🇪🇹 Coding

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A channel with programming news and tips and tricks, nice for beginners but also for experienced programmers. 💻

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Forward from: AI Programming
Are you a procrastinator? What if you could turn those spare minutes into your next big break?

Picture this, you finally have the skills for that promotion you’ve been eyeing, or you land a high-paying job in a completely new industry, all because of the new skills you've gained. With Safaricom Talent Cloud, you can make it happen.

Explore an extensive library of over 6,000 courses on Pluralsight that will help you grow your skills and get closer to your career goals. And with 6GB of free data each month, there's no reason to wait. Thousands of people are already making progress. Why not you?

Visit safaricom.gebeya.com and start today.

#SafaricomTalent #LearnAndGrow #FutureReady #OnlineCourses #CareerDevelopment

Forward from: Siltawi ስልታዊ
How will we interact, work, and play in the future? A handful of companies are providing the answers. Let’s uncover the ten industry leaders shaping the metaverse and the digital age.

The metaverse is not just a digital playground; it's the next frontier of the internet, where the boundaries of reality are redefined by these pioneering companies.

This article is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the key players driving the development of the metaverse and the future of our digital interactions.

⚡️ Read more on this here: 👇🏽
#metaverse #virtualreality #augmentedreality #virtualworld #digitalworld #futureoftech #technology #innovation #futuristic #top10 #Metaverse #industryLeaders

Forward from: AI Programming
Ready to shape your tomorrow? Safaricom Talent Cloud is here to help! We offer over 6000 courses, including:

▶️ Machine Learning
▶️ Cybersecurity
▶️ Frontend Engineering
▶️ Backend Engineering
▶️ Artificial Intelligence, and many more

Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up, we have something for you. Plus, get 6GB of free internet every month to keep learning. Don't wait to chase your dreams ,start building them now! Join Safaricom Talent at safaricom.gebeya.com Cloud and create the future you want.

For Registration
🌐 safaricom.gebeya.com

#SafaricomTalent #LearnAndGrow #FutureReady #OnlineCourses #CareerDevelopment

Forward from: AI Programming
የነገን መንገድ ለመጀመር ተዘጋጀታችኋል? የሳፋሪ ኮም ታለንት ክላውድ የስኬት ጉዟችሁን የሚያግዙ ከ6000 በላይ ኮርሶችን አቅርቦላችኋል፤

▶️ ማሽን ለርኒንግ (Machine Learning)
▶️ ሳይበር ሴኪዮሪቲ (Cybersecurity)
▶️ ፍሮንትድ ኢንጅነሪንግ (Frontend Engineering)
▶️ ባክንድ ኢንጂንሪግ (Backend Engineering)
▶️ አርቴፊሻል ኢንተለጀንስ (Artificial Intelligence) እና ሌሎችም,
ለጀማሪዎች እንዲሁም ከህሎታችሁን ማሻሻል ለምትፈልጉ ሁሉንም ደረጃዎች የሚመጥኑ ኮርሶችን ከወርሀዊ የስድስት ጂቢ(6GB) የነጻ ኢንተርኔት ጥቅል ጋር አዘጋጅተናል፡፡ ህልማችሁ ላይ ለመስራት ቀን አትጠብቁ፤ ሳፉሪኮም ታለንት ክላውድን በመቀላቀል ነጋችሁን ዛሬ ስሩት!!

ለመመዝገብ ማስፈንጠሪያውን ተጫኑ፤ https://safaricom.gebeya.com/

#SafaricomTalent #LearnAndGrow #FutureReady #OnlineCourses #CareerDevelopment

Forward from: AI Programming
🎂 Happy Birthday 🎉 , Telegram ✈️

We still remember the first post 📝 at the university, and our channel was born 🥳what a journey it has been! We’ve come a long way, learning and growing together every day.

This amazing platform has been our home, connecting us and giving us the opportunity to share knowledge and support each other.
A huge thank 🙏🏽 you to the Telegram ✈️ team for making this possible and for continuing to bring us closer.

Here’s 🥂to many more years of building incredible communities and learning together! 🥳

Stay curious and keep coding! 😎

FB | YouTube

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⚠️⚠️Only 10 day left ⚠️⚠️

Dogs የተባለዉን Airdrop የnotcoin official channel Share ሲያደርገው አልቻልኩም።😄
Btw I love #notcoin project!!

ኮይን የሚሰጥተው 3 ነገሮችን አይቶ ነው።
⚫ቴሌግራም አካውንታችሁ የተከፈተበትን እድሜ
⚫Premium ተጠቃሚ መሆናችሁን
⚫ለጊዜው Tap/Tap የለውም። እሱም አንድ እፎይታ ነው።
⚫ daily check in
መሞከር ከፈለጋችሁ


Forward from: 🇪🇹 Coding
⚠️⚠️Only 10 day left ⚠️⚠️

Dogs የተባለዉን Airdrop የnotcoin official channel Share ሲያደርገው አልቻልኩም።😄
Btw I love #notcoin project!!

ኮይን የሚሰጥተው 3 ነገሮችን አይቶ ነው።
⚫ቴሌግራም አካውንታችሁ የተከፈተበትን እድሜ
⚫Premium ተጠቃሚ መሆናችሁን
⚫ለጊዜው Tap/Tap የለውም። እሱም አንድ እፎይታ ነው።
⚫ daily check in
መሞከር ከፈለጋችሁ


Forward from: Siltawi ስልታዊ
Ethiopia’s central bank recently implemented a flexible exchange rate policy, leading to a 30% devaluation of the birr. This float has triggered two distinct behaviors among businesses: one group is capitalizing on the new exchange rate to boost sales and replenish inventory, while another is hoarding goods in anticipation of price increases.

The tech industry, particularly sectors such as content creation and software development that frequently engage in the global market, can benefit from the currency devaluation.

This article examines the devaluation's effects on startups in tech, manufacturing, and commodity exports, and explores strategies to navigate these economic shifts.

⚡️ Read more on this here: 👇🏽
#Ethiopia #devaluation #startups #tech #manufacturing #exports #birr_floating #economy #inflation #innovation #entrepreneurship

Forward from: AI Programming
Exciting news!

የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ከተባበሩት አረብ ኤሚሬቶች ጋር በመተባበር በ3 ዓመታት ውስጥ 5 ሚሊዮን ፕሮግራመሮችን ለማሰልጠን አቅዷል።

This online course, in partnership with Udacity, covers:
▶️ Android Kotlin Development Fundamentals
▶️ Data Science Fundamentals
▶️ Programming Fundamentals

Ready to start your journey?
Register 🔗 https://ethiocoders.et/


#TechEducation #EthiopiaUAECollaboration

Forward from: AI Programming
17) Which of these tap-to-earn games could be placed top and breakout ?
  •   Hamster 🤑
  •   Blum 😬
  •   Dogs 👌
  •   Pixel 🫢
  •   Notcoin 2 😢
  •   Tapswap 🫠
  •   Catsizen 🤨
  •   Memefi 🤯
  •   Never use ❌
  •   See result 📊
555 votes

Forward from: Siltawi ስልታዊ
Paid Internship Opportunity

Organization: Center of Excellence International Consult

Eligible applicants: Fresh graduates who have a degree and/or interest in the stated position.

▶️ Marketing
▶️ Accounting
▶️ Sociology
▶️ Statistics
▶️ Gender studies
How to apply: Send your CV and Cover letter to the email address  awaqiyouth@gmail.com with the subject "Center of Excellence International Consult"

📅 Duration: 3 months
💰 Paid Internship
📈 Benefit: Employment opportunity based on performance.

#GraduateTrainee #JobOpportunity #Ethiopia #CareerLaunch #Internship

Forward from: AI Programming
የመንግስት ሰራተኛው ሮቦት እራሱን አጠፋ 😱

South Korean civil servant robot apparently "committed suicide" after officials said it threw itself down a flight of stairs due to unexplained reasons.

⚡️ Read more on this from our newly released blog website : 👇🏽


#AI #Robots #News #Technology

Forward from: AI Programming
🚀 Gain the Skills and International Certifications You Need for Remote Work 🌍

Upwork, Toptal, and more - ever wondered what it takes to secure remote work through these top platforms?

Discover ALX’s dynamic online tech courses, tailored to meet today’s job market demands. Whether you’re starting out or looking to deepen your expertise, we offer a variety of courses, including:

AWS Cloud Computing
Back-End Web Development
Front-End Web Development
Data Analytics

💡 Start with our 100% free, two-month-long “ALX Foundations” program - a gateway to these advanced courses for a nominal admin fee! 🔥

🌟 Ready to lead in the tech industry? Secure your spot now at www.alxethiopia.com.

Let’s ignite your career journey!
Application deadline: July 2nd, 2024
#InnovateYourPath #FutureReady #SkillUp

Forward from: AI Programming
👑 Calling all fresh graduates (2023/2024)!

🌟 Exciting Opportunity Alert! ⭐️

Are you a recent graduate eager to kickstart your career? The SSTSI Program is here for you! Here's what you need to know:

Who Can Apply:
▶️ Ethiopian citizen 🇪🇹
▶️ Graduated in 2023/2015 or 2024/2016E.C.
▶️ CGPA of 3.0 or higher
▶️ Studied Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering and related fields

🤝 What We Offer:
▶️ 12-month paid internship 😴
▶️ Training to get you ready for the job market
▶️ Coaching and mentoring 📊
▶️ Chance to learn from public service leaders

📅 Application Deadline: ❌ 03 July 2024

Female candidates are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to apply😎.

🛒 Ready to jump-start your career with us? Apply now!
🔗 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNs51bRYDY67HSPmfGV_MXPh3zl6HFyfQblrWJIPnZ6WfMyg/viewform


🔤🔤 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
#SStSI #Internship #CareerStart

Forward from: Siltawi ስልታዊ
በአስደናቂው የፊልም፣ ቲያትር እና የስነ-ጽሑፍ ዓለም ታሪኮች በተመስጦ ስበው በምናብ ወደ ሩቅ ሀገራት እንድንተም እና በግንዛቤያችን ላይ ዘላቂ አንድምታ እንድንተው ያረጉናል። ግን ከእያንዳንዱ ታላቅ ታሪክ ጀርባ ቀላል የአተራረክ ስልት ማዕቀፍ እንዳለ ብነግራችሁስ?

ውጤታማ በሆነ መንገድ ጥቅም ላይ ከዋሉ፣ ትረካዎን ወደ አዲስ ከፍታ የሚያሳድጉ የሶስትዮሽ የአተራረክ ዘዴዎች አሉ። እነሱም የክዋኔ ፤ የውሣኔ እና የጭብጥ ታሪክ ዓይነቶች በመባል ይታወቃሉ።

ዳኛው "ጥፋተኛ ነው ወይም ጥፋተኛ አይደለም" ብሎ ለመወሰን ሲታገል ፤ አንዲት ልጃገረድ ከሸመገለ ሃብታም ወንድና ከሸበላ ድሃ ወጣት አንዱን ለመምረጥ ስትጨነቅ ፤ አንድ ጀግና ከነፃነት ወይም ከሞት ምርጫ መሀል ሲወድቅ . . . የውሣኔ ታሪክ ይፈጠራል፡፡ ባጭሩ ይህ የታሪክ ዓይነት ዋናው ገፀ-ባሕሪ አዕምሮውን ለውሳኔ በማስጨነቅ ትግል ውስጥ ሲገባ የሚያሳይ ነው።

⚡️ ይሄን ተጨማሪ ለማንበብ አዲስ ወደለቀቅነው የብሎግ ድህረገፃችን ገብተው ያንብቡ: 👇🏽


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#ታሪክአጻጻፍ #ስነጽሑፍ #ፊልም #ፊልምጽሑፍ #ቲያትር #ተረክ

Forward from: AI Programming
👑 Telegram Community Gallery👑

Discover 'Telegram Community Gallery' by @DagmawiBabi! It's an open-source platform for exploring and sharing your favorite Telegram channels and groups. Perfect for both newbies and seasoned users alike!

If you own a telegram channel or community add it to the gallery so it can be discovered even more.

Features 🎉
▶️ Discover Communities: Explore a wide range of Telegram channels and groups, curated by fellow users.

▶️  Submit Your Community: Share your favorite Telegram communities with the world by submitting them to the gallery.

▶️  Tagging and Filtering: Easily find communities that match your interests with powerful tagging and filtering options.

▶️  Crowdsourced and Open Source: The platform thrives on community contributions and is completely open source, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.

⭐️ Star the repo:

🌐 Check the website:

#OpenSource #Community #Telegram

Forward from: AI Programming
👑 SQL Studio 🚀

Check out the open-source project 'sql-studio' by @frectonz! A single binary, single command SQL database explorer supporting SQLite, libSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and DuckDB.

▶️ Overview page with common metadata
▶️ Tables page with table metadata and disk usage
▶️ Infinite scroll rows view
▶️ Custom query page for more access

⭐️ Star the repo: https://github.com/frectonz/sql-studio
🌐 Check the website: https://sql-studio.frectonz.io/
🔗 Laravel Article :https://laravel-news.com/sqlite-studio

#OpenSource #SQL #Database #SQLite #PostgreSQL #MySQL #DuckDB #Tech #DevTools

Forward from: AI Programming
Hey Startups! Your Chance to Win 100k Birr and More Awaits!

Hey startups! Check out this competition and win up to 100k birr plus more opportunities. Develop innovative legal solutions and get mentorship, media exposure, and funding. Submit your 2-page proposal by June 25, 2024.

🏆 Prizes:
▶️ Cash Awards: Up to 100,000 birr grant
▶️ Mentorship and Legal Support
▶️ Media Exposure

📅 Submission Deadline: June 25, 2024

🔗 Apply now: 👇🏽


🔤🔤 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

#LegalTech #StartupCompetition #Innovation #AccessToJustice #EthiopiaStartups

Forward from: Siltawi ስልታዊ
As a teenage nerd gamer back in the days when I first found out “Ready Player One” book was fantastic! I even dreamt that I was living inside it for the moment and found myself having fun with the imagination.

Should we be creating virtual realities that are so realistic that they can blur the lines between what is real and what is not? What happens when these virtual experiences start to interfere with our real lives, or worse, control our thoughts and behaviors?

⚡️ Read more on this from our newly released blog website : 👇🏽

#AI #videoGames #Films #TraviaBook #Novel #ErnestCline #SiFi #PopCulture #ONI #ReadyPlayerTwo #Technology

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ወጣት የስራ ፈጣሪ ለሆናቹ?

Are you a young 😎 entrepreneur between 18 and 35 years old⁉️

Do you have a startup less than 3 years old or a project/idea that you care about and would like to develop in the next months?

🔗 Apply now:

🔤🔤 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

#StartupperChallenge #Africa #TotalEnergies

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