Ambo Ifa Boru

Гео и язык канала: Эфиопия, Английский
Категория: Образование

Ambo Ifa Boru Special Boarding School is one of the special boarding schools established in 2013 and started operations in 2014. It is a school that aims to produce students who will be the stars of the country.

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Эфиопия, Английский
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✅Answers For Above Questions ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

Source: @ethiomatric

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የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ፣ የአራዳ ክ/ከተማ የሶሻሎች 2016ዓም 2ኛ ሴሚስተር ሞዴል ፈተና ⬇️፡፡ መልሶቹን ኮሜንት ላይ አስቀምጠናል፡፡

English እና SAT ከናቹራሎች ጋር አንድ አይነት ነው፡፡

Source: @ethiomatric

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Biology Review Questions

📁 File Name : Biology Review Questions
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▶️ Subject: Biology
▶️Number Of Questions: 1278
▶️ Grade: 9-12


Репост из: Oromia Educational News

Barsiisotaaf Lafa Mana Jireenyaa Irratti Ijaarratan Akka Kennamuu Ajajni Darbeera.
BBO-15/07/2016 Gumii Tiraansiformeeshinii Barnootaa Oromiyaa(GTBO) kan hogganan, Pirezidaantiin Mootuummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa dhimmoota qulqullina barnootaa mirkaneessuu danda'an irratti Yaa'ii Barnootaa Oromiyaa Sadaasa 16/2016 Magaalaa Adaamaa Giddu Gala Abbaa Gadaa Galma Odaatti Gaggeeffameen murtee abbaa qabxii 8 labsuun ni yaadatama.

Qabxii 8 murtaa'an keessaa #tokko_barsiisotni_lafa_mana jireenyaa_magaalatti_hin_argatin hundi #hatattamaan akka kennamuuf kan murtaa'e ture.

Murtee darbe gara gochaatti kan jijjiiran Pirezidaantii MNO, Ambaasaaddara Barnootaafi Hogganaa Gumii Tiraansiformeeshinii Barnootaa Orromiyaa kabajamoo obbo Shimallis Abdiisaa jechaan kan dubbatan gara gochaatti jijjiiraniiru.

Kanuma bu'uura gochuun Biiroon Lafaa Oromiyaa waajjiraalee magaalota Lafaa Oromiyaatiif Ajaja dabarsaniiru.

Kennaa lafaa mana jireenyaa #yeroof_dhorkamee_ture_barsiisota_keenyaaf_jedhanii_dhorkaa_kaasuun yeroo tokkoof qofa barsiisotaa lafa hin argatiniif akka kennamu #ajaja_kan_dabarsan_kabajamoo_Pirezidaantii_keenya_galateeffachaa, heyyama kenname irratti hundaa'un Waajjirri Barnootaa Godinaalee, Magaalotaafi Aanolee hordoffii taasisuun galmaan akka geessan dhaamsa Biiroo Barnootaa Oromiyaa ta'a.

Madda : Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa

Odeeffannoolee Barnootaan Walqabataniif Channel keenya Daawwadhaa👇👇👇👇




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Репост из: Entrance Questions
Unit Four: Genetics - Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the genetic material that carries hereditary information in living organisms?
A) Proteins
B) Carbohydrates
D) Lipids

2. Which of the following represents the structure that carries genetic information in the form of genes?
A) Ribosome
B) Mitochondria
C) Nucleus
D) Golgi apparatus

3. Which process involves the separation of replicated chromosomes into two identical sets during cell division?
A) Transcription
B) Translation
C) DNA replication
D) Mitosis

4. Mendelian inheritance is based on the principles established by which scientist?
A) Gregor Mendel
B) Charles Darwin
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Alexander Fleming

5. In a Mendelian cross, if a dominant trait is represented by "A" and a recessive trait by "a," what would the genotype be for a heterozygous individual?
B) Aa
C) aa
D) None of the above

6. What determines the sex of an individual in humans?
A) Number of chromosomes
B) Presence of specific genes
C) Hormonal balance
D) Environmental factors

7. Which type of inheritance involves traits that are controlled by multiple genes?
A) Mendelian
B) Non-Mendelian
C) Polygenic
D) Sex-linked

8. What is the purpose of genetic testing and counseling?
A) To alter genetic material
B) To prevent genetic disorders
C) To enhance physical traits
D) To modify gene expression

9. Which branch of biology focuses on the study of genetic disorders and their treatment?
A) Biochemistry
B) Genetics
C) Ecology
D) Zoology

10. What is the term used to describe the process of introducing genes into an individual to treat a genetic disorder?
A) Gene splicing
B) Gene therapy
C) Gene mapping
D) Gene editing


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Репост из: Entrance Questions
Multiple Choice Questions on Chemical Equilibrium

1. In a reversible reaction, when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction, the system is said to be in:

A. Dynamic equilibrium
B. Irreversible equilibrium
C. Static equilibrium
D. Unstable equilibrium

2.Which of the following factors does NOT affect the position of chemical equilibrium?

A. Temperature
B. Pressure
C. Catalyst
D. Concentration of reactants and products

3. The equilibrium constant expression (Kc) for the reaction: 2A + 3B ⇌ C + D is:

A. [C][D] / [A]^2[B]^3
B. [A]^2[B]^3 / [C][D]
C. [A]^3[B]^2 / [C][D]
D. [C][D] / [A][B]

4. Le Chatelier's Principle states that if a stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system will respond by:

A. Increasing the stress
B. Decreasing the stress
C. Neutralizing the stress
D. Restoring equilibrium by shifting the reaction in a direction that reduces the stress

5. Which of the following is NOT a common term used in phase equilibrium?

A. Component
B. Phase
C. Molecule
D. Degree of freedom

6. The phase rule helps in determining the number of:

A. Molecules in a system
B. Components, phases, and degrees of freedom in a system
C. Moles of reactants in a reaction
D. Equilibrium constants in a reaction

7. A system at equilibrium is characterized by:

A. Constant concentrations of reactants and products
B. Constant temperature only
C. Constant pressure only
D. Constant volume only

8. The equilibrium constant (Kc) is a ratio of:

A. Concentration of products to reactants at equilibrium
B. Rate of forward reaction to rate of reverse reaction
C. Number of moles of products to reactants
D. Temperature of the reaction system

9. Which of the following is NOT a condition for the attainment of chemical equilibrium?

A. Closed system
B. Reversible reaction
C. Constant temperature
D. Excess reactants

10. The equilibrium constant (Kc) for a reaction is affected by changes in:

A. Catalyst concentration
B. Temperature
C. Volume of the container
D. Presence of impurities in the reactants

Everyone Comment Your Answers and Correct others answer on comment if you find any wrong answers.

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Galmeen Barattoota Kutaa 12ffaa Bara 2016 #Torban_Kana_Keessa_Xumurama Jedhame.
BBO- 25/06/2016 Barattootni kutaa 12ffaa bara 2016 Qormaata Biyyoolessaa fudhachuu danda'an galmeen isaanii Guyyaa 30/06/2016 kan xumuramu ta'uu I/A hogganaa Biiroo Barnootaa Oromiyaa Dr. Galaanaa W/mikaa'el ibsaniiru.

#Galmeen_kun_Guraandhala #30/2016 #booda_karaa_kamiinuu waan_hindanda'amneef, hoggontootni manneen barnootaa, barattootni, barsiisotni manneen barnootaafi maatiin barattootaa xiyyeeffannoo itti kennuun guyyaa kaa'ame dura akka xumruu qaban kan dhaaman Dr. Galaanan, #Sarvarii barattootni 'online' irratti galmaa'an guyyaa 30/06/2016 booda siistamni waan cufuuf galmee fudhachuu hin danda'u.
Kanaafuu, barataan #Sarvarii_kanarratti_hin_galmaa'in #Qormaata_Biyyoolessaa bara 2016  #fudhachuu_hin_danda'u, carraan barataa kan bara 2016 jala gubata. Galmeen Sarvarii irratti gaggeeffamu akka biyyoolessaatti(Itoophiyaatti) waan ta'eef duubatti deebisuun hin danda'amu.
Kanaafuu, Qaamni dhimmi barattoota keenyaa ilaallatu hundi, #Gumiin_Tiraansiformeeshinii_Barnootaa_Oromiyaa( #GTBO) sadarkaa sadarkaan jirtan, #dura_bu'aan_MB, #Barattootni, #Maatiin_Barattootaa, #Barsiisotni, #Supparvaayizarootni Barnootaafi kan biroo barataa tokkollee ta'u/taatu, dogoggora galmeetiin carraan qormaata fudhachuu akka isaan hin dabarre miira itti gaafatamummaatin hojjachuu akka qaban Dr. Galaanaan dhaamsa dabarsaniiru.


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Репост из: Entrance Questions
Dear students,

Notes on classification in 🧫Biology

As you prepare for the National Exam (#Matric) in biology, it's important to have a solid understanding of classification. Here are some key points to remember:

1. Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying organisms, and it provides a system for organizing and communicating information about the diversity of life.

2. Classification is the process of grouping organisms based on their similarities and differences.

3. The hierarchy of classification includes domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

4. The five kingdoms of life are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

Good luck with your exam preparation!

        Source: @ethelt74

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#Manneen barnootaa idil addunyaa Finfinneetti qormaata kutaa 6ffaa, 8ffaa fi 12ffaa akka hin kennineef dhorkamaniiru.

Waajjirri Barnoota Magaalaa Finfinnee barattoonni manneen barnootaa idil-addunyaa magaalattii keessatti baratan qormaata kutaa 6ffaa, 8ffaa fi 12ffaa akka hin fudhanne dhorkuun isaa ni beekama.

Manneen barnootaa kanneen keessatti lammiileen Itoophiyaa hedduun osoo baratan; Barattoonni kaarikulamii biyya biraa baratanii qormaata biyyaa fudhachuun sirrii akka hin taane waajjirichi ibsee ture ni yaadatama.

Sheger F.M. akka jedhanitti manneen barnootaa barattoota isaanii kaarikulamii Itiyoophiyaa wal cinaa barsiisuu eegalaniiru. Jechuun gabaase.

Kanarraa kan ka’e qormaata biyyoolessaa kutaa 12ffaa dabalatee qorumsa naannoo akka hin kennineef uggurri isaan irra kaa’ame akka ka’e himamaa ture.

Finfinneen manneen barnootaa idil addunyaa 19tu jira. Gabaasni tokko akka agarsiisutti.

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