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✅ አዲሱ የNotcoin project ሲሆን የBETA ጊዜውን ጨርሶ አሁን ወቷል.. መስራት የምትፍልጉ ካላችሁ በጊዜ ጀምሩ!

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➖ potential: $POD token airdrop

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Daily Checki in እና Spin አድርጉ ✔️

Today Ari & Xenea Wallet Quiz Answer ✔️


PAWS claim starts tomorrow🔥

$SEED🥰 Update

📌ትክክለኛ ወሩን ባይገልፁትም በ20 TGE እንደሚደረግ Discord ላይ አሳውቀዋል።

DONOT Combo: 12/03/25

Position:  9-19-7-8

● Share - @bkreality
● Share - @bkreality

Spell combo

Bybit Launchpool ተጀምሯል:

1.በዚህ ውስጥ የተወሰኑ ክሪፕቶዎችን ማለትም BBSOL,MNT,ወይም USDT STAKING በማድረግ በነፃ የ $PAWS TOKEN ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ።

2.ቀላሉ መንገድ USDT ወደ Launchpool በማስገባት ነፃ $PAWS ቶክን መቀበል ነው።በዚህ መንገድ እስከ $2,000 STAKING ማድረግ ይቻላል

3.ይሄ ፕሮግራም ከተተናቀቀ ቡኃላ ሙሉ ለሙሉ STAKING ያደረጋችሁት BBSOL,USDT ወይም MNT የሚመለስ ይሆናል።

4.ይህ ፕሮግራም ከMARCH 12 እስከ MARCH 17 ድረስ ይቆያል።ይህን ዕድል በመጠቀም ለዚህ ተብሎ ከተዘጋጀው 1,200,000,000 $PAWS ተካፋይ መሆን ትችላላችሁ።

የበለጠ STAKING ካደረጋችሁ፣የበለጠ ቶክን ታገኛላቹ!

Bybit Website

በHTX እና በWeb3Foundation ጨምሮ በ12 ግዙፍ ድርጅቶች የሚደገፍ Project ሲሆን ከ2020 ጀምሮ በ $CESS ቶክን Development ሲሰሩ የቆዩ ድርጅት ነው በስተመጨረሻ ከ5 አመት በዋላ በAirdrop መልክ CESS DeSharp Airdrop ብለው መጠዋል።

ምንም አይነት ወጪ አይጠይቅም እንዲሁም በቀን 3ደቂቃ ለCheck In እና Quiz Challenge ለመሳተፍ ቢወስድባቹ ነው።

8M💵 funded 🔥

1. ከ📱 ጋር ወይም በEmail ግቡ (X recommended)
2. ከዛ ታስኮችን መጨረስ(Daily Check In, Quiz Challenge…)

ለመጀመር ሊንክ👇



1 $HOT 🔥≈ $21 IN Pre-Market 🫨🫨

$PAWS Deposit Bybit ላይ መጥቷል ✔️

Beamable Network ላይ ሁለት አዳዲስ Task መጥተዋል ግቡና ስሩ✔️

ስለዚህ KYC ሚያስፈልገው ለ ICO Participant ነው Airdrop ለተሳተፍነው ሳይሆን👍

🗣Ari Wallet Update ✔️

KYC on website is only if ICO participants & not for Airdrop

🚀 What is ICO ?
An ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is like a crowdfunding campaign for new cryptocurrency projects. Here's how it works:

🟠 A company creates a new cryptocurrency or token.
🟠 They sell these tokens to early investors, usually in exchange for popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.
🟡 The money raised helps the company build their project.
🟡 Investors hope the tokens will become more valuable over time, so they can sell them later for a profit.

But be careful! Many ICOs are risky, and some can even be scams. Always do your research before investing.
🚀 Can I sell my ARI Tokens ?

Yes, you can sell your tokens from an ICO, but it depends on a few things:

If you’re mining Ari Tokens and they’ve launched an ICO, you can sell your tokens only after they’re listed on an exchange and any lock-up period is over. Make sure to check the project’s rules and the exchange where the tokens will be trade

🚀 Is it compulsory to get Airdrop

No! this KYC is only needed if you want to buy $ARI tokens at

🔴 TGE in Q2 👀

ኧረ ወገን ምን ጉድ ነው 👀

አሁን ያለንን Ari Point ሙሉ ቢሰጡን በዚህ ዋጋ ሚሊየነር😂

Today Ari & Xenea  wallet Daily Quiz Answer

Ari 👉 Answer B

Xenea 👉 Answer A

Date 👉
March - 12

Ari wallet ላይ KYC መጥቷል ✔️

በመጀመሪያ ወደዚህ Website ትሄዳላችሁ 👉

በመቀጠል Menu Button ንኩና Sign in አድርጉ

ከዛም KYC ሚለውን ትነካላችሁ

በመጨረሻም ID Available እና Liveness Check ማድረግ ነው☺️

▶️OpenLedger Epoch 2 Live ላይ ነው

በየቀኑ እየገባችሁ Daily Checkin አድርጉ ✔️

➡️ Openledger-Testnet

DONOT Combo: 11/03/25

Position:  18-12-14-3

● Share - @bkreality
● Share - @bkreality


spin አድርጉ

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