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Dear PRAs,
I hope you are all doing well.

I want to remind you that ADGG Phase III ended in October 2024. We've told each of you this in letters, and many of you have received your experience letters from LDI.
LDI used some leftover funds to pay the full November salaries and December's fuel and airtime for PRAs.
However, we have not yet confirmed the next phase of the project, and LDI don't have funds for future salaries.
1. PRAs who work at the district agricultural/ livestock offices should keep doing their regular tasks like performance recording and animal registrations. We will discuss further on how to proceed with the regional and district office.
2. For those PRAs on contracts, we know this situation is tough. Please go to your district agriculture office, hand over your current work, and let them know about your situation. We are talking to regional heads to see if there are any job opportunities for you in the future.
Please remember, LDI can't pay salaries right now because LDI don't get yet fund.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.
Thank you for your hard work and understanding.

Best regards,
ADGG team

Dear PRAs,
We understand your concerns. As previously communicated, the project officially closed in October 2024. Currently, LDI is checking if there are remaining funds in the budget and seeking approval from ILRI to possibly extend salary payments into November 2024.
We encourage all team members to continue their work, whether budget is secured or not, during this transition period. We acknowledge most of you were engaged with ADGG project more than 6-7 years and hope you will make history during this transition period. It is particularly important for permanent employees of the Bureau of Agriculture to keep working in performance recording, regardless of top-up funding.
We will keep you updated on the way forward.
Thank you for your dedication.
Best regards,

Dear PRAs, Thank you to everyone who has already submitted their animal lists. For those who have not yet shared theirs, please ensure that you finalize and submit the list by July 10, 2024. Let us know if you have any questions.

Dear PRAs,

We would appreciate your assistance in identifying specific animals: cows, calves, and breeding bulls—for the purpose of hair sample collection. Please ensure that the identified animals meet the following criteria:
- Cows should have records of calving and milk production.
- Calves must have documented birth dates, along with sire and dam information.
- For bulls selected for hair sampling, please ensure that they either have progeny (daughters) or are ready for breeding.
Once identified, could you kindly list these animals in an Excel spreadsheet and forward it to our team? This will facilitate the hair sampling process.
Should you have any questions or require further clarification on the selection criteria or process, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Dear PRAs, the error is well noted and the team is working on it on the background. Hope they will solve the error soon. In the meantime, please keep going of visiting farms and keep all the records in your note book. We will let you know the update.

Dear colleagues, kindly find attached herewith the breed proportion. Kindly provide the result to the respective farmers to support informed decision. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

Dear PRAs, kindly look ADGG registered bulls in your district. GIZ are looking for bulls to buy from farmers. Please check alive registered young bulls and willingness of farmers to sell to GIZ (non-governmental organization). Please let Besufekade and Abdu let know the availability. Thank you in advance. Best regards, Selam

Dear PRAs, Please note that we are aware and apologize for experiencing frequent challenge while using ODK tool. Abdu is working hard to solve the error with other colleagues. I knew some of the issues are already resolved. Please be patient and will notify you when get ride of the problems.

July 01 -12 (12 days Report)

The following female calf are registered without DAM.
Kindly give us the dam information
Girma Amare
Destaw Berihun
Mekonnen Bekele
Worki Olana
Getu yeshitila
Abayneh Chaka
Tamiru Dechasa
Hana Berhanu
Fejiru Jemal

June 01 -12, 2022 PRA Report

Dear colleagues, kindly note that we are expecting all AI data inseminated in your district by AI technicians and/or PRAs. The most important thing is to get the right information (inseminated cow id, bull id and insemination date). Hope this will help.

Why Male/Female calf are registered without DAM? Yellow highlighted male calf are given ODK tag number but the bad thing is they don't have dam information useless data

Forward from: ADGG@Ethiopia
May 01-31 , 2022 Final Report

Dear colleagues, kindly see the minimum data point expected from each PRA on monthly basis. Please don't limit yourself with the minimum record. We highly appreciate for your unreserved effort.

Weekly Report May 01-08 , 2022

April 2022 Monthly PRA Report based on data registration date . Let me know if you have missing records

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