prices are Vat Inclusive

#hawassagebeta #thespot #@hawassagebeta

Check out our recent post on Tiktok. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMkao763K

Who’s up for ግብዣ???

📌 Safeland Cafe
📍 Piassa City Center
Wolde Amanuel Beside City Administration
🎂 Torta Cake For Christmas 🎄

🤙 Call to order: 0989595942 | 0916828285

👉 Follow our Tiktok for giveaways
🤩: www.tiktok.com/@hawassagebeta

#hawassagebeta #Pizza #kerawudhotel @hawassagebeta

📌 H Town Burger
📍 On the way from Tirufat to Atote in front of Mekaneyesus Church

Chicken noodles - 700

Follow our Tiktok for weekly giveaways 🤩 www.tiktok.com/@hawassagebeta
❗️All prices are Vat Inclusive

#hawassagebeta #htownburger #chickencombo @hawassagebeta

📌 H Town Burger
📍 On the way from Tirufat to Atote in front of Mekaneyesus Church

Chicken Combo - 500ETB

👉 Follow our Tiktok for weekly giveaways 🤩 www.tiktok.com/@hawassagebeta
❗️All prices are Vat Inclusive

#hawassagebeta #htownburger #chickencombo @hawassagebeta

📌 H Town Burger
📍 On the way from Tirufat to Atote in front of Mekaneyesus Church

Beef Steak Sandwich - 500ETB
Mojito - 200ETB

👉 Follow our Tiktok for weekly giveaways 🤩 www.tiktok.com/@hawassagebeta
❗️All prices are Vat Inclusive

#hawassagebeta #htownburger #Steak #sandwich @hawassagebeta

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