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ášá áá áááá 6868 áá°áá ááá https://lemon.et/cpd/ ááá¥á!
ðŽWMG Biomedical Engineering has commenced registration to offer comprehensive training programs, complete with the necessary professional lecturers, practical learning materials, tools and workshops to give CPD for healthcare professionals. This training will be conducted in collaboration with "Addis Ababa Polytechnic College," a respected institution with a long-standing presence in the education sector!
Join us in taking your professional development to new heights!
For additional details and registration , contact us at 6868 or visit our website at https://lemon.et/cpd/
ášá áá áááá 6868 áá°áá ááá https://lemon.et/cpd/ ááá¥á!
ðŽWMG Biomedical Engineering has commenced registration to offer comprehensive training programs, complete with the necessary professional lecturers, practical learning materials, tools and workshops to give CPD for healthcare professionals. This training will be conducted in collaboration with "Addis Ababa Polytechnic College," a respected institution with a long-standing presence in the education sector!
Join us in taking your professional development to new heights!
For additional details and registration , contact us at 6868 or visit our website at https://lemon.et/cpd/