Communicative English II
by chapter
Unit 1 join
@ethiofreshman201well-being - healthy or happy
self-awareness - conscious knowledge, feeling, motives, and desires
peer pressure - influence from members of one’s peer group
self-efficacy - efficiency + effectivness, speed + quality
How fast and how well you do something
self-esteem - The quality we give ourself
framed - formed, seen, considered
innumerable - too many
core - core, main, central
kinship - blood relationship
pursue - to follow
UNIT 2 join
@ethiofreshman201ravage - to cause severe and extensive damage
insidious - proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
afflict - to cause pain or suffering
invariably - always
debilitate - to weaken
offensive - causing resentment or anger
inevitable - certain to happen; unavoidable
vital - absolutely necessary
vulnerable - susceptible to harm or injury
abundant - existing or available in large quantities
toxicity - the degree to which a substance can harm humans or animals
dilution - the action of making a liquid less concentrated
potency - the power or effectiveness of something
dispense - to distribute or administer something
1.concentration = Toxicity
2similarly = . Invariably
3. important = Vital
4. deceptive = Insidious/bad
5. give out = Dispense
6. consequences = Potency
Unit 3 join @ethiofreshman201changed completely - altered drastically/transformed
fell very dramatically - demolish very radically/plumpted
reject - discard/refute
uncontrolled - unrestrained/rampant
very serious - sever conditions/acute
strangely and worryingly - strangely/eerily
UNIT 4 join @ethiofreshman201unconvincing - persuasive
discord - solidarity
restricted - unrestrained/helped/improved/empowered
increase - reduce
peculiar - global