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The Secret of Selling Anything - Harry Browne.pdf

A road map to success for the salesman… who is not aggressive, who is not a “smooth talker,” and who is not an extrovert

The Secret of Selling Anything

How to Talk to Anyone.pdf
15 secrets successful people know about Time management

The productivity habits of 7 billionaries, 13 athlet, and 239 entrepreneurs.

🎯 Common mistakes beginner freelancers make: Tolerating late payments 

Late payments are not acceptable. If a delay happened once, give the client a polite, but firm reprimand. If late payments somehow become the norm, fire that client. 

To avoid late client payments:

- Be upfront about acceptable payment terms 

- Introduce contract clauses for charging a late fee on overdue invoices 


🎯 Common mistakes beginner freelancers make: Not building a financial cushion 

It’s normal to go through a feast and famine cycle in your first year of freelancing. What’s problematic is when you don’t plan ahead for the rainy day. Don’t spend your entire income each month. Create a system of pockets where you set aside extra money to cover: 

- Monthly business expenses 
- Tax payments 
- Delayed client payments 

It’s important to maintain a business bank account, with a minimum of one month's worth of personal and business expenses as your safety net. 


Common mistakes beginner freelancers make: Commingling personal and business finances 

Freelancers may want to avoid the hassle of opening a new bank account when they start out, and rather channel funds to a personal account. 

If you’re registered as self-employed, this is legally allowed. But commingling business and personal funds will likely make the end of a financial year a nightmare. You’ll have to sort through countless transactions to highlight client payments and business expenses, then do a painful tally of those. 


🎯 Common mistakes beginner freelancers make: Working without a signed contract 

Never ever start delivering a service before you put things in writing. Period. A work contract is a mutual agreement on the scope of work, payment terms, and obligations of both parties. It should be ironed out in advance to avoid any unsavory questions like “What happens if the work gets delayed from your end or the client’s side?”, “How many revisions are allowed?”, “When will I get my money?”. 

If the engagement goes awry, you have a legal document, which protects your right to getting paid. Plus, it’s a document you can always point toward when the client makes unreasonable demands.


🎯 Top freelancing tips for beginners: Ask for that referral

We all know that having a client referred to you is the most cost-effective way to grow your business. But many new freelancers still struggle to ask for referrals, which can usually be traced back to every freelancer's frienemy, imposter syndrome. 

Did you know that 89% of freelancers name "referrals" as the best way to get new projects? For comparison, less than 25% rely on "cold pitching" or "job boards." Another study of independent workers found that 84% of solo business owners who earn more than $100,000 per year get most of their work through word-of-mouth recommendations. TL;DR: If you're going to thrive as a freelancer, you need to ask for that referral


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without complex,
-marketing campaigns.
-social media
or ANY of the online "grunt work" that rarely, if ever, results in getting new customers or the actual making of money

🎯Top freelancing tips for beginners: Never stop upskilling as a freelancer

No matter how confident you are in your skills, the reality is that way the world works is evolving at lightning speed —  with a 0% chance of slowing down anytime soon. What does it mean? It means that taking a single Hubspot course about Introduction to SEO back in the Spring of 2010 (or 2019, for that matter) isn't gonna cut it by today's standards. Especially if you're claiming to be an SEO expert.

By choosing to earn a living as a freelancer in today's competitive landscape, you're committing to life as a forever student of your chosen craft. And while courses can be a great way of staying up-to-date, it comes down to retaining your sense of curiosity.

Commit to reading just one article a day and watch how quickly you pick up the "industry lingo." Listen to podcasts. Watch tutorials on YouTube. Attend webinars. Follow other industry professionals on their chosen medium and keep an eye on what they're up to. Join a community, as suggested above. As long as you remain engaged in your craft, remaining on the cutting edge becomes a lot easier. 


🎯Top freelancing tips for beginners: Join an online freelancer community

One of the mistakes we see new freelancers make is not reaching out to fellow freelancers in their industry. While it can be easy to fall into the trap of seeing them as competition, or being hesitant to engage because it triggers your imposter syndrome, the fact is that these people are your people. No one else will be able to understand the highs and lows of freelancing like your fellow solos.

And while the community aspect is invaluable in itself, it's super common for freelancers to share jobs that they're either too busy to take on or not right for. And as a member of the community, you'll be in a great position to leap on these juicy opportunities!


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🎯Top freelancing tips for beginners: Create a world-class client onboarding experience

As a freelancer, you'll soon learn that each client has their own style when it comes to collaborating on projects. Just like ballroom dancing, there are certain partners that will immediately take the lead, while others will want you to take the lead. We have first-hand experience with how tempting it can be, as a first-time freelancer, to let the client take the lead from start of the project. Less opportunity for them to see how inexperienced you are, right? 

Actually, wrong. There are a lot of great reasons to have a bullet-proof client onboarding process: it eliminates unnecessary back and forth, reduces scope creep (aka the client expecting you to do more than initially agreed), and work more efficiently. With an onboarding process, you immediately establish that you're a professional who knows what they're doing. This will also help you reduce client churn and even get more referrals! (More on referrals later.) 


🎯 Top freelancing tips for beginners: Learn how to negotiate like a pro as a freelancer

Negotiating as a freelancer is both an art and a science. While there are some clients who will accept your proposal no questions asked, there are others that will be looking for a discount through any means necessary (begging, threatening, and stealing AKA refusing to pay).

For this reason, it's important to do your research. Freelancer communities can be your best friend when it comes to figuring out rates in your industry/niche (more on that later). It's also important to conduct yourself like the confident, competent professional that you are from the very beginning of the interaction to prove that you're worth every penny.


🎯 Top freelancing tips for beginners: Find the right prices for your freelance services

Here's another subject that can instantly overwhelm new freelancers. You don't want to scare off the client by charging too much, but you also want to be fairly compensated for your work. It's extremely difficult to find this elusive break-even point between undercharging and overcharging — especially when you've never done the work before. 

So here's one of our best tips for first-time freelancers: when you're first starting out, agree to an hourly rate that you and the client both feel is fair. From there, meticulously track the time you spend on each stage of the project with tools like Toggl. Before long, you'll have a better idea of how much time a project takes and you'll have the data to back it up, should you choose to adopt a project-based pricing structure in the future. That will help you feel much more confident when creating project proposals for prospective clients. 


🎯Top freelancing tips for beginners: No work to show? Prove what you can do with a 'spec' projects

Another tip on showcasing your work as a first-time freelancer. No one said it has to be a real, paid project. New creatives hoping to land their big break working at a fancy ad agency have long made "spec ad campaigns" or "speculative ad campaigns" where they conjure up an imaginary brief for a project to showcase the skills no one has paid them for yet.

There's nothing to stop you from doing the same. Just be sure to be up-front with the client by letting them know, "This is some spec work that I created to give you a better idea of what I can do."


🎯 Top freelancing tips for beginners: Build confidence with potential freelance clients by creating a portfolio

New freelancers often worry they need an impressive website to attract clients, but that’s not necessary at the start. Clients just need proof that the freelancer can do the job, which can be as simple as a well-organized Google Drive folder.

A professional portfolio website can come later when there’s more cash flow to invest in it.


🔵 Top freelancing tips for beginners: Start looking for clients by using freelance platforms

Freelancing platforms can be helpful for beginners looking for work but are also known for attracting low-paying clients who may exploit inexperienced freelancers. While these platforms can be a good starting point, freelancers should research pricing, set boundaries, and trust their instincts to avoid being undervalued.

Experienced freelancers often move beyond these platforms to higher-quality opportunities. Alternatives like Xolo offer a way to showcase skills, connect with peers, and find long-term projects with reputable clients, avoiding bidding wars and exploitative work conditions.


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