UZD cars

Channel's geo and language: Ethiopia, English
Category: Transport

uzdcars assists customers in the automotive industry to sell,buy and rent used cars in Ethiopia. we do this by creating a simple, clean and guided online auto-trading platform. for more contact @kaltwopointoh or call 0991161716

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Channel's geo and language
Ethiopia, English
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Transmission: Automatic
Mileage: 18,000km
Engine Size:1200cc
Fuel type: Benzene
Steering wheel alignment: Original Left Hand(meri yalzore)
Plate no: 2
Color: Grey
Status: used in Ethiopia

የአቋም መግለጫ:

In an excellent condition.

Drive Type- Front Wheel Drive
Fuel Tank Capacity (liters)- 42
Fuel Economy - 22.1 Km per litre
Horsepower (bhp)- 76
Top Speed (Km/h)- 170
Acceleration 0-100 Km/h (sec)- 14.0

Price: 2,400,000ETB
Commission will be asked(2%)

Contact:0991161716/ 0939872129 or @kaltwopointoh

ተጨማሪ መኪናዎች ለማግኘት ከታች ያለውን Link ይጫኑ!

UZD cars‘ን ስለመረጡ እናመሰገናለን::

Transmission: Manual
Fuel type: Benzene
Engine Size: 1200cc
Steering wheel alignment: Original Left Hand(meri yalzore)
Plate no: 2 C6
Status: used in Ethiopia

የአቋም መግለጫ፡

In an excellent condition.

Price: 1,350,000ETB
Commission will be asked(2%)

Contact:0991161716 / 0939872129 or @kaltwopointoh

ተጨማሪ መኪናዎች ለማግኘት ከታች ያለውን Link ይጫኑ!

UZD cars‘ን ስለመረጡ እናመሰገናለን::

Transmission: Automatic
Fuel type: Benzene
Engine Size: 1200cc
Mileage: 18,000km
Steering wheel alignment:Original Left Hand(meri yalzore)
Plate no: 2 C12
Status: Used in Ethiopia

የአቋም መግለጫ፡

In an excellent Condition.

Price: 2,450,000ETB
Commission will be asked(2%)

Contact:0991161716/ 0939872129 or @kaltwopointoh

ተጨማሪ መኪናዎች ለማግኘት ከታች ያለውን Link ይጫኑ!

UZD cars‘ን ስለመረጡ እናመሰግናለን::

Transmission: Automatic
Fuel type: Benzene
Engine Size: 1000cc
Plate no: 2 A26
Steering wheel alignment: Changed to Left Hand(Meri Yezore)
Status: used in Ethiopia

የአቋም መግለጫ፡

In a very good condition.

Price: 1,280,000
Commission will be asked(2%)

Contact:0991161716 / 0939872129 or @kaltwopointoh

ተጨማሪ መኪናዎች ለማግኘት ከታች ያለውን Link ይጫኑ!

UZD cars‘ን ስለመረጡ እናመሰገናለን::

Transmission: Manual
Fuel type: Benzene
Engine Size: 1300cc
Steering wheel alignment:Original Left Hand(meri yalzore)
Plate no: 3 B73
Status: used in Ethiopia

የአቋም መግለጫ፡

In a very good Condition.

Cash: 500,000ETB
ብድር: 500,000(21,7000 በወር)
Commission will be asked(2%)

Contact:0991161716/ 0939872129 or @kaltwopointoh

ተጨማሪ መኪናዎች ለማግኘት ከታች ያለውን Link ይጫኑ!

UZD cars‘ን ስለመረጡ እናመሰግናለን::

Transmission: Automatic
Fuel type: Benzene
Engine Size: 1300cc
Steering wheel alignment:
Plate no: 3
Color: Kaki
Status:used in Ethiopia

የአቋም መግለጫ፡

In a very good condition.

Price: 1,500,000ETB(Last Price)
Commission will be asked(2%)

Contact:0991161716 / 0939872129 or @kaltwopointoh

ተጨማሪ መኪናዎች ለማግኘት ከታች ያለውን Link ይጫኑ!

UZD cars‘ን ስለመረጡ እናመሰግናለን::

7 last posts shown.