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On what condition is abortion legal in ethiopia. Ju 2015 coc
Answer: 🌟አሁን በአስገድዶ መድፈር( rape)፣ በዘመድ ዘመዶች (incest) ወይም fetal anomaly or congenital anomaly ላይ ፅንስ ማስወረድ ህጋዊ ነው።
📍በተጨማሪም አንዲት ሴት
♻️ ሕይወቷ ወይም አካላዊ ጤንነቷ አደጋ ላይ ከወደቀ፣
♻️ የአካል ወይም የአዕምሮ እክል ካለባት (mental disabilities) ፣
♻️ ወይም ለአካለ መጠን ያልደረሰች ከሆነ (underage) በአካልም ሆነ በአእምሮ ልጅን ለመውለድ ያልተዘጋጀች ከሆነ
እርግዝናን በህጋዊ መንገድ ማቋረጥ ትችላለች
Short Note on Abortion Legislation.
Abortion is now permitted in ethiopia in instances of
♻️ rape
♻️ congenital anomalies.
Additionally, a woman can legally end a pregnancy
📍 if her life or physical health is at risk,
📍if she has physical or mental disabilities, or
📍if she is a minor who is not ready—physically or mentally—for childbirth. 🌟
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Answer: 🌟አሁን በአስገድዶ መድፈር( rape)፣ በዘመድ ዘመዶች (incest) ወይም fetal anomaly or congenital anomaly ላይ ፅንስ ማስወረድ ህጋዊ ነው።
📍በተጨማሪም አንዲት ሴት
♻️ ሕይወቷ ወይም አካላዊ ጤንነቷ አደጋ ላይ ከወደቀ፣
♻️ የአካል ወይም የአዕምሮ እክል ካለባት (mental disabilities) ፣
♻️ ወይም ለአካለ መጠን ያልደረሰች ከሆነ (underage) በአካልም ሆነ በአእምሮ ልጅን ለመውለድ ያልተዘጋጀች ከሆነ
እርግዝናን በህጋዊ መንገድ ማቋረጥ ትችላለች
Short Note on Abortion Legislation.
Abortion is now permitted in ethiopia in instances of
♻️ rape
♻️ congenital anomalies.
Additionally, a woman can legally end a pregnancy
📍 if her life or physical health is at risk,
📍if she has physical or mental disabilities, or
📍if she is a minor who is not ready—physically or mentally—for childbirth. 🌟
Register now for more CoC questions.