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Namonni group durii qabdaa inbox mee 👇👇

Year 2023 month 1-8 January - August 👍


Namonni qabdaan inbox mee yoo gurgurachu barbaada qofaa 👇👇

Ayyaanni Kee Duwwaan Na Ga'a Yesuus | Singer Natinael Tamene

✝️: @Naol_Tube 🎸🎸🎸

An Sidhiise hin Deemu | YADESA SHIRI

JOIN: @Naol_Tube

"Ba'aa Koo baattee Ol adeemte
Gaara dadhabsiisaa
Naaf Jettee Qabsooti Hirmeette Sun Na Ajaa'ibsiisaa..."

🔥 Duubee! - Dawit Alemu New 2025

✝️: @Doonii_faarfannaa☑️

Maaloo Koottu - Dawit Girma New 2024


Maatiin @Naol_Tube hundi keessan Baga kabaja Yaadanoo dhalachuu Gooftaa Keenya Yesuus Kiristoos nagaan geessan

Join Channel 👉 @Naol_Tube ☑️

.        ተወለደ ጌታ 🥰

እንኳን ለመድኃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የልደት መታሰቢያ በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ🔥🙏


( ለፕሮፋይላችሁ እና ለወዳጆቻችሁ ለመላክ ) HD
#QouteVerse #Bduvlm #Jesus
#Jesusbirth #holynight
#Jesusislove#Joytotheworld . .

የጠፋው ሊፈለግ ቃል ስጋ ለበሰ
    ጨለማን ሊያጠፋ ብርሃን ተወለደ
    ሞትን ሊየሳፍር ህይወት ተጀመረ
    በእርሱ ላመኑቱ ድነትን ለገሰ
    በዳግም ውልደት የሰው ልጅ ተረፈ
“በእርሱ የሚያምን ሁሉ የዘላለም ሕይወት እንዲኖረው እንጂ እንዳይጠፋ እግዚአብሔር አንድያ ልጁን እስኪሰጥ ድረስ ዓለሙን እንዲሁ ወዶአልና።”
ዮሐንስ 3፥16

“ለሰው ሁሉ ብርሃን ሰጪ የሆነው እውነተኛው ብርሃን ወደ ዓለም እየመጣ ነበር።”
                             ዮሐንስ 1:9

“Ifichi inni dhugaan, inni gara biyya lafaa dhufe, namoota hundumaaf in ibsa.”
                                Yoh. 1:9

“እቲ ንነፍሲ ወከፍ ሰብ ዜብርህ ብርሃን ሓቂ ናብ ዓለም ይመጽእ ነበረ።”
               ወንጌል ዮሐንስ 1፥9

         ንጉሱን መከተል

  ማወቅ  I   መታዘዝ   I    ማረፍ

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Bikila Kebede - Uffee (ft. Natinael Tamene, Moti Taresa & Solomon Alemu) 2025

@Naol_Tube ☑️

Hello everyone I'd like to introduce you all to a lucrative job opportunity

BTT is one of the largest advertising networks globally and it is currently hiring online part time employees in Ethiopia

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Limited-time Benefit The first 100 joiners will have the chance to receive a reward of 5,000 ETB

Join the official BTT channel, contact the customer service within the channel to register and start earning money today!

Singer Injifannoo

join Channel 👉 @Naol_Tube

#Dawit girma devoko anaa dhufu.!
Album faarfannaa dinqii nuuf qabatee dhufeera.!

Join Channel 👉 @Naol_Tube ☑️

📹 የምዘምረው ዘማሪ ፀጋአብ አለሙ Tsegaab Alemu

✝️: @Naol_Tube ☑️

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📹 የምዘምረው ዘማሪ ፀጋአብ አለሙ Tsegaab Alemu

️: @Naol_Tube ☑️

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