Say more politely
Caalaatti safuudhaan jedhi
በትህትና መናገር ስንፈልግ 👇👇
❌ I want another coffee.
✅ I'd like another coffee.
❌ What?
✅ Could you repeat that, Please
❌ What time is it?
✅ Could you tell me the time, Please?
❌ Hey, where's the museum?
✅ Excuse me, could you tell me where the museum is?
❌ Tell me when you available?
✅ Let me know when you're available?
❌ Give me your contact ddetails?
✅ Can I have your contact details, Please?
❌ You are wrong.
✅ I think you might be mistaken.
Caalaatti safuudhaan jedhi
በትህትና መናገር ስንፈልግ 👇👇
❌ I want another coffee.
✅ I'd like another coffee.
❌ What?
✅ Could you repeat that, Please
❌ What time is it?
✅ Could you tell me the time, Please?
❌ Hey, where's the museum?
✅ Excuse me, could you tell me where the museum is?
❌ Tell me when you available?
✅ Let me know when you're available?
❌ Give me your contact ddetails?
✅ Can I have your contact details, Please?
❌ You are wrong.
✅ I think you might be mistaken.