የኛ ቅን ኢትዮጵያ | Yegna Ken Ethiopia🇪🇹

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🇪🇹የኛ ቅን ኢትዮጵያ🇪🇹
📢በ የኛ ቅን ኢትዮጵያ ሀገር ትበለፅጋለች ህዝቦቿም ባለራዕይ ይሆናሉ።
. 💚💛❤💚💛❤💚💛❤💚💛❤
📩📩 Yegnakenethiopia@gmail.com

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Forward from: Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa
Enderase Youth Assocation collaborating with different partners is working on various sectors that impact the generation.

We are looking over 300 young volunteers  in five different spheres to work & registration is on starting from September 15-October 15/2023.Join the New Enderase Volunteers Network now.


#FiveSpheres #New

Enderase Youth Assocation is a unique interactive non governmental youthled cso that aim be light renaissance by the #Enlightenment #Empowerment and #Explosion of the untapped youth potential.

       #Explosion #Empowerment #Enlightenment

    ✨✨www.enderaseyouth.org/ ✨✨

        👇JOIN OUR  FAMILY 👇
  Telegram  | @enderase.youth' rel='nofollow'>Tik Tok | @enderaseyouth?si=h8-oW_Nssz9BFO6I' rel='nofollow'>Youtube |


#LCC2023 is back with an exciting opportunity for individuals to engage in the biggest diplomatic simulation conference in Ethiopia focusing on the theme

"Creating sustainable, inclusive, and equal quality education for all."

👉This conference aims to enhance participants' diplomatic and leadership skills while addressing important global issues.

The event will take place from
🗓September 22-24, 2023,
📍#skyLightHotel  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Participants can apply and reserve their seats by filling out the registration form at https://forms.gle/uFCmmoYASkzGVnzD7.

Join Safe Light Initiative and be a part of this impactful conference that will contribute to the advancement of education for all

🔅LCC 🔅 2023🔅


    🔆🔅 www.safelightet.org 🔅🔆

Telegram | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook

#LCC2023 #MUNEthiopia
#Newdimension #SafelightetIntiatives
#SDG #Transform2032

Forward from: እንደራሴ ኢትዮጵያ
Dinq Wege Conference Series Chapter One has ended last Saturday by its Sixth Episode on "Arts & Culture for transforming youths" at BlueSpace,That Invited Artist also youths in different sphere.

The Sixth and Last Program of Dinq Wege has hosted painters to show thier works for those participating at the event.Dinq wege conference are youth dialogue hub that gives space for wonder ideas making wonderful community.

#Arts #BlueSpace
#Last Episode #Chapter one
#DinqWege Conferences


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ድንቅ ወግ ፬
Dinq Wege

The Monthly Talk Conference by Enderase Ethiopian Youth Development Association partnering with Bluespace & Linkup Addis has prepared The 4th program of Dinq Weg in title of "Usage of Technology for Life Advantage " by inviting influential young renown  public figures and Tech professionals to raise ideas about Technology & its usage.

Seats are only for 40 Youths,

እድል ለኢትዮጵያውያን.... በድል አለፍሪካውያን

Comming soon!

In ken Ethiopia, the country will prosper people will be visionaries.


Forward from: Model African Union-Ethiopia
Great opportunity for teachers trainers, and individuals.

Value Creating Education
- Monday, January 23 at 3:00pm
- Register for this session: 

Access to the Satchmo Center is by membership only, please register for membership if you haven't done so at https://bit.ly/SatchmoCenterMembership

Forward from: እንደራሴ ኢትዮጵያ
ድ ን ቅ ወግ

የጥር ወር
January Edition

Get ready to meet wonderful ideas also wonderful persons in the January edition,The ticket sales will start soon!

እንዳያመልጣችሁ የትም የማይገኝ እድል ነው!!

በ ዌብሳይቱ አካውንት ከከፈታችሁ በውኋላ እዛው ዌብሳይት ላይ ስም አድራሻ ኢሜል የትምህርት አድራሻ ሞልታችሁ ከጨረሳችሁ በውኋላ ኢሜል ይልኩላችኋል።

Forward from: Model African Union-Ethiopia
Opportunity to high school students age 15 - 18

You have not had the chance to submit your application to be considered for Regular Decision? Good news!

The Regular Decision deadline has been extended to 21 January 2023

Use this opportunity and complete your application now to join the class of 2023 👉 : www.africanleadershipacademy.org/apply/

Forward from: Model African Union-Ethiopia
Are you the Young leader of Ethiopia ??

Attention 👁👁 👀👀
Urgent and important opportunity by ENG

የመመዝገቢያ ሊንኩን ይጫኑ 
#በአዲስ አበባ እና ዙሪያዋ ለሚገኙ ወጣት መሪዎች የተዘጋጀ የሁለት ቀን ስልጠና
#ታህሳስ 12 እና 13
ቦታ 📍 ቦሌ ቤስት ዌስተርን ፕላስ ከዩጎ ጎን

#WeEmp #education #engagement #SDGs

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The Seats are only for 70 persons So Get your tickets by registering in the link below


በ18 አመቱ ከንቲባ ሆኖ የተመረጠው አሜሪካዊ አዲስ ታሪክ አፅፏል

ስሚዝ "የኔ ድል ወጣቶች ወደ መሪነት እንዲመጡ ያነቃቃል" ብሏል
አሜሪካ በእድሜ ትንሹን ከንቲባ በአርካንሳስ ግዛት አግኝታለች።
የ18 አመቱ ጀይለን ሰሚዝ በግዛቷ ኧርል የተባለች ከተማን በከንቲባነት እንዲመራ ተመርጧል።
ሰሚዝ ተፎካካሪውን ኔሚ ማቲውስ አሸንፎ ከንቲባ እንዲሆን የከተማዋ ነዋሪዎች በድምፃቸው ይሁንታን ሰጥተውታል ነው የተባለው።
የሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርቱን ባለፈው አመት አጠናቆ በዚህ አመት ኮሌጅ የገባው ሰሚዝ፥ ከሚሲሲፒ ወንዝ በቅርብ ርቀት የምትገኘውን የኧርል ከተማ እንዲመራ በመመረጡ ደስታውን ገልጿል።
"እናቴ ማሸነፌን እስካሁን አላመነችም" ያለው ወጣቱ ከንቲባ፥ በማህበራዊ ትስስር ገፁ አምነውበት ድምፅ የሰጡትን ነዋሪዎች አመስግኗል።
"የኔ ድል ብዙዎችን ያነቃቃል ብዬ አስባለሁ፤ በተለይ ወጣቶች ወደ መሪነት መጥተው የማህበረሰቡን ችግር ለመፍታት እንዲያስቡ ከወዲሁ ዝግጁ እንዲሆኑም ያግዛል" ነው ያለው ስሚዝ።
ስሚዝ በምርጫ ቅስቀሳ ወቅት ቃል የገባቸውን የህብረተሰብ ጤናን ማሻሻል፣ የትራንስፖርትና የምግብ መደብሮች አቅርቦትን የማሻሻል ስራዎች ትኩረት አደርግባቸዋለው ብሏል።
የአሜሪካ በእድሜ ትንሹ ጥቁር ከንቲባው ጀይለን ስሚዝ ከኮሌጅ ትምህርቱ ጎን ለጎን የአርካንሳሷን ኧርል ከተማ በከንቲባነት ይመራል።


🙏ሰላም ለእናንተ ይሁን እንዴት አመሻችሁ🙏

ባል እና ሚስቱ የሆን ግጭት በመሀላቸው ተፈጥሮ አይነጋገሩም፡፡ ሁለቱም በረጅም ትዝታ ተውጠዋል፡፡ መጀመሪያ ማውራት ሽንፈት መስሎ ስለታያቸው ሳይነጋገሩ መተኛ ሰዓታቸው ደረሰ፡፡

ድንገት ግን ባል የሆነ ነገር ትዝ አለው፡፡ ነገ በጠዋት የስራ ስብሰባ ለመታደም  ወደዛ ለመሄድ በረራ አለው፡፡ ሁሌ ደሞ ወደ ስራ ሲሄድ እንቅልፋም በመሆኑ የምትቀሰቅሰው ሚስቱ ናት፡፡ እናም የነገው ስበሰባ እንዳያመልጠው ለሚስቱ "11 ሰዓት ቀስቅሽኝ" ብሎ በአፉ መናገር ሞት መስሎ ታየው፡፡ እና ወረቀት ላይ "ነገ የስራ ስብሰባ ስላለበኝ ወደ ሌላ ሀገር እበራለው፡፡ አደራ 11 ሰዓት ቀስቅሽኝ" ብሎ በወረቀት ፅፎ እሷ የምታየው ቦታ አስቀምጦላት ምንም ቃል ሳይተነፍስ ተኛ፡፡

ጠዋት ሰውየው ከእንቅልፉ ሲነቃ ከጠዋቱ 3ሰዓት ሆኖ በረራውም ስብሰባውም አምልጦታል፡፡ "እንዴት እንደዛ አስጠንቅቄ ነግሪያት አትቀሰቅሰኝም?" ብሎ በጣም ተበሳጨ፡፡ ከአልጋው ለመነሳት ሲሞክር አንድ ወረቀት ኮመዲኖ ላይ ተቀምጦ አየ፡፡ "11 ሰዓት ሆኗል ተነስ ስብሰባ እንዳያመልጥህ" የሚል ፁፍ ተፅፎበታል፡፡

✍ማነው ስተት የሰራው? ማነው ልክ? ወዳጄ ሴትን ልጅ በተንኮልም ሆነ በፍቅር ልትበልጣት አትችልም፡፡ ዝምታ ደሞ መቼም መፍትሔ ሁኖ አያውቅም፡፡

ረመሃይ የኢትዮጵያ ቀለም

የኛ ቅን ኢትዮጵያ ተመልሷል...

Africa’s Women’s Day is observed annually across the continent on 31 July and is a day earmarked to recognise and affirm the role of women’s organising in achieving the political freedom of Africa and advancing the social and economic status of women on the continent.

Africa’s Women’s Day was proclaimed as a day to be commemorated during the first conference of the Pan-African Women’s Organization (PAWO) which was held in July 1962 in Dar es Salaam Tanganyika (now known as Tanzania).

Source:: Africa Union Commission

Breaking News ‼️
🇪🇹 Ethiopia just completed the 3rd round filling of the GERD dam. Congratulations Ethiopia 🇪🇹 👏🏽


Good evening our big family ✊✊✊✊

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