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የካቲት ወርሀ-ገብረ-ክርስቶስ ;

ቅዳሜ የካቲት 29 ቀን 2017 ዓ/ም ከቀኑ 8:30 ሰአት በገብረ ክርስቶስ ሙዚየም 6 ኪሎ ፧ አመታዊው አለማቀፍ የገብረክርስቶስ ቀን በስነ ግጥምና ስነ ጥበብ ደምቆ ይከበራል። ገብረክርስቶስንና ድንቅ ስራዎቹን የምትወዱ ሁሉ ተጋብዛችሁዋል። ፕሮግራሙ በቀጥታ ስርጭት ይተላለፋል።

አርቲስት በቀለ መኮንን


ተጋብዛችኋል !

ሠዓሊና ገጣሚ ከበደች ተክለአብ በቤቷ በአዲስ አበባ ዮኒቨርስቲ በ አለ የሥነጥበብና ዲዛይንት/ቤት ኦገስት 7 ከረጅሙና ከማይታመነው የህይወት ልምዷ ልታካፍለን አስባለች።
ትታደሙ ዘንድ እንጋብዛለን።




Check out the great 'Blue' art show by Zelalem Merga at the etmetro gallery! Zelalem makes cool art pieces from things people throw away. There are nice portraits and pretty blue paintings. The show is open until August 15, 2024 - go see it!


Exhibition titled, “መልክ”
By Surafel Alemneh

Artawi Gallery
opened for public.

The galley opened  until 20 July 2024 starting from 2 PM - 6 PM bole, around British international school or 250m in from Yod Abyssinia, Kkare Homes, 2nd Floor


ቆንጆ የዕጅ ፅሁፍና የሀረግ አሰራር ለመማር ይሄን ገፅ ይመልከቱት!


Digital art exhibition

“Longing for the Unknown”! 🌌
Artist Fanuel Leul

Fendika Cultural Center
Opening on July 1st at 6 PM and running until July 15th.


የእንጦጦ : ፓሊ : ኮሌጅ : ሥነ - ጥበብ : ትምህርት : ክፍል : ማስተማር : ከጀመረበት : ጊዜ : ( 1999 ዓ.ም. ) አንስቶ : ከመደበኛው : የመማር : ማስተማር : ሂደት : በተጓዳኝ : በሥነ - ጥበብ : ዘርፉ : አንጋፋ : ባለሙያዎችን : በመጋበዝ : የሕይወትና : የሥራ : ልምዳቸውን : ይካፈላል ፤ እነሆ : የዚህ : ወር : እንግዳችን ...

በኢትዮጽያ : የጠልሰም : ሥዕል : ጥበብ : አንጋፋው : ሠዓሊ : ሔኖክ : መልካምዘር : ይሁን  ፣ ሥራዎቹን : በኢትዮጵያ : በተደጋጋሚ : ጊዜ ፣ በተለያዩ : ዓለማትም : የሥዕል : ትርዒቱን :  ያቀረበና ፣ የተለያዩ : ወርክሾፓችን : የተካፈለ : ሲሆን ፤ የፊታችን : ረቡዕ : ሚያዝያ : 30, 2016 ዓ.ም. ከ 8: 00 ሰዓት : ጀምሮ : የሕይወት : ልምዱን : እና : አጠቃላይ : ስለ : ጠልሰም : ጥበብ : ምንነት ፣ ፍልስፍናና : አሰራር ፤ እንዲሁም : ስለ፡ ትምህርት ፡ ሥርዓታችን : የምንወያይ : ሲሆን ፤.. በተጨማሪም : በቅርቡ : በሻርጃህ : አርት : ፋውንዴሽንና : ሙዝዬም : ( SHARJAH ART FOUNDATION, MUSEUM ) የተከፈተውና : እየታየ : ባለው : ሥራዎቹና ፡ ሁነቱ : ዙሪያ : ውይይት : እናደርጋለን ፠

በቦታው : በመገኘት : መታደም : ትችላላችሁ ፠


Art exhibition

Tsedkina Kunenie
By Workneh Bezu
Apri' 25 at 6:00pm


Art Works
📅 Till August 6, 2023
📍 Entoto Fine Arts Center

Graduation works from Alle School of Fine Arts and Design


🖌️ Group art exhibition
lej_mewded and mikiyas sintayehu

at the Alliance_ethio-française.

Tuesday, May 9, 6 pm.


An Upcoming Exhibition from One Of the Best Graphics Artist Hailu Kifle.


Thursday April 27, 2023

Fendika Gallery


The Big Art Sale
📅 April 8-9, 2023
📍 Hilton Hotel

Saturday & Sunday

- Works of more than 200 artists
- With playing space for kids


ውይይት ከ ሰዓሊ ሙሉጌታ ታፈሰ ጋር

ሐሙስ መጋቢት 28, 2015 በ እንጦጦ ፖሊ ቴልኒክ ኮሌጅ (6 ኪሎ)


Group cartoon art exhibition by
Tewodros mesfin (tedy man)
Kaleab mebratu and
Surafel hailegebriel

Opening on Monday, April 5, 2023. 6:00 pm

The exhibition stay until Monday April 24, 2023

Location 📍 fendika gallery


🎨 Open Studios 🎨

Calling all artists and art lovers! Join us on Friday, April 7th from 3-7pm at the Saris Adey Ababa Bridge for an afternoon of creativity and fun. We're excited to invite you to our special event, Open Studios, where we'll be opening our studios and showcasing our work to everyone who attends.

Hosted by Nina Raber-Urgessa and Tefaye Urgessa, Open Studios is a unique opportunity to see the creative process in action and connect with local artists. Whether you're an artist looking to network with other creatives or an art lover curious about the process behind the artwork, you'll find plenty to inspire you here.

So come on down to the Saris Adey Ababa Bridge on Friday, April 7th and explore our studios. Meet the artists and ask questions. 

We can't wait to share the afternoon with you! 🎨✨

Mobile +251941093410
#contemporarypainting #figurativepainting #  #figurativepaintings #expressionism #abstractfiguration #ethiopianpainter #kunst #africanart #ethiopia #ninaurgessa


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