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የኢትዮጵያ የማንሰራራት ዘመን ጅማሮ በበርካታ የኢኮኖሚ መስኮች እየታየ ነው። በኢትዮጵያ ከዚህ ቀደም ባልተለመደ መልኩ ቡናን በዘመናዊ የመስኖ ቴክኖሎጂ በማልማት እና በማሽን በመልቀም ምርታማነትን በሄክታር 60 ኩንታል ማድረስ ተችሏል።ይህን በሁሉም የቡና አምራች አካባቢዎች በማስፋት የዘርፉን የወጪ ንግድ ገቢ ማሳደግ ይገባል።
Ethiopia is entering a new era of revival, marked by significant advancements in various economic sectors. One notable achievement is in coffee production, where the implementation of modern irrigation technologies and mechanized harvesting has enabled productivity to reach 60 quintals per hectare.
Ethiopia is entering a new era of revival, marked by significant advancements in various economic sectors. One notable achievement is in coffee production, where the implementation of modern irrigation technologies and mechanized harvesting has enabled productivity to reach 60 quintals per hectare.